
388 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.views 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import "../stores"
/// \beware: heavy shortcuts here, refactor to match the requirements when touching this again
/// \todo split into token history and balance views; they have different requirements that introduce unnecessary complexity
/// \todo take a declarative approach, move logic into the typed backend and remove multiple source of truth (e.g. time ranges)
Item {
id: root
property var token
/*required*/ property string address: ""
function createStore(address) {
return balanceHistoryComponent.createObject(null, {address: address})
QtObject {
id: d
property var marketValueStore : RootStore.marketValueStore
// TODO: Should be temporary until non native tokens are supported by balance history
property bool isNativeToken: typeof token !== "undefined" && token ? token.symbol === "ETH" : false
Connections {
target: walletSectionAllTokens
onTokenHistoricalDataReady: {
let response = JSON.parse(tokenDetails)
if (response === null) {
console.debug("error parsing json message for tokenHistoricalDataReady")
if(response.historicalData === null || response.historicalData <= 0)
d.marketValueStore.setTimeAndValueData(response.historicalData, response.range)
AssetsDetailsHeader {
id: tokenDetailsHeader
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
width: parent.width token && token.symbol ? Style.png("tokens/%1".arg(token.symbol)) : ""
asset.isImage: true
primaryText: token ? : ""
secondaryText: token ? `${token.enabledNetworkBalance} ${token.symbol}` : ""
tertiaryText: token ? "%1 %2".arg(Utils.toLocaleString(token.enabledNetworkCurrencyBalance.toFixed(2), RootStore.locale, {"currency": true})).arg(RootStore.currencyStore.currentCurrency.toUpperCase()) : ""
balances: token && token.balances ? token.balances : null
getNetworkColor: function(chainId){
return RootStore.getNetworkColor(chainId)
getNetworkIcon: function(chainId){
return RootStore.getNetworkIcon(chainId)
enum GraphType {
Price = 0,
Loader {
id: graphDetailLoader
width: parent.width
height: 290 tokenDetailsHeader.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 24
active: root.visible
sourceComponent: StatusChartPanel {
id: graphDetail
property int selectedGraphType: AssetsDetailView.GraphType.Price
property var selectedStore: d.marketValueStore
function dataReady() {
return typeof selectedStore != "undefined"
function timeRangeSelected() {
return dataReady() && graphDetail.timeRangeTabBarIndex >= 0 && graphDetail.selectedTimeRange.length > 0
readonly property var labelsData: {
return timeRangeSelected()
? selectedStore.timeRange[graphDetail.timeRangeTabBarIndex][graphDetail.selectedTimeRange]
: []
readonly property var dataRange: {
return timeRangeSelected()
? selectedStore.dataRange[graphDetail.timeRangeTabBarIndex][graphDetail.selectedTimeRange]
: []
readonly property var maxTicksLimit: {
return timeRangeSelected() && typeof selectedStore.maxTicks != "undefined"
? selectedStore.maxTicks[graphDetail.timeRangeTabBarIndex][graphDetail.selectedTimeRange]
: 0
graphsModel: [
{text: qsTr("Price"), enabled: true, id: AssetsDetailView.GraphType.Price},
text: qsTr("Balance"),
enabled: false, // TODO: Enable after adding ECR20 token support and DB cache. Current prototype implementation works only for d.isNativeToken
id: AssetsDetailView.GraphType.Balance
defaultTimeRangeIndexShown: ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.All
timeRangeModel: dataReady() && selectedStore.timeRangeTabsModel
onHeaderTabClicked: (privateIdentifier, isTimeRange) => {
if(!isTimeRange && graphDetail.selectedGraphType !== privateIdentifier) {
graphDetail.selectedGraphType = privateIdentifier
if(graphDetail.selectedGraphType === AssetsDetailView.GraphType.Balance) {
let selectedTimeRangeEnum = balanceStore.timeRangeStrToEnum(graphDetail.selectedTimeRange)
if(balanceStore.isTimeToRequest(selectedTimeRangeEnum)) {
RootStore.fetchHistoricalBalanceForTokenAsJson(root.address, token.symbol, selectedTimeRangeEnum)
if(!isTimeRange) {
graphDetail.selectedStore = graphDetail.selectedGraphType === AssetsDetailView.GraphType.Price ? d.marketValueStore : balanceStore
chart.chartType: 'line'
chart.chartData: {
return {
labels: graphDetail.labelsData,
datasets: [{
xAxisId: 'x-axis-1',
yAxisId: 'y-axis-1',
backgroundColor: ( === "dark") ? 'rgba(136, 176, 255, 0.2)' : 'rgba(67, 96, 223, 0.2)',
borderColor: ( === "dark") ? 'rgba(136, 176, 255, 1)' : 'rgba(67, 96, 223, 1)',
borderWidth: 3,
pointRadius: 0,
data: graphDetail.dataRange,
parsing: false,
chart.chartOptions: {
return {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: true,
legend: {
display: false
//TODO enable zoom
//zoom: {
// enabled: true,
// drag: true,
// speed: 0.1,
// threshold: 2
tooltips: {
intersect: false,
displayColors: false,
callbacks: {
label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
let label = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || '';
if (label) {
label += ': ';
label += tooltipItem.yLabel.toFixed(2);
return label.slice(0,label.indexOf(":")+1) + " %1".arg(RootStore.currencyStore.currentCurrencySymbol) + label.slice(label.indexOf(":") + 2, label.length);
