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import QtQuick 2.15
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import shared.stores 1.0
import utils 1.0
SiweRequestPlugin is a plugin that listens for siwe requests and manages the lifecycle of the request.
SQUtils.QObject {
id: root
required property WalletConnectSDKBase sdk
// Store object expected with sign and autheticate methods and signals
required property DAppsStore store
// Account model with the following roles:
// - address
required property var accountsModel
// Networks model with the following roles:
// - chainId
required property var networksModel
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readonly property bool enabled: sdk.enabled
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// Trigger a connection request to the dApp
// Expected `connectionApproved` to be called with the key and the approved namespaces
signal connectDApp(var chains, string dAppUrl, string dAppName, string dAppIcon, var key)
// Register a SessionRequestResolved object to be presented to the user for signing
signal registerSignRequest(var request)
// Unregister the SessionRequestResolved object
signal unregisterSignRequest(var requestId)
// Signal that the request was successful
signal siweSuccessful(var requestId, var topicId)
// Signal that the request failed
signal siweFailed(var requestId, string error, var topicId)
// return true if the request was found and approved
function connectionApproved(key, approvedNamespaces) {
const siweLifeCycle = d.getSiweLifeCycle(key)
if (!siweLifeCycle) {
return false
siweLifeCycle.sessionApproved(key, approvedNamespaces)
return true
// return true if the request was found and rejected
function connectionRejected(key) {
const siweLifeCycle = d.getSiweLifeCycle(key)
if (!siweLifeCycle) {
return false
return true
Instantiator {
id: requestLifecycle
model: d.requests
// When a new request is added, we create a new SiweLifeCycle object that starts working on it
delegate: SiweLifeCycle {
required property var model
required property int index
sdk: root.sdk
store: root.store
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
networksModel: root.networksModel
request: model
onFinished: (error) => {
if (error) {
root.siweFailed(request.id, error, request.topic)
Qt.callLater(() => {
d.requests.remove(index, 1)
sdk.getActiveSessions((allSessions) => {
for (const topic in allSessions) {
if (allSessions[topic].pairingTopic != request.topic) {
root.siweSuccessful(request.id, topic)
// No new session was created
// Should not happen
root.siweSuccessful(request.id, "")
onRequestSessionApproval: (chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, key) => {
root.connectDApp(chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, key)
onRegisterSignRequest: (request) => {
onUnregisterSignRequest: (id) => {
onObjectAdded: (_, obj) => {
Connections {
target: sdk
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enabled: root.enabled
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function onSessionAuthenticateRequest(sessionData) {
if (!sessionData || !sessionData.id) {
console.warn("Error in SiweRequestPlugin: Invalid session authenticate request", sessionData)
if (d.getSiweLifeCycle(sessionData.id)) {
console.warn("Error in SiweRequestPlugin: Session request already exists", sessionData.id)
QtObject {
id: d
property ListModel requests: ListModel {}
function getSiweLifeCycle(requestId) {
for (let i = 0; i < requestLifecycle.count; i++) {
const siweLifeCycle = requestLifecycle.objectAt(i)
if (siweLifeCycle.request.id == requestId) {
return siweLifeCycle
return null