98 lines
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98 lines
4.1 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import utils 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
* Adaptor concatenating model of contacts with own profile details into single
model in order to use it as a complete source of profile info, with no
distinction between own and contat's profiles.
QObject {
id: root
/* Model with details (not including self) */
property alias contactsModel: mainSource.model
/* Self-profile details */
property string selfPubKey
property string selfDisplayName
property string selfName
property string selfPreferredDisplayName
property string selfAlias
property string selfIcon
property int selfColorId
property var selfColorHash
property int selfOnlineStatus
property string selfThumbnailImage
property string selfLargeImage
property string selfBio
readonly property ConcatModel allContactsModel: ConcatModel {
id: concatModel
expectedRoles: [
"pubKey", "displayName", "ensName", "isEnsVerified", "localNickname",
"alias", "icon", "colorId", "colorHash", "onlineStatus",
"isContact", "isCurrentUser", "isVerified", "isUntrustworthy",
"isBlocked", "contactRequestState", "preferredDisplayName",
"lastUpdated", "lastUpdatedLocally", "thumbnailImage", "largeImage",
"isContactRequestReceived", "isContactRequestSent", "removed",
"trustStatus", "bio"
markerRoleName: ""
sources: [
SourceModel {
model: ObjectProxyModel {
sourceModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
_: "" // empty role to prevent warning
delegate: QtObject {
readonly property string pubKey: root.selfPubKey
readonly property string displayName: root.selfDisplayName
readonly property string ensName: root.selfName
readonly property bool isEnsVerified: root.selfName !== ""
&& Utils.isValidEns(root.selfName)
readonly property string localNickname: ""
readonly property string preferredDisplayName: root.selfPreferredDisplayName
readonly property string name: preferredDisplayName
readonly property string alias: root.selfAlias
readonly property string icon: root.selfIcon
readonly property int colorId: root.selfColorId
readonly property var colorHash: root.selfColorHash
readonly property int onlineStatus: root.selfOnlineStatus
readonly property bool isContact: false
readonly property bool isCurrentUser: true
readonly property bool isVerified: false
readonly property bool isUntrustworthy: false
readonly property bool isBlocked: false
readonly property int contactRequestState: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property int lastUpdated: 0
readonly property int lastUpdatedLocally: 0
readonly property string thumbnailImage: root.selfThumbnailImage
readonly property string largeImage: root.selfLargeImage
readonly property bool isContactRequestReceived: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property bool isContactRequestSent: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property bool removed: false
readonly property int trustStatus: Constants.trustStatus.unknown
readonly property string bio: root.selfBio
exposedRoles: concatModel.expectedRoles
SourceModel {
id: mainSource