2022-08-12 18:55:06 +00:00
Feature: Status Desktop Group Chat
As a user I want to use group chat functionality.
Given the user starts the application with a specific data folder ../../../fixtures/group_chat
Scenario: As an admin user I want to create a group chat with my contacts and the invited users can send messages
When the user tester123 logs in with password TesTEr16843/!@00
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user creates a group chat adding users
| Athletic |
| Nervous |
Then the group chat is created
And the group chat history contains "created the group" message
And the group chat title is Athletic&Nervous
And the group chat contains the following members
| Athletic |
| Nervous |
And the group chat is up to chat sending "Admin user message sent" message
# Invited user 1
When the user restarts the app
And the user Nervous logs in with password TesTEr16843/!@00
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user clicks on Athletic&Nervous chat
Then the group chat is up to chat sending "Invited user 1 message sent!!" message
# Invited user 2
When the user restarts the app
And the user Athletic logs in with password TesTEr16843/!@00
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user clicks on Athletic&Nervous chat
Then the group chat is up to chat sending "Invited user 2 message sent!!" message
2022-07-20 12:14:50 +00:00
# TODO: Add cleanup scenario. Leave, one by one, the chat