2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import shared.views 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
2022-03-08 13:49:33 -05:00
import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
StatusModal {
id: root
2022-04-04 13:26:30 +02:00
header.title: qsTr("Send")
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
height: 540
property var store
2022-01-04 13:06:05 +01:00
property var contactsStore
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
property var selectedAccount
property var selectedRecipient
property var selectedAsset
property var selectedAmount
property var selectedFiatAmount
2022-02-09 01:04:49 +01:00
property var selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Address
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
property bool outgoing: true
2022-02-24 20:24:58 +01:00
property bool isARequest: false
2021-12-08 23:20:43 +02:00
property string msgId: ""
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
property string trxData: ""
2022-05-19 10:53:57 +02:00
property int chainId
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// property alias transactionSigner: transactionSigner
// property var sendTransaction: function() {
// stack.currentGroup.isPending = true
// let success = false
// success = root.store.transfer(
// selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address,
// selectRecipient.selectedRecipient.address,
// root.selectedAsset.symbol,
// root.selectedAmount,
// gasSelector.selectedGasLimit,
// gasSelector.suggestedFees.eip1559Enabled ? "" : gasSelector.selectedGasPrice,
// gasSelector.selectedTipLimit,
// gasSelector.selectedOverallLimit,
// transactionSigner.enteredPassword,
// root.chainId,
// stack.uuid,
// gasSelector.suggestedFees.eip1559Enabled,
// )
// // TODO remove this else once the thread and connection are back
//// if(!success){
//// //% "Invalid transaction parameters"
//// sendingError.text = qsTr("Invalid transaction parameters")
//// sendingError.open()
//// }
// }
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
property MessageDialog sendingError: MessageDialog {
id: sendingError
2022-04-04 13:26:30 +02:00
title: qsTr("Error sending the transaction")
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
2021-12-08 23:20:43 +02:00
signal openGasEstimateErrorPopup(string message)
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// onClosed: {
// stack.pop(groupPreview, StackView.Immediate)
// }
// onOpened: {
// gasSelector.suggestedFees = root.store.suggestedFees(root.chainId)
// gasSelector.checkOptimal()
// }
// contentItem: Item {
// width: root.width
// height: childrenRect.height
// TransactionStackView {
// id: stack
// anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
// anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
// initialItem: groupPreview
// isLastGroup: stack.currentGroup === groupSignTx
// onGroupActivated: {
// root.header.title = group.headerText
// btnNext.text = group.footerText
// }
// TransactionFormGroup {
// id: groupSelectAcct
// headerText: {
// // Not Refactored Yet
//// if(trxData.startsWith("0x095ea7b3")){
//// const approveData = JSON.parse(root.store.walletModelInst.tokensView.decodeTokenApproval(selectedRecipient.address, trxData))
//// if(approveData.symbol)
//// //% "Authorize %1 %2"
//// return qsTr("Error sending the transaction").arg(approveData.amount).arg(approveData.symbol)
//// }
// return qsTr("Send");
// }
// footerText: qsTr("Continue")
// showNextBtn: false
// onBackClicked: function() {
// if(validate()) {
// stack.pop()
// }
// }
// StatusAccountSelector {
// id: selectFromAccount
// accounts: root.store.accounts
// currency: root.store.currentCurrency
// width: stack.width
// selectedAccount: root.selectedAccount
// label: qsTr("Choose account")
// showBalanceForAssetSymbol: root.selectedAsset.symbol
// chainId: root.chainId
// minRequiredAssetBalance: parseFloat(root.selectedAmount)
// onSelectedAccountChanged: if (isValid) { gasSelector.estimateGas() }
// }
// RecipientSelector {
// id: selectRecipient
// visible: false
// accounts: root.store.accounts
// contactsStore: root.contactsStore
// selectedRecipient: root.selectedRecipient
// selectedType: root.selectedType
// readOnly: true
// }
// }
// TransactionFormGroup {
// id: groupSelectGas
// headerText: qsTr("Network fee")
// footerText: qsTr("Continue")
// showNextBtn: false
// onBackClicked: function() {
// stack.pop()
// }
// GasSelector {
// id: gasSelector
// anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
// getGasEthValue: root.store.getGasEthValue
// getFiatValue: root.store.getFiatValue
// currentCurrency: root.store.currentCurrency
// width: stack.width
// property var estimateGas: Backpressure.debounce(gasSelector, 600, function() {
// if (!(selectFromAccount.selectedAccount && selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address &&
// selectRecipient.selectedRecipient && selectRecipient.selectedRecipient.address &&
// root.selectedAsset && root.selectedAsset.symbol &&
// root.selectedAmount)) {
// selectedGasLimit = 250000
// defaultGasLimit = selectedGasLimit
// return
// }
// let gasEstimate = JSON.parse(root.store.estimateGas(
// selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address,
// selectRecipient.selectedRecipient.address,
// root.selectedAsset.symbol,
// root.selectedAmount,
// root.chainId,
// trxData
// ))
// if (!gasEstimate.success) {
// let message = qsTr("Error estimating gas: %1").arg(gasEstimate.error.message)
// root.openGasEstimateErrorPopup(message);
// return
// }
// selectedGasLimit = gasEstimate.result
// defaultGasLimit = selectedGasLimit
// })
// }
// GasValidator {
// id: gasValidator
// anchors.top: gasSelector.bottom
// anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
//// selectedAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
//// selectedAmount: parseFloat(root.selectedAmount)
//// selectedAsset: root.selectedAsset
//// selectedGasEthValue: gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue
// }
// }
// TransactionFormGroup {
// id: groupPreview
// headerText: qsTr("Transaction preview")
// footerText: qsTr("Sign with password")
// showBackBtn: false
// onNextClicked: function() {
// stack.push(groupSignTx, StackView.Immediate)
// }
// isValid: groupSelectAcct.isValid && groupSelectGas.isValid && pvwTransaction.isValid
// TransactionPreview {
// id: pvwTransaction
// width: stack.width
// fromAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
// gas: {
// "value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue,
// "symbol": "ETH",
// "fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue
// }
// toAccount: selectRecipient.selectedRecipient
// asset: root.selectedAsset
// amount: { "value": root.selectedAmount, "fiatValue": root.selectedFiatAmount }
// currency: root.store.currentCurrency
// isFromEditable: false
// trxData: root.trxData
// isGasEditable: true
// fromValid: balanceValidator.isValid
// gasValid: gasValidator.isValid
// onFromClicked: { stack.push(groupSelectAcct, StackView.Immediate) }
// onGasClicked: { stack.push(groupSelectGas, StackView.Immediate) }
// }
// BalanceValidator {
// id: balanceValidator
// anchors.top: pvwTransaction.bottom
// anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
// account: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
// amount: !!root.selectedAmount ? parseFloat(root.selectedAmount) : 0.0
// chainId: root.chainId
// asset: root.selectedAsset
// }
// GasValidator {
// id: gasValidator2
// anchors.top: balanceValidator.visible ? balanceValidator.bottom : pvwTransaction.bottom
// anchors.topMargin: balanceValidator.visible ? 5 : 0
// anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
//// selectedAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
//// selectedAmount: parseFloat(root.selectedAmount)
//// selectedAsset: root.selectedAsset
//// selectedGasEthValue: gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue
// }
// }
// TransactionFormGroup {
// id: groupSignTx
// headerText: qsTr("Sign with password")
// footerText: qsTr("Send %1 %2").arg(root.selectedAmount).arg(!!root.selectedAsset ? root.selectedAsset.symbol : "")
// onBackClicked: function() {
// stack.pop()
// }
// TransactionSigner {
// id: transactionSigner
// width: stack.width
// signingPhrase: root.store.signingPhrase
// }
// }
// }
// }
// leftButtons: [
// StatusBackButton {
// id: btnBack
// visible: stack.currentGroup.showBackBtn
// enabled: stack.currentGroup.isValid || stack.isLastGroup
// onClicked: {
// if (typeof stack.currentGroup.onBackClicked === "function") {
// return stack.currentGroup.onBackClicked()
// }
// stack.back()
// }
// }
// ]
// rightButtons: [
// StatusButton {
// id: btnNext
// text: qsTr("Next")
// enabled: stack.currentGroup.isValid && !stack.currentGroup.isPending
// visible: stack.currentGroup.showNextBtn
// onClicked: {
// const validity = stack.currentGroup.validate()
// if (validity.isValid && !validity.isPending) {
// if (stack.isLastGroup) {
// return root.sendTransaction(gasSelector.selectedGasLimit,
// gasSelector.suggestedFees.eip1559Enabled ? "" : gasSelector.selectedGasPrice,
// gasSelector.selectedTipLimit,
// gasSelector.selectedOverallLimit,
// transactionSigner.enteredPassword)
// }
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// if(gasSelector.suggestedFees.eip1559Enabled && stack.currentGroup === groupSelectGas && gasSelector.advancedMode){
// if(gasSelector.showPriceLimitWarning || gasSelector.showTipLimitWarning){
// Global.openPopup(transactionSettingsConfirmationPopupComponent, {
// currentBaseFee: gasSelector.suggestedFees.baseFee,
// currentMinimumTip: gasSelector.perGasTipLimitFloor,
// currentAverageTip: gasSelector.perGasTipLimitAverage,
// tipLimit: gasSelector.selectedTipLimit,
// suggestedTipLimit: gasSelector.perGasTipLimitFloor, // TODO:
// priceLimit: gasSelector.selectedOverallLimit,
// suggestedPriceLimit: gasSelector.suggestedFees.baseFee + gasSelector.perGasTipLimitFloor,
// showPriceLimitWarning: gasSelector.showPriceLimitWarning,
// showTipLimitWarning: gasSelector.showTipLimitWarning,
// onConfirm: function(){
// stack.next();
// }
// })
// return
// }
// }
2022-05-19 10:53:57 +02:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// if (typeof stack.currentGroup.onNextClicked === "function") {
// return stack.currentGroup.onNextClicked()
2021-12-13 15:24:21 +01:00
// }
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// stack.next()
// }
// }
// }
// ]
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// Component {
// id: transactionSettingsConfirmationPopupComponent
// TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup { }
// }
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00
2022-10-17 12:17:25 +02:00
// Connections {
// target: root.store.walletSectionTransactionsInst
// onTransactionSent: {
// try {
// let response = JSON.parse(txResult)
// if (response.uuid !== stack.uuid)
// return
// stack.currentGroup.isPending = false
// let transactionId = response.result
// if (!response.success) {
// if (Utils.isInvalidPasswordMessage(transactionId)){
// transactionSigner.validationError = qsTr("Wrong password")
// return
// }
// sendingError.text = transactionId
// return sendingError.open()
// }
// if(isARequest)
// root.store.acceptRequestTransaction(transactionId, msgId, root.store.getPubkey() + transactionId.substr(2))
// // Refactor this
// let url = "" //`${walletModel.utilsView.etherscanLink}/${response.result}`
// Global.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Transaction pending..."),
// qsTr("View on etherscan"),
// "",
// true,
// Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.normal,
// url)
// root.close()
// } catch (e) {
// console.error('Error parsing the response', e)
// }
// }
// }
2021-10-28 23:23:30 +03:00