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feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import "DerivationPathInput" as Internals
/// Custom text input with guiding markers and layout for entering derivation paths
/// \note don't allow input control to change text, this will generate too many states from all events combinations
/// \note all modifiable events affect data model only which is then used to generate the final HTML displayable input.text
/// \note we allow non-modifiable events only (e.g. cursor movement) to propagate to the input control
/// \note d.currentIndex is always on a Number type element
/// \note implementation relies that all the events are handled serially on the same thread
Item {
id: root
readonly property alias derivationPath: d.currentDerivationPath
required property string initialDerivationPath
required property string initialBasePath
property alias levelsLimit: controller.levelsLimit
property alias errorMessage: d.errorMessage
property alias warningMessage: d.warningMessage
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
property alias input: input
signal editingFinished()
implicitWidth: input.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: input.implicitHeight
// returns true if the derivation path is valid and false otherwise. Will also set the appropriate errorMessage if the derivation path is invalid
function resetDerivationPath(basePath, newDerivationPath) {
var res = controller.completeDerivationPath(basePath, newDerivationPath)
if(res.errorMessage) {
return false
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
d.elements = res.elements
input.cursorPosition = d.elements[d.elements.length - 1].endIndex
return true
QtObject {
id: d
property string currentDerivationPath: ""
property var elements: []
/// element index at cursor position
property int currentIndex: -1
property int cursorPositionToRestore: -1
property string errorMessage: ""
property string warningMessage: ""
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
function resetMessages() { errorMessage = ""; warningMessage = "" }
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
readonly property bool selectionIsActive: Math.abs(input.selectionEnd - input.selectionStart) > 0
property bool expectTextUpdate: false
/// Updates input text with elements content
function updateText(elements, cursorOffset = 0) {
d.cursorPositionToRestore = input.cursorPosition + cursorOffset
expectTextUpdate = true
input.text = controller.generateHtmlFromElements(elements)
Component.onCompleted: {
resetDerivationPath(root.initialBasePath, root.initialDerivationPath)
Internals.Controller {
id: controller
enabledColor: root.enabled ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
frozenColor: Theme.palette.getColor('grey5')
errorColor: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
warningColor: Theme.palette.warningColor1
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
StatusBaseInput {
id: input
anchors.fill: parent
edit.textFormat: TextEdit.RichText
topPadding: 11
bottomPadding: 11
valid: d.errorMessage.length === 0
readonly property var passthroughKeys: [Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_Escape]
Shortcut {
sequence: StandardKey.Copy
enabled: d.selectionIsActive
onActivated: input.copy()
Keys.onPressed: (event)=> {
// Stop propagation of all modifiable events
for(const key of passthroughKeys) {
if(event.key === key) {
event.accepted = false
if(event.modifiers !== Qt.NoModifier && event.text.length === 0) {
event.accepted = false
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return || event.key === Qt.Key_Enter) {
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Delete) {
if(d.selectionIsActive) {
controller.deleteFromStartToEnd(d.elements, selectionStart, selectionEnd)
d.updateText(d.elements, selectionStart - cursorPosition)
if(d.currentIndex >= 0) {
const cursorOffset = controller.deleteInContent(d.elements, d.currentIndex, cursorPosition)
d.updateText(d.elements, cursorOffset)
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace) {
if(d.currentIndex >= 0) {
const cursorOffset = controller.deleteInContent(d.elements, d.currentIndex, cursorPosition, false)
d.updateText(d.elements, cursorOffset)
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Space
|| event.key === Qt.Key_Tab) {
const nextIndex = d.currentIndex + 1
if(nextIndex < d.elements.length) {
input.cursorPosition = d.elements[nextIndex].endIndex
} else {
const newElementIndex = controller.tryAddAndFixSeparators(d.elements, nextIndex)
if(newElementIndex > -1) {
d.updateText(d.elements, d.elements[newElementIndex].endIndex - cursorPosition)
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Slash
|| event.key === Qt.Key_Backslash
|| event.key === Qt.Key_Apostrophe
|| event.key === Qt.Key_QuoteLeft) {
const newElementIndex = controller.tryAddAndFixSeparators(d.elements, d.currentIndex, d.elements[d.currentIndex].startIndex === cursorPosition)
if(newElementIndex > -1) {
d.updateText(d.elements, d.elements[newElementIndex].endIndex - cursorPosition)
} else if(event.text) {
if(d.currentIndex >= 0 && d.currentIndex < d.elements.length) {
controller.insertContent(d.elements, d.currentIndex, event.text, cursorPosition)
d.updateText(d.elements, event.text.length)
property int prevCursorPosition: cursorPosition
onCursorPositionChanged: {
var nextIndex = -1
for(const i in d.elements) {
// Prioritize cursor on editable elements
if(cursorPosition >= d.elements[i].startIndex && d.elements[i].isFrozen ? cursorPosition < d.elements[i].endIndex : cursorPosition <= d.elements[i].endIndex) {
nextIndex = Number(i)
var movingLeft = cursorPosition < prevCursorPosition
if(nextIndex > -1) {
if(d.elements[nextIndex].isFrozen) {
const foundIndex = nextIndex
while(nextIndex < d.elements.length && d.elements[nextIndex].isFrozen) {
nextIndex += movingLeft ? -1 : 1
if(nextIndex < 0) {
nextIndex = foundIndex
movingLeft = false
if(nextIndex < d.elements.length) {
cursorPosition = movingLeft ? d.elements[nextIndex].endIndex : d.elements[nextIndex].startIndex
} else {
nextIndex = d.elements.length - 1
cursorPosition = d.elements[nextIndex].endIndex
} else {
// On the last element which is frozen
nextIndex = d.elements.length - 1
d.currentIndex = nextIndex
prevCursorPosition = cursorPosition
onTextChanged: {
// Ignore external text update (paste and delete events)
if(d.expectTextUpdate) {
d.expectTextUpdate = false
} else {
d.cursorPositionToRestore = prevCursorPosition
const currentText = edit.getText(0, text.length)
const validationRes = controller.validateAllElements(d.elements)
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
if(d.cursorPositionToRestore >= 0) {
input.cursorPosition = d.cursorPositionToRestore
d.cursorPositionToRestore = -1
d.errorMessage = validationRes.error
d.warningMessage = validationRes.warning
if(d.errorMessage.length > 0 || !d.elements.slice(0, -1).every(obj => obj.content.length > 0)) {
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
d.currentDerivationPath = ""
} else {
d.currentDerivationPath = currentText