2022-08-19 15:23:09 +00:00
from scripts . global_names import *
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
# Main:
navBarListView_Wallet_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_navBarListView_ListView , " objectName " : " Wallet-navbar " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
wallet_navbar_wallet_icon_StatusIcon = { " container " : navBarListView_Wallet_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton , " objectName " : " wallet-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Account_Name = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " accountName " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
2022-08-18 17:51:18 +00:00
mainWallet_Address_Panel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addressPanel " , " type " : " StatusAddressPanel " , " visible " : True }
2023-01-05 12:50:55 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addAccountButton " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
signPhrase_Ok_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " objectName " : " signPhraseModalOkButton " , " visible " : True }
2022-08-03 10:08:46 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressesBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
2022-08-08 10:07:29 +00:00
mainWallet_Network_Selector_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " networkSelectorButton " , " type " : " StatusListItem " }
2022-08-10 14:26:29 +00:00
mainWallet_Right_Side_Tab_Bar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " rightSideWalletTabBar " , " type " : " StatusTabBar " }
2022-10-20 12:58:56 +00:00
mainWallet_Ephemeral_Notification_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " ephemeralNotificationList " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
2022-08-08 10:07:29 +00:00
2022-10-21 07:17:48 +00:00
accounts_StatusListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletAccountsListView " , " type " : " StatusListView " , " visible " : True }
firstWalletAccount_Item = { " container " : accounts_StatusListView , " index " : 0 , " objectName " : " walletAccountItem " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
2022-08-08 10:07:29 +00:00
# Assets view:
mainWallet_Assets_View_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " assetViewStatusListView " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
# Network selector popup
2022-08-09 13:52:17 +00:00
mainWallet_Network_Popup_Chain_Repeater_1 = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " networkSelectPopupChainRepeaterLayer1 " , " type " : " Repeater " }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
# Send popup:
2022-10-20 12:58:56 +00:00
mainWallet_totalCurrencyBalance = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletLeftListAmountValue " , " type " : " StyledTextEdit " }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
mainWallet_Footer_Send_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletFooterSendButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Main = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " sendModalScroll " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Amount_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " amountInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_My_Accounts_Tab = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " myAccountsTab " , " type " : " StatusTabButton " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_My_Accounts_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " myAccountsList " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Header_Accounts = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " accountsListFloatingHeader " , " type " : " Repeater " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Networks_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " networksList " , " type " : " Repeater " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Send_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " sendModalFooterSendButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " }
2022-08-09 13:52:17 +00:00
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Asset_Selector = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " assetSelectorButton " , " type " : " StatusComboBox " }
mainWallet_Send_Popup_Asset_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " assetSelectorList " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
2022-08-18 17:51:18 +00:00
mainWallet_Send_Popup_GasPrice_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " gasPriceSelectorInput " , " type " : " StyledTextField " }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
# Add account popup:
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountModalContent " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Password = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " text " : " Enter your password... " , " type " : " PlaceholderText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2022-09-27 10:10:45 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Advanced = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " ExpandableItem " , " type " : " MouseArea " , " visible " : True }
2023-02-24 12:59:14 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Type_Selector = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " selectGeneratedAccount " , " type " : " SelectGeneratedAccount " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Type_Watch_Only = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " watchOnlyAccount " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Type_Private_Key = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " generateFromPrivateKey " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Type_Seed_Phrase = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " importNewSeedPhrase " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Account_Name = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " text " : " Enter an account name... " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2023-02-24 12:59:14 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Root = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " advancedAddAccountViewRoot " , " type " : " AdvancedAddAccountView " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Watch_Only_Address = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " advancedAddAccountViewAddressInput " , " type " : " StatusBaseInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Watch_Only_Address_Placeholder = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " advancedAddAccountViewAddressInputPlaceholder " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Private_Key = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " text " : " Paste the contents of your private key " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2022-08-03 17:31:59 +00:00
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_1 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder0 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_2 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder1 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_3 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder2 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_4 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder3 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_5 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder4 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_6 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder5 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_7 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder6 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_8 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder7 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_9 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder8 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_10 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder9 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_11 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder10 " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Add_Account_Popup_Seed_Phrase_12 = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " objectName " : " seedPhraseInputPlaceholder11 " , " visible " : True }
2023-02-24 12:59:14 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Advanced_Accept_Responsibility_Checkbox = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Main , " objectName " : " fullyCustomPathCheckBox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Footer = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " StatusModalFooter " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2022-09-27 10:10:45 +00:00
mainWallet_Authenticate_Popup_Footer_Add_Account = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Footer , " text " : " Authenticate " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2022-07-29 22:51:34 +00:00
mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Footer_Add_Account = { " container " : mainWallet_Add_Account_Popup_Footer , " text " : " Add account " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2022-08-03 10:08:46 +00:00
# saved address view
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Add_Buttton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addNewAddressBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
2022-08-24 08:23:43 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " SavedAddressesView_savedAddresses " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
2022-12-01 16:58:37 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_More_Edit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " editroot " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_More_Delete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " deleteSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " }
2022-08-04 09:06:15 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_More_Confirm_Delete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " confirmDeleteSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
2022-08-03 10:08:46 +00:00
# saved address add popup
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Name_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
2023-03-06 12:30:58 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressAddressInput " , " type " : " StatusInput " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Input_Edit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressAddressInputEdit " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
2022-08-04 09:06:15 +00:00
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Add_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
2022-08-10 14:26:29 +00:00
# Collectibles view
mainWallet_Collections_Repeater = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " collectionsRepeater " , " type " : " Repeater " }
mainWallet_Collectibles_Repeater = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " collectiblesRepeater " , " type " : " Repeater " }
2022-09-27 10:10:45 +00:00
# Shared Popup
sharedPopup_Popup_Content = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " KeycardSharedPopupContent " , " type " : " Item " }
2023-02-24 12:59:14 +00:00
sharedPopup_Password_Input = { " container " : sharedPopup_Popup_Content , " objectName " : " keycardPasswordInput " , " type " : " TextField " }
2022-09-27 10:10:45 +00:00
sharedPopup_Primary_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " PrimaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
2022-09-20 12:27:52 +00:00
# Transactions view
mainWallet_Transactions_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletAccountTransactionList " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
mainWallet_Transactions_Detail_View_Header = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " transactionDetailHeader " , " type " : " TransactionDelegate " }