2024-10-15 21:26:12 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQml.Models 2.15
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
import utils 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
2023-10-03 15:31:54 +02:00
import shared.popups 1.0
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.controls.chat 1.0
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
2024-05-22 11:13:39 +03:00
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 as ProfileStores
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
import "../popups"
import "../controls"
import "../../stores"
SettingsContentBase {
id: root
2024-05-22 11:13:39 +03:00
property ProfileStores.DevicesStore devicesStore
property ProfileStores.ProfileStore profileStore
property ProfileStores.PrivacyStore privacyStore
property ProfileStores.AdvancedStore advancedStore
2023-10-03 13:44:45 +02:00
required property bool isProduction
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
ColumnLayout {
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
id: layout
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
width: root.contentWidth
2024-10-15 21:26:12 +02:00
spacing: Theme.padding
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property var instructionsModel: [
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
qsTr("Verify your login with password or KeyCard"),
qsTr("Reveal a temporary QR and Sync Code") + "*",
qsTr("Share that information with your new device"),
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
function personalizeDevice(model) {
Global.openPopup(personalizeDevicePopup, {
"deviceModel": model
function setupSyncing() {
2023-06-29 08:26:03 +02:00
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Connections {
target: devicesStore.devicesModule
2023-06-09 10:40:56 +02:00
function onOpenPopupWithConnectionStringSignal(rawConnectionString) {
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Global.openPopup(setupSyncingPopup, {
2023-06-09 10:40:56 +02:00
rawConnectionString: rawConnectionString,
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
2024-10-15 21:26:12 +02:00
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.padding
Layout.rightMargin: Theme.padding
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
text: qsTr("Devices")
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
font.pixelSize: Constants.settingsSection.subHeaderFontSize
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: root.devicesStore.devicesModule.devicesLoading
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
text: qsTr("Loading devices...")
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: root.devicesStore.devicesModule.devicesLoadingError
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
text: qsTr("Error loading devices. Please try again later.")
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
StatusListView {
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: contentHeight
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
interactive: false
spacing: 0
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
visible: !root.devicesStore.devicesModule.devicesLoading &&
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
!root.devicesStore.devicesModule.devicesLoadingError &&
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: root.devicesStore.devicesModel
2023-06-15 11:53:35 +03:00
sorters: [
RoleSorter {
roleName: "isCurrentDevice"
sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder
priority: 2
RoleSorter {
roleName: "enabled"
sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder
priority: 1 // Higher number === higher priority
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
delegate: StatusSyncDeviceDelegate {
width: ListView.view.width
deviceName: model.name
deviceType: model.deviceType
2023-06-15 11:53:35 +03:00
deviceEnabled: model.enabled
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
timestamp: model.timestamp
isCurrentDevice: model.isCurrentDevice
onSetupSyncingButtonClicked: {
2023-06-09 10:40:56 +02:00
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
onClicked: {
2023-06-15 11:53:35 +03:00
if (deviceEnabled)
2023-06-29 08:26:03 +02:00
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.topMargin: 17
implicitWidth: instructionsLayout.implicitWidth
+ instructionsLayout.anchors.leftMargin
+ instructionsLayout.anchors.rightMargin
implicitHeight: instructionsLayout.implicitHeight
+ instructionsLayout.anchors.topMargin
+ instructionsLayout.anchors.bottomMargin
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor3
radius: 8
ColumnLayout {
id: instructionsLayout
anchors {
fill: parent
topMargin: 24
bottomMargin: 24
leftMargin: 16
rightMargin: 16
spacing: 17
2024-07-30 12:55:03 -04:00
Item {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
height: syncNewDeviceText.height
width: syncNewDeviceText.width
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Layout.topMargin: -8
2024-07-30 12:55:03 -04:00
StatusBaseText {
id: syncNewDeviceText
objectName: "syncNewDeviceTextLabel"
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
font.pixelSize: 17
font.weight: Font.Bold
text: qsTr("Sync a New Device")
StatusBetaTag {
anchors.left: parent.right
anchors.leftMargin: 8
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
2024-08-03 09:49:14 +02:00
tooltipText: qsTr("Connection problems can happen.<br>If they do, please use the Enter a Seed Phrase feature instead.")
2024-07-30 12:55:03 -04:00
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
StatusBaseText {
2023-09-25 15:52:38 +03:00
objectName: "syncNewDeviceSubTitleTextLabel"
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Layout.fillWidth: true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
font.weight: Font.Medium
text: qsTr("You own your data. Sync it among your devices.")
GridLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
rows: d.instructionsModel.length
flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
Repeater {
model: d.instructionsModel
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 13
font.weight: Font.Medium
text: index + 1
Repeater {
model: d.instructionsModel
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
text: modelData
StatusButton {
2023-09-25 15:52:38 +03:00
objectName: "setupSyncingStatusButton"
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
normalColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
hoverColor: Theme.palette.miscColor1;
textColor: Theme.palette.indirectColor1
font.weight: Font.Medium
text: qsTr("Setup Syncing")
onClicked: {
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 13
text: "* " + qsTr("This is best done in private. The code will grant access to your profile.")
2023-10-03 15:31:54 +02:00
StatusFlatButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text: qsTr("How to get a sync code")
icon.name: "info"
onClicked: Global.openPopup(getSyncCodeInstructionsPopup)
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
StatusButton {
2023-09-25 15:52:38 +03:00
objectName: "setupSyncBackupDataButton"
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
id: backupBtn
2023-10-03 13:44:45 +02:00
visible: !root.isProduction
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text: qsTr("Backup Data")
onClicked : {
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
const lastUpdate = root.privacyStore.backupData() * 1000
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
console.log("Backup done at: ", LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(lastUpdate))
Component {
id: personalizeDevicePopup
SyncDeviceCustomizationPopup {
2023-10-03 13:44:45 +02:00
destroyOnClose: true
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
devicesStore: root.devicesStore
2023-06-14 16:02:57 +03:00
advancedStore: root.advancedStore
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
Component {
id: setupSyncingPopup
SetupSyncingPopup {
2023-10-03 13:44:45 +02:00
destroyOnClose: true
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00
devicesStore: root.devicesStore
profileStore: root.profileStore
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
2023-10-03 15:31:54 +02:00
Component {
id: getSyncCodeInstructionsPopup
GetSyncCodeInstructionsPopup {
destroyOnClose: true
2023-03-21 16:10:06 +11:00
Item {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
2023-03-14 15:52:16 +13:00