2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
from objectmaphelper import *
statusDesktop_mainWindow = { " name " : " mainWindow " , " type " : " StatusWindow " }
mainWindow_StatusWindow = { " name " : " mainWindow " , " type " : " StatusWindow " , " visible " : True }
statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " Overlay " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay_popup2 = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " occurrence " : 2 , " type " : " PopupItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-10-10 10:26:23 +00:00
basePopup = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " PopupItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
scrollView_StatusScrollView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " scrollView " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
splashScreen = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " splashScreen " , " type " : " DidYouKnowSplashScreen " }
2024-07-02 07:24:03 +00:00
mainWindow_LoadingAnimation = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " loadingAnimation " , " type " : " LoadingAnimation " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-27 08:30:54 +00:00
# Common names
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
settingsSave_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " settingsDirtyToastMessageSaveButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-03-15 07:28:40 +00:00
mainWindow_Save_changes_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " settingsDirtyToastMessageSaveButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-27 08:30:54 +00:00
closeCrossPopupButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerActionsCloseButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Main right panel
mainWindow_RighPanel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " ColumnLayout " , " objectName " : " mainRightView " , " visible " : True }
# Navigation Panel
2024-06-20 10:18:10 +00:00
mainWindow_scrollView_StatusScrollView = { " container " : mainWindow_StatusWindow , " id " : " scrollView " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-11-06 06:55:43 +00:00
mainWindow_StatusAppNavBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " statusAppNavBar " , " type " : " StatusAppNavBar " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
messages_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_StatusAppNavBar , " objectName " : " Messages-navbar " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-04-24 07:49:03 +00:00
mainWindow_statusMainNavBarListView_ListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " statusMainNavBarListView " , " type " : " ListView " , " visible " : True }
communities_Portal_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_statusMainNavBarListView_ListView , " objectName " : " Communities Portal-navbar " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
wallet_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_StatusAppNavBar , " objectName " : " Wallet-navbar " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
settings_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_StatusAppNavBar , " objectName " : " Settings-navbar " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_ProfileNavBarButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " statusProfileNavBarTabButton " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_statusCommunityMainNavBarListView_ListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " statusCommunityMainNavBarListView " , " type " : " ListView " , " visible " : True }
statusCommunityMainNavBarListView_CommunityNavBarButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWindow_statusCommunityMainNavBarListView_ListView , " objectName " : " CommunityNavBarButton " , " type " : " StatusNavBarTabButton " , " visible " : True }
invite_People_StatusMenuItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " invitePeople " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-20 10:18:10 +00:00
scrollView_Add_members_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mainWindow_scrollView_StatusScrollView , " objectName " : " CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel_AddMembersButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Banners
secureYourSeedPhraseBanner_ModuleWarning = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " secureYourSeedPhraseBanner " , " type " : " ModuleWarning " , " visible " : True }
# Scroll
o_Flickable = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " Flickable " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-10 05:00:53 +00:00
generalView_StatusScrollView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " generalView " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Context Menu
2024-09-23 11:52:58 +00:00
o_StatusListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " PopupItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
""" Onboarding """
# Before you get started Popup
acknowledge_checkbox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " acknowledgeCheckBox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-14 09:47:39 +00:00
acknowledgeIndicator = { " container " : acknowledge_checkbox , " objectName " : " indicator " , " type " : " Item " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
termsOfUseCheckBox_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " termsOfUseCheckBox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-14 09:47:39 +00:00
termsOfUseIndicator = { " container " : termsOfUseCheckBox_StatusCheckBox , " objectName " : " indicator " , " type " : " Item " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
getStartedStatusButton_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " getStartedStatusButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
termsOfUseLink_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " termsOfUseLink " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
privacyPolicyLink_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " privacyPolicyLink " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
# Back Up Your Seed Phrase Popup
o_PopupItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " PopupItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
i_have_a_pen_and_paper_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Acknowledgements_havePen " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
i_know_where_I_ll_store_it_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Acknowledgements_storeIt " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
i_am_ready_to_write_down_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Acknowledgements_writeDown " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
not_Now_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
confirm_Seed_Phrase_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " BackupSeedModal_nextButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
backup_seed_phrase_popup_StatusSeedPhraseInput_placeholder = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel_StatusSeedPhraseInput_ % WORD_NO % " , " type " : " StatusSeedPhraseInput " , " visible " : True }
reveal_seed_phrase_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel_RevealSeedPhraseButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
blur_GaussianBlur = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " blur " , " type " : " GaussianBlur " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
confirmSeedPhrasePanel_StatusSeedPhraseInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusSeedPhraseInput " , " visible " : True }
confirmFirstWord = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " BackupSeedModal_BackupSeedStepBase_confirmFirstWord " , " type " : " BackupSeedStepBase " , " visible " : True }
confirmFirstWord_inputText = { " container " : confirmFirstWord , " objectName " : " BackupSeedStepBase_inputText " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
continue_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " BackupSeedModal_nextButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
confirmSecondWord = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " BackupSeedModal_BackupSeedStepBase_confirmSecondWord " , " type " : " BackupSeedStepBase " , " visible " : True }
confirmSecondWord_inputText = { " container " : confirmSecondWord , " objectName " : " BackupSeedStepBase_inputText " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
i_acknowledge_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel_storeCheck " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
completeAndDeleteSeedPhraseButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " BackupSeedModal_completeAndDeleteSeedPhraseButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Send Contact Request Popup
contactRequest_ChatKey_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_ChatKey_Input " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
contactRequest_SayWhoYouAre_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_SayWhoYouAre_Input " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
contactRequest_Send_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_Send_Button " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
# Change Language Popup
close_the_app_now_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# User Status Profile Menu
onlineIdentifierProfileHeader = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " onlineIdentifierProfileHeader " , " type " : " ProfileHeader " , " visible " : True }
userContextmenu_AlwaysActiveButton = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " objectName " : " userStatusMenuAlwaysOnlineAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
userContextmenu_InActiveButton = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " objectName " : " userStatusMenuInactiveAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
userContextmenu_AutomaticButton = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " objectName " : " userStatusMenuAutomaticAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
userContextMenu_ViewMyProfileAction = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " objectName " : " userStatusViewMyProfileAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
2024-08-27 07:34:00 +00:00
userContextMenu_CopyLinkToProfile = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " userStatusCopyLinkAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
userLabel_StyledText = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " type " : " StyledText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
o_StatusIdenticonRing = { " container " : o_StatusListView , " type " : " StatusIdenticonRing " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-31 14:00:33 +00:00
# My Profile Popup (online identifier)
ProfileContentItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileDialogView " , " type " : " ContentItem " , " visible " : True }
ProfileHeader_userImage = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " ProfileDialog_userImage " , " type " : " UserImage " , " visible " : True }
ProfilePopup_displayName = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " ProfileDialog_displayName " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
ProfilePopup_editButton = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " editProfileButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-07-11 06:16:55 +00:00
share_Profile_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " shareProfileButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-31 14:00:33 +00:00
ProfilePopup_SendContactRequestButton = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " profileDialog_sendContactRequestButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
profileDialog_userEmojiHash_EmojiHash = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " ProfileDialog_userEmojiHash " , " type " : " EmojiHash " , " visible " : True }
edit_TextEdit = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
https_status_app_StatusBaseText = { " container " : edit_TextEdit , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-31 14:00:33 +00:00
copy_icon_CopyButton = { " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " copy-icon " , " type " : " CopyButton " , " visible " : True }
request_ID_verification_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " requestIDVerification_StatusItem " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-24 08:36:26 +00:00
send_Message_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " sendMessageButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-31 14:00:33 +00:00
send_contact_request_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " profileDialog_sendContactRequestButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-10-24 15:45:38 +00:00
review_contact_request_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : ProfileContentItem , " objectName " : " profileDialog_reviewContactRequestButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-24 08:36:26 +00:00
profileDialogView_ContentItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileDialogView " , " type " : " ContentItem " , " visible " : True }
menuButton_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : profileDialogView_ContentItem , " id " : " menuButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-18 10:57:24 +00:00
block_user_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " blockUserStatusAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
add_nickname_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " addEditNickNameStatusAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
unblock_user_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " unblockUserProfileButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
2024-07-11 06:16:55 +00:00
# Share profile popup
o_Image = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " profileQRCodeImage " , " type " : " Image " , " visible " : True }
o_copy_icon_CopyButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " copy-icon " , " type " : " CopyButton " , " visible " : True }
o_EmojiHash = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " EmojiHash " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
profileLinkInput_StatusBaseInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " profileLinkInput " , " type " : " StatusBaseInput " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Welcome Status Popup
betaConsent_StatusModal = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " desktopBetaStatusModal " , " type " : " StatusModal " , " visible " : True }
agreeToUse_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " desktopBetaAgreeCheckBox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
readyToUse_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " desktopBetaReadyCheckBox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
i_m_ready_to_use_Status_Desktop_Beta_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " objectName " : " desktopBetaStatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-27 07:27:24 +00:00
# Keys Exist Popup
headline_StatusTitleSubtitle = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " headline " , " type " : " StatusTitleSubtitle " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
keys_exist_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-17 12:19:34 +00:00
# Share Usage Data Popup
2024-08-20 15:51:18 +00:00
not_now_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " notShareMetricsButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-07-17 12:19:34 +00:00
share_usage_data_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " shareMetricsButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
""" Communities """
# Create Community Banner
create_new_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityBannerButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Create Community Popup
createCommunityNameInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
createCommunityDescriptionInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityDescriptionInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
communityBannerPicker_BannerPicker = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityBannerPicker " , " type " : " BannerPicker " , " visible " : True }
addButton_StatusRoundButton = { " container " : communityBannerPicker_BannerPicker , " id " : " addButton " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
communityLogoPicker_LogoPicker = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityLogoPicker " , " type " : " LogoPicker " , " visible " : True }
addButton_StatusRoundButton2 = { " container " : communityLogoPicker_LogoPicker , " id " : " addButton " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
communityColorPicker_ColorPicker = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityColorPicker " , " type " : " ColorPicker " , " visible " : True }
StatusPickerButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : communityColorPicker_ColorPicker , " type " : " StatusPickerButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
communityTagsPicker_TagsPicker = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityTagsPicker " , " type " : " TagsPicker " , " visible " : True }
2024-10-15 15:31:37 +00:00
choose_tags_StatusPickerButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : communityTagsPicker_TagsPicker , " id " : " pickerButton " , " type " : " StatusPickerButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
archiveSupportToggle_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " archiveSupportToggle " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
requestToJoinToggle_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " requestToJoinToggle " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
pinMessagesToggle_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " pinMessagesToggle " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
createCommunityNextBtn_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createCommunityNextBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
createCommunityIntroMessageInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createCommunityIntroMessageInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
createCommunityOutroMessageInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createCommunityOutroMessageInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
createCommunityFinalBtn_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createCommunityFinalBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
createOrEditCommunityCategoryChannelList_StatusListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityCategoryChannelList " , " type " : " StatusListView " , " visible " : True }
croppedImageLogo = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " editCroppedImageItem_Community logo " , " type " : " EditCroppedImagePanel " , " visible " : True }
croppedImageBanner = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " editCroppedImageItem_Community banner " , " type " : " EditCroppedImagePanel " , " visible " : True }
# Community Channel Popup
createOrEditCommunityChannelNameInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityChannelNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
createOrEditCommunityChannelDescriptionInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityChannelDescriptionInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
createOrEditCommunityChannelBtn_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityChannelBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
createOrEditCommunityChannel_EmojiButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " StatusChannelPopup_emojiButton " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-07-11 10:51:56 +00:00
add_permission_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " addPermissionButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
hide_channel_checkbox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " hideChannelCheckbox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Community Category Popup
createOrEditCommunityCategoryNameInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityCategoryNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
category_item_name_general_StatusListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " category_item_name_general " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
create_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityCategoryBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
channelItemCheckbox_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " channelItemCheckbox " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
delete_Category_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
save_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " createOrEditCommunityCategoryBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Invite Contacts Popup
communityProfilePopupInviteFrindsPanel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " CommunityProfilePopupInviteFrindsPanel_ColumnLayout " , " type " : " ProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel " , " visible " : True }
communityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " CommunityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel_ColumnLayout " , " type " : " ProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel " , " visible " : True }
2024-11-05 08:44:18 +00:00
o_StatusMemberListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " statusMemberListItem* " ) , " type " : " StatusMemberListItem " , " visible " : True }
memberListCheckbox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " contactCheckbox-* " ) , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
next_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup_NextButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
communityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel_MessageInput_TextEdit = { " container " : communityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel , " objectName " : " CommunityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel_MessageInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
2024-11-05 08:44:18 +00:00
send_1_invite_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup_SendButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
o_StatusMemberListItem_2 = { " container " : communityProfilePopupInviteMessagePanel , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " statusMemberListItem* " ) , " type " : " StatusMemberListItem " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-31 10:45:47 +00:00
copy_icon_StatusIcon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " copy-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Welcome community
o_ColumnLayout = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " ColumnLayout " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
headerTitle_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerTitle " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
image_StatusImage = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " image " , " type " : " StatusImage " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
intro_StatusBaseText = { " container " : o_ColumnLayout , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-03-26 06:39:37 +00:00
select_addresses_to_share_StatusFlatButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
join_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
welcome_authenticate_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
share_your_addresses_to_join_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
2024-07-30 05:44:35 +00:00
# Kick member popup
confirm_kick_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " CommunityMembers_KickModal_KickButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Ban member popup
ban_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " CommunityMembers_BanModal_BanButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-08 06:27:30 +00:00
# Pinned messages
unpinButton_StatusFlatRoundButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " unpinButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatRoundButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
headerActionsCloseButton_StatusFlatRoundButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerActionsCloseButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
o_StatusPinMessageDetails = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusPinMessageDetails " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
""" Settings """
# Send Contact Request
sendContactRequestModal_ChatKey_Input_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_ChatKey_Input " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
sendContactRequestModal_SayWhoYouAre_Input_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_SayWhoYouAre_Input " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
send_Contact_Request_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SendContactRequestModal_Send_Button " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-22 10:09:58 +00:00
send_contact_request_StatusButton_2 = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileSendContactRequestModal_sendContactRequestButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
profileSendContactRequestModal_sayWhoYouAreInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileSendContactRequestModal_sayWhoYouAreInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
2024-06-24 08:36:26 +00:00
# Review Contact Request
ignore_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ignoreButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
accept_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " acceptButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# RemoveContactPopup
remove_contact_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " removeContactButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-07-18 10:57:24 +00:00
# Kick member popup
confirm_kick_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " CommunityMembers_KickModal_KickButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Block user popup
blockWarningBox_StatusWarningBox = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " blockWarningBox " , " type " : " StatusWarningBox " , " visible " : True }
youWillNotSeeText_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " youWillNotSeeText " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
block_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " blockButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
cancel_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " cancelButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
# Unblock user popup
unblock_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " unblockUserButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
unblockingText_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " unblockingText " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
cancel_StatusFlatButton_unblock = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " cancelButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
""" Common """
edit_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Select Color Popup
communitySettings_ColorPanel_HexColor_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityColorPanelHexInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
communitySettings_SaveColor_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityColorPanelSelectColorButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Select Tag Popup
2024-10-17 13:56:18 +00:00
tagsRepeater = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityTagsRepeater " , " type " : " Repeater " , " visible " : True }
o_StatusCommunityTag = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " communityTag " , " type " : " StatusCommunityTag " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-02 15:04:06 +00:00
confirm_Community_Tags_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " confirmCommunityTagsButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-19 07:18:46 +00:00
tags_edit_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
selected_tags_text = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Signing phrase popup
signPhrase_Ok_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " objectName " : " signPhraseModalOkButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-14 08:31:19 +00:00
# Sign transaction popup
cancel_transaction_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " cancelButton " , " text " : " Cancel " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
sign_transaction_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " signTransactionButton " , " text " : " Sign transaction " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
o_FeeRow = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " FeeRow " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
feeTotalRow_FeeRow = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " feeTotalRow " , " type " : " FeeRow " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Remove account popup:
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_Account_Notification = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-Notification " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_Account_Path_Component = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-DerivationPath " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_Account_Path = { " container " : mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_Account_Path_Component , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_HavePenPaperCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-HavePenPaper " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_ConfirmButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-ConfirmButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Remove_Account_Popup_CancelButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-CancelButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-07-17 08:07:35 +00:00
# RPC change restart popup
save_and_restart_later_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " laterButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
save_and_restart_Status_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " saveButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
restart_required_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " mustBeRestartedText " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Add saved address popup
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Name_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Input = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressAddressInput " , " type " : " StatusInput " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Input_Edit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " savedAddressAddressInputEdit " , " type " : " TextEdit " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addreses_Popup_Address_Add_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
# Context Menu
contextMenu_PopupItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " PopupItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
contextMenuItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-08-22 14:36:10 +00:00
contextMenuItem_AddWatchOnly = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AccountMenu-AddWatchOnlyAccountAction* " ) , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
contextMenuItem_Delete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AccountMenu-DeleteAction* " ) , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
contextMenuItem_Edit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AccountMenu-EditAction* " ) , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
contextMenuItem_Copy_Address = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AccountMenu-CopyAddressAction* " ) , " type " : " StatusSuccessAction " , " visible " : True }
contextMenuItem_HideInclude = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AccountMenu-HideFromTotalBalance* " ) , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
contextSavedAddressEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " editSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
contextSavedAddressDelete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " deleteSavedAddress " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Confirmation Popup
confirmButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " confirm* " ) , " type " : " StatusButton " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_More_Confirm_Delete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveSavedAddressPopup-ConfirmButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_More_Confirm_Cancel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveSavedAddressPopup-CancelButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_More_Confirm_Notification = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " RemoveSavedAddressPopup-Notification " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " }
# Picture Edit Popup
o_StatusSlider = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusSlider " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
cropSpaceItem_Item = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " cropSpaceItem " , " type " : " Item " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
make_picture_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " imageCropperAcceptButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
o_DropShadow = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " DropShadow " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Emoji Popup
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountEmojiSearchBox = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " StatusEmojiPopup_searchBox " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountEmoji = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " StatusEmoji " , " visible " : True }
# Delete Popup
o_StatusDialogBackground = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusDialogBackground " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
delete_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " deleteChatConfirmationDialogDeleteButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
confirm_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " confirmDeleteCategoryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-16 05:08:57 +00:00
confirm_permission_delete_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " confirmButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-03-19 10:17:28 +00:00
confirm_delete_message_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " chatButtonsPanelConfirmDeleteMessageButton " , " text " : " Confirm " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Authenticate Popup
keycardSharedPopupContent_KeycardPopupContent = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " KeycardSharedPopupContent " , " type " : " KeycardPopupContent " , " visible " : True }
password_PlaceholderText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " PlaceholderText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-30 12:07:43 +00:00
authenticate_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " PrimaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
headerCloseButton_StatusFlatRoundButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerCloseButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
# Shared Popup
sharedPopup_Popup_Content = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " KeycardSharedPopupContent " , " type " : " Item " }
sharedPopup_Password_Input = { " container " : sharedPopup_Popup_Content , " objectName " : " keycardPasswordInput " , " type " : " TextField " }
sharedPopup_Primary_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " PrimaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True , " enabled " : True }
# Wallet Account Popup
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_derivationPath = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AddAccountPopup-PreDefinedDerivationPath* " ) , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Address_Panel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addressPanel " , " type " : " StatusAddressPanel " , " visible " : True }
2024-11-04 15:42:34 +00:00
addAccountPopup_GeneratedAddress = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay_popup2 , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " AddAccountPopup-GeneratedAddress* " ) , " type " : " Rectangle " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
address_0x_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay_popup2 , " text " : RegularExpression ( " 0x* " ) , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
addAccountPopup_GeneratedAddressesListPageIndicatior_StatusPageIndicator = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay_popup2 , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-GeneratedAddressesListPageIndicatior " , " type " : " StatusPageIndicator " , " visible " : True }
page_StatusBaseButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : addAccountPopup_GeneratedAddressesListPageIndicatior_StatusPageIndicator , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " Page-* " ) , " type " : " StatusBaseButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_DisabledTooltipButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " DisabledTooltipButton " , " icon " : " send " , " visible " : True }
# Add/Edit account popup:
grid_Grid = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " grid " , " type " : " Grid " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
color_StatusColorRadioButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusColorRadioButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-Content " , " type " : " Item " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PrimaryButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-PrimaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_BackButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-BackButton " , " type " : " StatusBackButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountNameComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-AccountName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountName = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountNameComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_HeaderTitle = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerTitle " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
2024-05-27 15:33:22 +00:00
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Status_Identicon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " statusSmartIdenticonLetter " , " type " : " StatusLetterIdenticon " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_HeaderEmoji = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Status_Identicon , " type " : " StatusEmoji " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountColorComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-AccountColor " , " type " : " StatusColorSelectorGrid " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountColorSelector = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountColorComponent , " type " : " Repeater " , " objectName " : " statusColorRepeater " , " visible " : True , " enabled " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountEmojiPopupButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-AccountEmoji " , " type " : " StatusFlatRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_SelectedOrigin = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-SelectedOrigin " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_OriginOption_Placeholder = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-OriginOption- % NAME % " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_OriginOptionNewMasterKey = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-OriginOption-LABEL-OPTION-ADD-NEW-MASTER-KEY " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
addAccountPopup_OriginOption_StatusListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_OriginOptionWatchOnlyAcc = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-OriginOption-LABEL-OPTION-ADD-WATCH-ONLY-ACC " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountWatchOnlyAddressComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-WatchOnlyAddress " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountWatchOnlyAddress = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_AccountWatchOnlyAddressComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-10-04 11:56:04 +00:00
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_CopyDerivationPathButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " copy-icon " , " type " : " CopyButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_EditDerivationPathButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-EditDerivationPath " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_ResetDerivationPathButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ResetDerivationPath " , " type " : " StatusLinkText " , " enabled " : True , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_DerivationPathInputComponent = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-DerivationPathInput " , " type " : " DerivationPathInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_DerivationPathInput = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_DerivationPathInputComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PreDefinedDerivationPathsButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_DerivationPathInputComponent , " objectName " : " chevron-down-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_GeneratedAddressComponent = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-GeneratedAddress " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_NonEthDerivationPathCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ConfirmAddingNonEthDerivationPath " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_MasterKey_ImportPrivateKeyOption = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ImportPrivateKey " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PrivateKey = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-PrivateKeyInput " , " type " : " StatusPasswordInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PrivateKeyNameComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-PrivateKeyName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PrivateKeyName = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_PrivateKeyNameComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_MasterKey_GoToKeycardSettingsOption = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-GoToKeycardSettings " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_MasterKey_ImportSeedPhraseOption = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ImportUsingSeedPhrase " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_MasterKey_GenerateSeedPhraseOption = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-GenerateNewMasterKey " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_ImportedSeedPhraseKeyNameComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ImportedSeedPhraseKeyName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_ImportedSeedPhraseKeyName = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_ImportedSeedPhraseKeyNameComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_GeneratedSeedPhraseKeyNameComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-GeneratedSeedPhraseKeyName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_GeneratedSeedPhraseKeyName = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_GeneratedSeedPhraseKeyNameComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_HavePenAndPaperCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-HavePenAndPaper " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_SeedPhraseWrittenCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-SeedPhraseWritten " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_StoringSeedPhraseConfirmedCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-StoringSeedPhraseConfirmed " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_SeedBackupAknowledgeCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-SeedBackupAknowledge " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_RevealSeedPhraseButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-RevealSeedPhrase " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_SeedPhraseWordAtIndex_Placeholder = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " SeedPhraseWordAtIndex- % WORD-INDEX % " , " type " : " StatusSeedPhraseInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_EnterSeedPhraseWordComponent = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-EnterSeedPhraseWord " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_EnterSeedPhraseWord = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_EnterSeedPhraseWordComponent , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_12WordsButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " 12SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_18WordsButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " 18SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " }
mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_24WordsButton = { " container " : mainWallet_AddEditAccountPopup_Content , " objectName " : " 24SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " }
2024-05-28 05:32:01 +00:00
enterSeedPhraseInvalidSeedText_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " enterSeedPhraseInvalidSeedText " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-06 07:17:16 +00:00
addAccountPopup_ImportedSeedPhraseKeyName_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-ImportedSeedPhraseKeyName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
addAccountPopup_PrivateKeyName_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-PrivateKeyName " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Edit Account from settings popup
editWalletSettings_renameButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " renameAccountModalSaveBtn " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
editWalletSettings_AccountNameInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " renameAccountNameInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
editWalletSettings_EmojiSelector = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " statusSmartIdenticonLetter " , " type " : " StatusLetterIdenticon " , " visible " : True }
editWalletSettings_ColorSelector = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusColorRadioButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
editWalletSettings_EmojiItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " statusEmoji_* " ) , " type " : " StatusEmoji " }
# Remove Account from settings popup
removeConfirmationCrossCloseButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " close-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
removeConfirmationTextTitle = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerTitle " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
removeConfirmationTextBody = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
removeConfirmationRemoveButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " confirm* " ) , " type " : " StatusButton " }
removeConfirmationAgreementCheckBox = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-HavePenPaper " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " }
removeConfirmationConfirmButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " RemoveAccountPopup-ConfirmButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
# Testnet mode popup
turn_on_testnet_mode_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " acceptBtn " , " text " : " Turn on testnet mode " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
turn_off_testnet_mode_StatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " acceptBtn " , " text " : " Turn off testnet mode " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
testnet_mode_cancelButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Testnet mode banner
mainWindow_testnetBanner_ModuleWarning = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " testnetBanner " , " type " : " ModuleWarning " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_Turn_off_Button = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " id " : " button " , " text " : " Turn off " , " type " : " Button " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Toast message
ephemeral_Notification_List = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " ephemeralNotificationList " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
ephemeralNotificationList_StatusToastMessage = { " container " : ephemeral_Notification_List , " objectName " : " statusToastMessage " , " type " : " StatusToastMessage " }
# Change password view
settingsContentBase_ScrollView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " settingsContentBaseScrollView " , " type " : " StatusScrollView " , " visible " : True }
change_password_menu_current_password = { " container " : settingsContentBase_ScrollView , " objectName " : " passwordViewCurrentPassword " , " type " : " StatusPasswordInput " , " visible " : True }
change_password_menu_new_password = { " container " : settingsContentBase_ScrollView , " objectName " : " passwordViewNewPassword " , " type " : " StatusPasswordInput " , " visible " : True }
change_password_menu_new_password_confirm = { " container " : settingsContentBase_ScrollView , " objectName " : " passwordViewNewPasswordConfirm " , " type " : " StatusPasswordInput " , " visible " : True }
change_password_menu_change_password_button = { " container " : settingsContentBase_ScrollView , " objectName " : " changePasswordModalSubmitButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
reEncryptRestartButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " changePasswordModalSubmitButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
reEncryptionComplete = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " statusListItemSubTitle " , " type " : " StatusTextWithLoadingState " , " visible " : True }
# Social Links Popup
2024-03-05 07:22:02 +00:00
socialLink_StatusListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " index " : 1 , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
placeholder_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " placeholder " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
social_links_back_StatusBackButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBackButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-20 07:07:07 +00:00
social_links_add_StatusBackButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " addButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
linksView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " id " : " linksView " , " type " : " StatusListView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Changes detected popup
mainWindow_settingsDirtyToastMessage_SettingsDirtyToastMessage = { " container " : " :statusDesktop_mainWindow " , " id " : " settingsDirtyToastMessage " , " type " : " SettingsDirtyToastMessage " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-02 07:24:03 +00:00
# Confirm switch waku mode popup
iUnderstandStatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " confirmButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Back up seed phrase banner
mainWindow_secureYourSeedPhraseBanner_ModuleWarning = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " secureYourSeedPhraseBanner " , " type " : " ModuleWarning " , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_secureYourSeedPhraseBanner_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " id " : " button " , " text " : " Back up now " , " type " : " Button " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Sync new device popup
copy_SyncCodeStatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " syncCodeCopyButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
done_SyncCodeStatusButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " syncAnewDeviceNextButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
syncCodeInput_StatusPasswordInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " syncCodeInput " , " type " : " StatusPasswordInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
close_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " syncAnewDeviceNextButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
errorView_SyncingErrorMessage = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " errorView " , " type " : " SyncingErrorMessage " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Edit group name and image popup
groupChatEdit_name_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " groupChatEdit_name " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
save_changes_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " groupChatEdit_save " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Leave group popup
leave_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " leaveGroupConfirmationDialogLeaveButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-04-16 10:38:31 +00:00
# Clear chat history popup
clear_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " clearChatConfirmationDialogClearButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
# Close chat popup
close_chat_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " deleteChatConfirmationDialogDeleteButton " , " text " : " Close chat " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Create Keycard account with new seed phrase popup
cancel_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " cancelButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
image_KeycardImage = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " image " , " type " : " KeycardImage " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
img_Image = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " img " , " type " : " Image " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
headerTitle = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " headerTitle " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
o_KeycardInit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " KeycardInit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
keycard_reader_instruction_text = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
pinInputField_StatusPinInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " pinInputField " , " type " : " StatusPinInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
inputText_TextInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " inputText " , " type " : " TextInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : False }
nextStatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " PrimaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
revealSeedPhraseButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " AddAccountPopup-RevealSeedPhrase " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
seedPhraseWordAtIndex_Placeholder = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " SeedPhraseWordAtIndex- % WORD-INDEX % " , " type " : " StatusSeedPhraseInput " , " visible " : True }
word0_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " word0 " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
word1_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " word1 " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
word2_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " word2 " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
o_KeyPairItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " KeyPairItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
o_KeyPairUnknownItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " KeyPairUnknownItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
o_StatusListItemTag = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusListItemTag " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
radioButton_StatusRadioButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " radioButton " , " type " : " StatusRadioButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-19 06:43:44 +00:00
statusSeedPhraseInputField_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " enterSeedPhraseInputField " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
switchTabBar_StatusSwitchTabBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " enterSeedPhraseSwitchBar " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabBar " , " visible " : True }
switchTabBar_12_words_StatusSwitchTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : switchTabBar_StatusSwitchTabBar , " objectName " : " 12SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " , " visible " : True }
switchTabBar_18_words_StatusSwitchTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : switchTabBar_StatusSwitchTabBar , " objectName " : " 18SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " , " visible " : True }
switchTabBar_24_words_StatusSwitchTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : switchTabBar_StatusSwitchTabBar , " objectName " : " 24SeedButton " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
i_understand_the_key_pair_on_this_Keycard_will_be_deleted_StatusCheckBox = { " checkable " : True , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " confirmation " , " type " : " StatusCheckBox " , " visible " : True }
statusSmartIdenticonLetter_StatusLetterIdenticon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " statusSmartIdenticonLetter " , " type " : " StatusLetterIdenticon " , " visible " : True }
secondary_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " secondaryButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Send Popup
o_StatusTabBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusTabBar " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
tab_Status_template = { " container " : o_StatusTabBar , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-04-05 13:04:04 +00:00
o_TokenBalancePerChainDelegate_template = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " tokenBalancePerChainDelegate " , " type " : " TokenBalancePerChainDelegate " , " visible " : True }
2024-04-10 11:37:41 +00:00
o_CollectibleNestedDelegate_template = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " CollectibleNestedDelegate " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-09-11 11:49:20 +00:00
amountInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " amountToSend_textField " , " type " : " StatusTextField " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
paste_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
ens_or_address_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
accountSelectionTabBar_StatusTabBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " accountSelectionTabBar " , " type " : " StatusTabBar " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
accountSelectionTabBar_My_Accounts_StatusTabButton = { " checkable " : True , " container " : accountSelectionTabBar_StatusTabBar , " objectName " : " myAccountsTab " , " type " : " StatusTabButton " , " visible " : True }
status_account_WalletAccountListItem_template = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Status account " , " type " : " WalletAccountListItem " , " visible " : True }
arbitrum_StatusListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Arbitrum " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainnet_StatusListItem = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " Mainnet " , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
statusListItemSubTitle_StatusTextWithLoadingState = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " statusListItemSubTitle " , " type " : " StatusTextWithLoadingState " , " visible " : True }
fiatFees_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " fiatFees " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-08 20:14:30 +00:00
send_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " transactionModalFooterButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
o_SearchBoxWithRightIcon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " SearchBoxWithRightIcon " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
search_TextEdit = { " container " : o_SearchBoxWithRightIcon , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-30 08:15:14 +00:00
# Assets Context Menu popup
send_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " sendMenuItem " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
receive_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " receiveMenuItem " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
# Receive popup
tabBar_StatusSwitchTabBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " tabBar " , " type " : " StatusSwitchTabBar " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
accountSelector_AccountSelectorHeader = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " accountSelector " , " type " : " AccountSelectorHeader " , " visible " : True }
textContent_StatusBaseText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " textContent " , " type " : " StatusBaseText " , " visible " : True }
greenCircleAroundIcon_Rectangle = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " greenCircleAroundIcon " , " type " : " Rectangle " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
qrCodeImage_Image = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " qrCodeImage " , " type " : " Image " , " visible " : True }
# Bridge popup
holdingSelector_TokenSelectorNew = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " holdingSelector " , " type " : " TokenSelectorNew " , " visible " : True }
2024-09-24 09:18:09 +00:00
tokenSelectorButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " tokenSelectorButton " , " type " : " TokenSelectorButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-07-30 08:15:14 +00:00
modalHeader_HeaderTitleText = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " modalHeader " , " type " : " HeaderTitleText " , " visible " : True }
2024-09-03 14:49:42 +00:00
# Token Selector popup
tokenSelectorPanel_TokenSelectorNew = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " tokenSelectorPanel " , " type " : " TokenSelectorPanel " , " visible " : True }
tokensTabBar_StatusTabBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " tokensTabBar " , " type " : " StatusTabBar " , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorPanel_AssetsTab = { " container " : tokensTabBar_StatusTabBar , " objectName " : " assetsTab " , " type " : " StatusTabButton " , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorPanel_CollectiblesTab = { " container " : tokensTabBar_StatusTabBar , " objectName " : " collectiblesTab " , " type " : " StatusTabButton " , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorAssetDelegate_template = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " tokenSelectorAssetDelegate* " ) , " type " : " TokenSelectorAssetDelegate " , " visible " : True }
2024-09-12 14:28:43 +00:00
searchableCollectiblesPanel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " searchableCollectiblesPanel " , " type " : " SearchableCollectiblesPanel " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
collectiblesListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusListView " , " id " : " collectiblesListView " , " visible " : True }
collectiblesInnerListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusListView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
collectiblesListViewInnerItem = { " container " : collectiblesListView , " type " : " Item " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorCollectibleDelegate_template = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " tokenSelectorCollectibleDelegate_* " ) , " type " : " TokenSelectorCollectibleDelegate " , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorBackButton = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " backButton " , " type " : " StatusIconTextButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
tokenSelectorSearchBar = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " collectiblesSearchBox " , " type " : " TokenSearchBox " , " visible " : True }
# tokenSelectorSearchBarBaseInput = {"container": tokenSelectorSearchBar, "objectName": "statusBaseInput", "occurrence": 2, "type": "StatusBaseInput", "visible": True}
tokenSelectorSearchBarTextEdit = { " container " : tokenSelectorSearchBar , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-09-03 14:49:42 +00:00
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Verify identity popup
profileSendContactRequestModal_sayWhoYouAreInput_TextEdit = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileSendContactRequestModal_sayWhoYouAreInput " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " visible " : True }
send_verification_request_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " ProfileSendContactRequestModal_sendContactRequestButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
close_icon_StatusIcon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " close-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
messageInput_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " messageInput " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Respond to ID request popup
send_Answer_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " sendAnswerButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
refuse_Verification_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " refuseVerificationButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
change_answer_StatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " changeAnswerButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
close_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " closeButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-02-27 08:30:54 +00:00
# Build showcase popup
build_your_showcase_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " buildShowcaseButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-03-19 10:17:28 +00:00
# Activity center
2024-03-20 12:30:54 +00:00
activityCenterStatusFlatButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " activityCenterGroupButton " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-03-19 10:17:28 +00:00
checkmark_circle_icon_StatusIcon = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " checkmark-circle-icon " , " type " : " StatusIcon " , " visible " : True }
o_ActivityNotificationContactRequest = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " ActivityNotificationContactRequest " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
activityCenterTopBar_ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " activityCenterTopBar " , " type " : " ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-03 14:36:52 +00:00
statusListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " type " : " StatusListView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-03-19 10:17:28 +00:00
2024-05-08 06:27:30 +00:00
# Rename keypair popup
save_changes_rename_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " objectName " : " saveRenameKeypairChangesButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
2024-06-06 07:17:16 +00:00
nameInput_StatusInput = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " id " : " nameInput " , " type " : " StatusInput " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-05-08 06:27:30 +00:00
2024-05-21 10:55:25 +00:00
# Link preview options popup
show_for_this_message_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " text " : " Show for this message " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
always_show_previews_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " text " : " Always show previews " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
never_show_previews_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay , " enabled " : True , " text " : " Never show previews " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
2024-02-13 09:04:24 +00:00
# Open Files Dialog
chooseAnImageALogo_QQuickWindow = { " title " : RegularExpression ( " Choose.* " ) , " type " : " QQuickWindow " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
choose_an_image_as_logo_titleBar_ToolBar = { " container " : chooseAnImageALogo_QQuickWindow , " id " : " titleBar " , " type " : " ToolBar " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
titleBar_currentPathField_TextField = { " container " : choose_an_image_as_logo_titleBar_ToolBar , " id " : " currentPathField " , " type " : " TextField " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_WalletLayout = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " WalletLayout " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
# Left Wallet Panel
mainWallet_LeftTab = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletLeftTab " , " type " : " LeftTabView " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_Button = { " container " : mainWindow_RighPanel , " objectName " : " savedAddressesBtn " , " type " : " StatusFlatButton " }
walletAccounts_StatusListView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " walletAccountsListView " , " type " : " StatusListView " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_All_Accounts_Button = { " container " : walletAccounts_StatusListView , " objectName " : " allAccountsBtn " , " type " : " Button " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Add_Account_Button = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " objectName " : " addAccountButton " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
walletAccount_StatusListItem = { " container " : walletAccounts_StatusListView , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " walletAccount* " ) , " type " : " StatusListItem " , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_All_Accounts_Balance = { " container " : mainWallet_All_Accounts_Button , " objectName " : " walletLeftListAmountValue " , " type " : " StatusTextWithLoadingState " , " visible " : True }
# Saved Address View
mainWindow_SavedAddressesView = { " container " : statusDesktop_mainWindow , " type " : " SavedAddressesView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWindow_SavedAddressesView_2 = { " container " : mainWindow_WalletLayout , " type " : " SavedAddressesView " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_Add_Buttton = { " container " : mainWindow_SavedAddressesView , " objectName " : " walletHeaderButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " }
mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_List = { " container " : mainWindow_SavedAddressesView , " objectName " : " SavedAddressesView_savedAddresses " , " type " : " StatusListView " }
savedAddressView_Delegate = { " container " : mainWallet_Saved_Addresses_List , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " savedAddressView_Delegate* " ) , " type " : " SavedAddressesDelegate " , " visible " : True }
send_StatusRoundButton = { " container " : " " , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
savedAddressView_Delegate_menuButton = { " container " : mainWindow_SavedAddressesView , " objectName " : RegularExpression ( " savedAddressView_Delegate_menuButton* " ) , " type " : " StatusRoundButton " , " visible " : True }
savedAddressesArea_SavedAddresses = { " container " : mainWindow_SavedAddressesView , " objectName " : " savedAddressesArea " , " type " : " SavedAddresses " , " visible " : True }
savedAddresses_area = { " container " : mainWindow_SavedAddressesView_2 , " objectName " : " savedAddressesArea " , " type " : " SavedAddresses " , " visible " : True }
QQuickApplicationWindow = { " type " : " QQuickApplicationWindow " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay = { " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " type " : " Overlay " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
plugin_Reader_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " objectName " : " pluginReaderButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
unplug_Reader_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " objectName " : " unplugReaderButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
insert_Keycard_1_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " objectName " : " insertKeycard1Button " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
insert_Keycard_2_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " objectName " : " insertKeycard2Button " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
remove_Keycard_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " objectName " : " removeKeycardButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
set_initial_reader_state_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " id " : " selectReaderStateButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
keycardSettingsTab = { " container " : QQuickApplicationWindow , " type " : " KeycardSettingsTab " , " visible " : True }
set_initial_keycard_state_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : keycardSettingsTab , " id " : " selectKeycardsStateButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
register_Keycard_StatusButton = { " checkable " : False , " container " : keycardSettingsTab , " objectName " : " registerKeycardButton " , " type " : " StatusButton " , " visible " : True }
not_Status_Keycard_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " notStatusKeycardAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
empty_Keycard_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " emptyKeycardAction " , " text " : " Empty Keycard " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
max_Pairing_Slots_Reached_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " maxPairingSlotsReachedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
max_PIN_Retries_Reached_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " maxPINRetriesReachedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
max_PUK_Retries_Reached_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " maxPUKRetriesReachedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
keycard_With_Mnemonic_Only_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " keycardWithMnemonicOnlyAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
keycard_With_Mnemonic_Metadata_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " keycardWithMnemonicAndMedatadaAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
custom_Keycard_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " customKeycardAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
reader_Unplugged_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " readerStateReaderUnpluggedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
keycard_Not_Inserted_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " readerStateKeycardNotInsertedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
keycard_Inserted_StatusMenuItem = { " checkable " : False , " container " : mocked_Keycard_Lib_Controller_Overlay , " enabled " : True , " objectName " : " readerStateKeycardInsertedAction " , " type " : " StatusMenuItem " , " visible " : True }
keycard_edit_TextEdit = { " container " : keycardSettingsTab , " id " : " edit " , " type " : " TextEdit " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }
keycardFlickable = { " container " : keycardSettingsTab , " type " : " Flickable " , " unnamed " : 1 , " visible " : True }