2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps.types 1.0
import shared.popups.walletconnect 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import utils 1.0
import "types"
SQUtils.QObject {
id: root
required property DAppsModule dappsModule
required property string selectedAddress
required property var accountsModel
property bool walletConnectFeatureEnabled: true
property bool connectorFeatureEnabled: true
// Output properties
/// Model contaning all dApps available for the currently selected account
readonly property var dappsModel: d.filteredDappsModel
/// Model containig the dApps session requests to be resolved by the user
readonly property SessionRequestsModel sessionRequestsModel: dappsModule.requestsModel
/// Service can interact with the current address selection
/// Default value: true
readonly property bool serviceAvailableToCurrentAddress: !root.selectedAddress ||
SQUtils.ModelUtils.contains(root.accountsModel, "address", root.selectedAddress, Qt.CaseInsensitive)
readonly property bool isServiceOnline: dappsModule.isServiceOnline
// signals
2024-11-26 13:19:43 +02:00
signal connectDApp(var dappChains, url dappUrl, string dappName, url dappIcon, string connectorIcon, string key)
2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
// Emitted as a response to DAppsService.approveSession
// @param key The key of the session proposal
// @param error The error message
// @param topic The new topic of the session
signal approveSessionResult(string key, var error, string topic)
// Emitted when a new session is requested by a dApp
signal sessionRequest(string id)
// Emitted when the services requests to display a toast message
// @param message The message to display
// @param type The type of the message. Maps to Constants.ephemeralNotificationType
signal displayToastMessage(string message, int type)
// Emitted as a response to DAppsService.validatePairingUri or other DAppsService.pair
// and DAppsService.approvePair errors
signal pairingValidated(int validationState)
// methods
/// Triggers the signing process for the given session request
/// @param topic The topic of the session
/// @param id The id of the session request
function sign(topic, id) {
// The authentication triggers the signing process
// authenticate -> sign -> inform the dApp
d.sign(topic, id)
function rejectSign(topic, id, hasError) {
d.rejectSign(topic, id, hasError)
function signRequestIsLive(topic, id) {
d.signRequestIsLive(topic, id)
/// Validates the pairing URI
function validatePairingUri(uri) {
/// Initiates the pairing process with the given URI
function pair(uri) {
/// Approves or rejects the session proposal
function approvePairSession(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) {
dappsModule.approvePairSession(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress)
/// Rejects the session proposal
function rejectPairSession(id) {
/// Disconnects the dApp with the given topic
/// @param topic The topic of the dApp
/// @param source The source of the dApp; either "walletConnect" or "connector"
function disconnectDapp(topic) {
SQUtils.QObject {
id: d
readonly property var filteredDappsModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
id: dappsFilteredModel
objectName: "DAppsModelFiltered"
sourceModel: root.dappsModule.dappsModel
readonly property string selectedAddress: root.selectedAddress
2024-11-26 13:19:43 +02:00
readonly property var connectorIcons: Constants.dappImageByType
2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
2024-11-26 13:19:43 +02:00
proxyRoles: [
FastExpressionRole {
name: "connectorBadge"
expression: dappsFilteredModel.connectorIcons[connectorId]
expectedRoles: "connectorId"
2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
filters: FastExpressionFilter {
enabled: !!dappsFilteredModel.selectedAddress
function isAddressIncluded(accountAddressesSubModel, selectedAddress) {
if (!accountAddressesSubModel) {
return false
const addresses = SQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(accountAddressesSubModel, "address")
return addresses.includes(selectedAddress)
expression: isAddressIncluded(model.accountAddresses, dappsFilteredModel.selectedAddress)
expectedRoles: "accountAddresses"
function disconnectDapp(connectionId) {
function validatePairingUri(uri) {
// Check if emoji inside the URI
if(Constants.regularExpressions.emoji.test(uri)) {
} else if(!DAppsHelpers.validURI(uri)) {
function signRequestIsLive(topic, id) {
const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id)
if (!request) {
console.error("Session request not found")
function sign(topic, id) {
const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id)
if (!request) {
console.error("Session request not found")
function rejectSign(topic, id, hasError) {
const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id)
if (!request) {
console.error("Session request not found")
function reportPairErrorState(state) {
Connections {
target: root.dappsModule
enabled: root.walletConnectFeatureEnabled || root.connectorFeatureEnabled
function onPairingValidated(state) {
function onPairingResponse(key, state) {
if (state != Pairing.errors.uriOk) {
2024-11-26 13:19:43 +02:00
function onConnectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, connectorId, key) {
const connectorIcon = Constants.dappImageByType[connectorId]
root.connectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, connectorIcon, key)
2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
function onDappConnected(proposal, topic, url, connectorId) {
const dappDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url)
const connectorName = connectorId === Constants.WalletConnect ? "WalletConnect" : "Status Connector"
root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Connected to %1 via %2").arg(dappDomain).arg(connectorName), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success)
root.approveSessionResult(proposal, null, topic)
function onDappDisconnected(topic, url) {
const appDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url)
root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Disconnected from %1").arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success)
function onNewConnectionFailed(key, url, error) {
const dappDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url)
if (error === Pairing.errors.userRejected) {
root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Connection request for %1 was rejected").arg(dappDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success)
if (error === Pairing.errors.rejectFailed) {
root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Failed to reject connection request for %1").arg(dappDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger)
root.approveSessionResult(key, error, "")
function onSignCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error) {
const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id)
if (!request) {
console.error("Session request not found")
const methodStr = SessionRequest.methodToUserString(request.method)
const appUrl = request.dappUrl
const appDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(appUrl)
if (!methodStr) {
console.error("Error finding user string for method", request.method)
if (error) {
root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Fail to %1 from %2").arg(methodStr).arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger)
const requestExpired = request.isExpired()
if (requestExpired) {
root.displayToastMessage("%1 sign request timed out".arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.normal)
const actionStr = userAccepted ? qsTr("accepted") : qsTr("rejected")
root.displayToastMessage("%1 %2 %3".arg(appDomain).arg(methodStr).arg(actionStr), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success)
function onSiweCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error) {
if (error) {
root.displayToastMessage(error, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger)
root.approveSessionResult(id, error, topic)
// Timeout for the corner case where the URL was already dismissed and the SDK doesn't respond with an error nor advances with the proposal
Timer {
id: timeoutTimer
interval: 10000 // (10 seconds)
running: false
repeat: false
onTriggered: {