
38 lines
859 B
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
/// The control must be squared. User must set the \c width only, height will follow.
Item {
required property string name
property alias selected: iconButton.checked
property ButtonGroup mutuallyExclusiveGroup: null
implicitWidth: iconButton.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: iconButton.implicitWidth
height: width
Button {
id: iconButton
anchors.fill: parent
text: name.length ? name.charAt(0) : ""
flat: true
checkable: true
hoverEnabled: true
autoExclusive: true mutuallyExclusiveGroup
background: Rectangle {
radius: width/2
border.width: 1
color: "#4360DF"
opacity: iconButton.checked ? 0.1 : iconButton.hovered ? 0.05 : 0