scales: {
xAxes: [{
id: 'x-axis-1',
position: 'bottom',
gridLines: {
drawOnChartArea: false,
drawBorder: false,
drawTicks: false,
ticks: {
fontSize: 10,
fontColor: ( === "dark") ? '#909090' : '#939BA1',
padding: 16,
maxRotation: 0,
minRotation: 0,
maxTicksLimit: graphDetail.maxTicksLimit,
yAxes: [{
position: 'left',
id: 'y-axis-1',
gridLines: {
borderDash: [8, 4],
drawBorder: false,
drawTicks: false,
color: ( === "dark") ? '#909090' : '#939BA1'
beforeDataLimits: (axis) => {
axis.paddingTop = 25;
axis.paddingBottom = 0;
afterDataLimits: (axis) => {
if(axis.min < 0)
axis.min = 0;
ticks: {
fontSize: 10,
fontColor: ( === "dark") ? '#909090' : '#939BA1',
padding: 8,
callback: function(value, index, ticks) {
return LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(value)
TokenBalanceHistoryStore {
id: balanceStore
address: root.address
onNewDataReady: (timeRange) => {
let selectedTimeRange = timeRangeStrToEnum(graphDetail.selectedTimeRange)
if (timeRange === selectedTimeRange && address === root.address) {
ColumnLayout { graphDetailLoader.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 24
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.current.padding
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
InformationTile {
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("Market Cap")
secondaryText: token && token.marketCap !== "" ? token.marketCap : "---"
InformationTile {
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("Day Low")
secondaryText: token && token.lowDay !== "" ? token.lowDay : "---"
InformationTile {
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("Day High")
secondaryText: token && token.highDay ? token.highDay : "---"
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
InformationTile {
readonly property string changePctHour: token ? token.changePctHour : ""
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("Hour")
secondaryText: changePctHour ? "%1%".arg(changePctHour) : "---"
secondaryLabel.color: Math.sign(Number(changePctHour)) === 0 ? Theme.palette.directColor1 :
Math.sign(Number(changePctHour)) === -1 ? Theme.palette.dangerColor1 :
InformationTile {
readonly property string changePctDay: token ? token.changePctDay : ""
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("Day")
secondaryText: changePctDay ? "%1%".arg(changePctDay) : "---"
secondaryLabel.color: Math.sign(Number(changePctDay)) === 0 ? Theme.palette.directColor1 :
Math.sign(Number(changePctDay)) === -1 ? Theme.palette.dangerColor1 :
InformationTile {
readonly property string changePct24hour: token ? token.changePct24hour : ""
maxWidth: parent.width
primaryText: qsTr("24 Hours")
secondaryText: changePct24hour ? "%1%".arg(changePct24hour) : "---"
secondaryLabel.color: Math.sign(Number(changePct24hour)) === 0 ? Theme.palette.directColor1 :
Math.sign(Number(changePct24hour)) === -1 ? Theme.palette.dangerColor1 :
StatusTabBar {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Style.current.xlPadding
StatusTabButton {
leftPadding: 0
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Overview")
StackLayout {
id: stack
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
StatusScrollView {
id: scrollView
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
topPadding: 8
bottomPadding: 8
Flow {
id: detailsFlow
readonly property bool isOverflowing: detailsFlow.width - tagsLayout.width - tokenDescriptionText.width < 24
spacing: 24
width: scrollView.availableWidth
StatusBaseText {
id: tokenDescriptionText
width: Math.max(536 , scrollView.availableWidth - tagsLayout.width - 24)
font.pixelSize: 15
lineHeight: 22
lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight
text: token ? token.description : ""
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
elide: Text.ElideRight
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
textFormat: Qt.RichText
ColumnLayout {
id: tagsLayout
spacing: 10
InformationTag {
id: website
Layout.alignment: detailsFlow.isOverflowing ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignRight
iconAsset.icon: "browser"
tagPrimaryLabel.text: qsTr("Website")
controlBackground.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2
controlBackground.border.color: "transparent"
visible: typeof token != "undefined" && token && token.assetWebsiteUrl !== ""
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: Global.openLink(token.assetWebsiteUrl)
InformationTag {
id: smartContractAddress
Layout.alignment: detailsFlow.isOverflowing ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignRight
image.source: token && token.builtOn !== "" ? Style.svg("tiny/" + RootStore.getNetworkIconUrl(token.builtOn)) : ""
tagPrimaryLabel.text: token && token.builtOn !== "" ? RootStore.getNetworkName(token.builtOn) : "---"
tagSecondaryLabel.text: token && token.smartContractAddress !== "" ? token.smartContractAddress : "---"
controlBackground.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2
controlBackground.border.color: "transparent"
visible: typeof token != "undefined" && token && token.builtOn !== "" && token.smartContractAddress !== ""