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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import AppLayouts.Communities.views 1.0
\qmltype PermissionsRow
\inherits Control
\inqmlmodule AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0
\brief It is a permissions row control that provides information about community tokens permissions. Inherits \l{}{Control}.
The \c PermissionsRow is the token permissions representation row component.
It has different ui abreviations / permutations depending on the tokens and permissons the permissions model provides.
Example of how to use it:
PermissionsRow {
model: root.permissionsModel
assetsModel: root.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel
overlapping: 8
overlappingBorder: 1
backgroundRadius: 8
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
Control {
id: root
\qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::model
This property holds the permissions model with expected roles: [ holdingsModel [ roles: key] ].
property var model
\qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::assetsModel
This property holds the global assets model.
property var assetsModel
\qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::collectiblesModel
This property holds the global collectibles model.
property var collectiblesModel
\qmlproperty bool PermissionsRow::requirementsMet
This property holds if the token requirements are met in case the community requires permissions.
property bool requirementsMet: false
\qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::overlapping
This property allows customizing the overlapping distance between elements.
property int overlapping: 8
\qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::overlappingBorder
This property allows customizing the overlapping border between elements.
property int overlappingBorder: 1
\qmlproperty color PermissionsRow::backgroundColor
This property holds the control background color, including border color of overlapped elements.
property color backgroundColor: Theme.palette.baseColor4
\qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::backgroundRadius
This property holds the background radius.
property int backgroundRadius: 8
\qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::dotsIconSize
This property holds the dots icon size.
property int dotsIconSize: 8
\qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::pixelSize
This property holds the font pixel size of all elements that contain text,
like the text `or` between elements or the `+2` and `+3` element's text.
property int fontPixelSize: 11
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int maxTokens: 5
readonly property int maxVisualPermissions: 2
property bool dotsVisible: false
function buildShortModel(model) {
const modelCount = model.rowCount()
if(modelCount <= 0)
// CASE 1: Only 1 or 2 permission (no abbreviations)
if(modelCount <= maxVisualPermissions) {
dotsVisible = false
for(var i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
shortModel.append(ModelUtils.get(model, i))
// Global data needed:
const permission1 = ModelUtils.get(model, 0)
const permission2 = ModelUtils.get(model, 1)
const holdingsCount1 = permission1.holdingsListModel.rowCount()
const holdingsCount2 = permission2.holdingsListModel.rowCount()
// CASE 2: Exactly 3 permissions (All they have only 1 token
// OR all they have 1 token but only 1 has 2 tokens)
if(modelCount === 3) {
const permission3 = ModelUtils.get(model, 2)
const holdingsCount3 = permission3.holdingsListModel.rowCount()
if((holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 1) ||
(holdingsCount1 === 2 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 1) ||
(holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 2 && holdingsCount3 === 1) ||
(holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 2)) {
// CASE 3: More than 2 permissions and didn't fit with previous conditions (dots visualized)
if(modelCount > maxVisualPermissions) {
dotsVisible = true
// More than 2 permissions but 1st and 2nd have only 1:1 or 1:2 tokens
if((holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1) ||
(holdingsCount1 === 2 && holdingsCount2 === 1) ||
(holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 2)) {
implicitHeight: 24
spacing: 4
padding: 1
background: Rectangle {
color: root.backgroundColor
radius: root.backgroundRadius
contentItem: RowLayout {
id: container
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: root.padding
spacing: root.spacing
StatusIcon {
Layout.preferredHeight: container.height - 6
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
Layout.leftMargin: 4
icon: root.requirementsMet ? "tiny/unlocked" : "tiny/locked"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: shortModel
RowLayout {
spacing: root.spacing
SinglePermissionRow {
model: holdingsListModel
StatusBaseText {
visible: index !== (repeater.count - 1) || d.dotsVisible
text: qsTr("or")
font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
StatusRoundedComponent {
Layout.preferredHeight: container.height
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
visible: d.dotsVisible
color: Theme.palette.baseColor3
border.color: root.backgroundColor
border.width: root.overlappingBorder
StatusIcon {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: d.dotsVisible
icon: "dots-icon"
height: root.dotsIconSize
width: height
onModelChanged: d.buildShortModel(root.model)
Connections {
target: root.model
function onCountChanged() {
Component.onCompleted: d.buildShortModel(root.model)
ListModel { id: shortModel }
component SinglePermissionRow: RowLayout {
id: singlePermissionItem
readonly property int maxVisualTokens: 3
property var model
property string plusElementText: ""
property bool plusElementVisible: false
function getVisualTokensCount(modelCount) {
if(singlePermissionItem.maxVisualTokens < modelCount)
// Need of shorter model
return singlePermissionItem.maxVisualTokens - 1
// All elements in model
return modelCount
function buildTokensRowModel(model) {
var modelCount = model.rowCount()
for(var i = 0; i < getVisualTokensCount(modelCount); i++)
shortTokensRowModel.append(ModelUtils.get(model, i))
plusElementVisible = modelCount > maxVisualTokens
plusElementText = qsTr("+%1").arg(modelCount - maxVisualTokens)
spacing: -root.overlapping
onModelChanged: buildTokensRowModel(singlePermissionItem.model)
Connections {
target: singlePermissionItem.model
function onCountChanged() {
Component.onCompleted: buildTokensRowModel(singlePermissionItem.model)
ListModel{ id: shortTokensRowModel }
Repeater {
model: HoldingsSelectionModel {
sourceModel: shortTokensRowModel
assetsModel: root.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel
StatusRoundedImage {
Layout.preferredHeight: container.height
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
z: index
image.source: model.imageSource
color: "transparent"
border.color: root.backgroundColor
border.width: root.overlappingBorder
StatusRoundedComponent {
visible: singlePermissionItem.plusElementVisible
Layout.preferredHeight: container.height
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
z: d.maxTokens
color: Theme.palette.baseColor3
border.color: root.backgroundColor
border.width: root.overlappingBorder
StatusBaseText {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: singlePermissionItem.plusElementText
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize