If it doesn't, consider upgrading conan with `pip install conan --upgrade` and then executing. `conan remote add -i 0 conancenter https://center.conan.io`. See [conan's documentation](https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/uploading_packages/remotes.html#conancenter) for more info.
### 2. conan libstdc++11
This applies to linux: the default conan profile does not work, since GCC uses the new C++ ABI since version 5.1 and conan, for compatibility purposes uses the oldC++ ABI.
Go to QtCreator's preferences navigate to Environment -> System -> Environment -> Change add GOBIN to the PATH
### MacOS instructions
If go is installed with `brew` use the following configuration otherwise adapt it to your environment. Also this will allow access to conan if installed by brew
Use this in the Environment section of the QtCreator's preferences: