2023-09-01 07:28:50 +03:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import utils 1.0
\qmltype AirdropFeesSubscriber
\inherits QtObject
\brief Helper object that holds the request data and the fee response when available
QtObject {
id: root
required property string communityId
required property var contractKeysAndAmounts
required property var addressesToAirdrop
required property string feeAccountAddress
required property bool enabled
// JS object specifing fees for the airdrop operation, should be set to
// provide response to airdropFeesRequested signal.
// The expected structure is as follows:
// {
// fees: [{
// ethFee: {CurrencyAmount JSON},
// fiatFee: {CurrencyAmount JSON},
// contractUniqueKey: string,
// errorCode: ComputeFeeErrorCode (int)
// }],
// totalEthFee: {CurrencyAmount JSON},
// totalFiatFee: {CurrencyAmount JSON},
// errorCode: ComputeFeeErrorCode (int)
// }
property var airdropFeesResponse: null
readonly property string feesError: {
if (!airdropFeesResponse) return ""
if (airdropFeesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Success) return ""
if (airdropFeesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Balance)
return qsTr("Your account does not have enough ETH to pay the gas fee for this airdrop. Try adding some ETH to your account.")
if (airdropFeesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Infura)
return qsTr("Infura error")
2024-07-12 13:28:25 -04:00
if (airdropFeesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Revert)
return qsTr("Estimation reverted. Make sure you are using the account that owns the TokenMaster or Owner Token.")
2023-09-01 07:28:50 +03:00
return qsTr("Unknown error")
readonly property string totalFee: {
if (!airdropFeesResponse || !Object.values(airdropFeesResponse.totalEthFee).length || !Object.values(airdropFeesResponse.totalFiatFee).length) return ""
if (airdropFeesResponse.errorCode !== Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Success && airdropFeesResponse.errorCode !== Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Balance)
return ""
return `${LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(airdropFeesResponse.totalEthFee)} (${LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(airdropFeesResponse.totalFiatFee)})`
readonly property var feesPerContract: {
if (!airdropFeesResponse || !Object.values(airdropFeesResponse.fees).length || totalFee == "") return []
return airdropFeesResponse.fees.map(fee => {
return {
contractUniqueKey: fee.contractUniqueKey,
feeText: `${LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(fee.ethFee)} (${LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(fee.fiatFee)})`
2023-09-01 12:27:44 +03:00