2022-10-21 15:37:39 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.14
import AppLayouts . Chat . popups 1.0
import shared . popups 1.0
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
/* required */ property var rootStore
function openSendIDRequestPopup ( publicKey , cb ) {
2022-12-01 11:24:25 +01:00
const contactDetails = Utils . getContactDetailsAsJson ( publicKey , false )
2022-10-21 15:37:39 +02:00
const popup = Global . openPopup ( sendIDRequestPopupComponent , {
userPublicKey: publicKey ,
userDisplayName: contactDetails . displayName ,
userIcon: contactDetails . largeImage ,
userIsEnsVerified: contactDetails . ensVerified ,
"header.title" : qsTr ( "Verify %1's Identity" ) . arg ( contactDetails . displayName ) ,
challengeText: qsTr ( "Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask %1 to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...)." ) . arg ( contactDetails . displayName ) ,
buttonText: qsTr ( "Send verification request" )
} )
if ( cb )
cb ( popup )
function openOutgoingIDRequestPopup ( publicKey , cb ) {
try {
const verificationDetails = root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . getSentVerificationDetailsAsJson ( publicKey )
const popupProperties = {
userPublicKey: publicKey ,
verificationStatus: verificationDetails . requestStatus ,
verificationChallenge: verificationDetails . challenge ,
verificationResponse: verificationDetails . response ,
verificationResponseDisplayName: verificationDetails . displayName ,
verificationResponseIcon: verificationDetails . icon ,
verificationRequestedAt: verificationDetails . requestedAt ,
verificationRepliedAt: verificationDetails . repliedAt
const popup = Global . openPopup ( contactOutgoingVerificationRequestPopupComponent , popupProperties )
if ( cb )
cb ( popup )
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( "Error getting or parsing verification data" , e )
function openIncomingIDRequestPopup ( publicKey , cb ) {
try {
const request = root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . getVerificationDetailsFromAsJson ( publicKey )
const popupProperties = {
senderPublicKey: request . from ,
senderDisplayName: request . displayName ,
senderIcon: request . icon ,
challengeText: request . challenge ,
responseText: request . response ,
messageTimestamp: request . requestedAt ,
responseTimestamp: request . repliedAt
const popup = Global . openPopup ( contactVerificationRequestPopupComponent , popupProperties )
if ( cb )
cb ( popup )
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( "Error getting or parsing verification data" , e )
function openInviteFriendsToCommunityPopup ( community , communitySectionModule , cb ) {
const popup = Global . openPopup ( inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup , { community , communitySectionModule } )
if ( cb )
cb ( popup )
function openContactRequestPopup ( publicKey , cb ) {
2022-12-01 11:24:25 +01:00
const contactDetails = Utils . getContactDetailsAsJson ( publicKey , false )
2022-10-21 15:37:39 +02:00
const popupProperties = {
userPublicKey: publicKey ,
userDisplayName: contactDetails . displayName ,
userIcon: contactDetails . largeImage ,
userIsEnsVerified: contactDetails . ensVerified
const popup = Global . openPopup ( sendContactRequestPopupComponent , popupProperties )
if ( cb )
cb ( popup )
readonly property list < Component > _d : [
Component {
id: contactVerificationRequestPopupComponent
ContactVerificationRequestPopup {
onResponseSent: {
root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . acceptVerificationRequest ( senderPublicKey , response )
onVerificationRefused: {
root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . declineVerificationRequest ( senderPublicKey )
onClosed: destroy ( )
} ,
Component {
id: contactOutgoingVerificationRequestPopupComponent
OutgoingContactVerificationRequestPopup {
onVerificationRequestCanceled: {
root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . cancelVerificationRequest ( userPublicKey )
onUntrustworthyVerified: {
root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . verifiedUntrustworthy ( userPublicKey )
onTrustedVerified: {
root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . verifiedTrusted ( userPublicKey )
onClosed: destroy ( )
} ,
Component {
id: sendIDRequestPopupComponent
SendContactRequestModal {
anchors.centerIn: parent
onAccepted: root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . sendVerificationRequest ( userPublicKey , message )
onClosed: destroy ( )
} ,
Component {
id: inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup
InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
rootStore: root . rootStore
contactsStore: root . rootStore . contactStore
onClosed: destroy ( )
} ,
Component {
id: sendContactRequestPopupComponent
SendContactRequestModal {
anchors.centerIn: parent
onAccepted: root . rootStore . profileSectionStore . contactsStore . sendContactRequest ( userPublicKey , message )
onClosed: destroy ( )