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Interlingua - Spell Check Dictionary and Hyphenation
Version: 2014-05-30
Lincence: GPL 3
This spell check dictionary for Interlingua is licensed under GPL.
A copy should be enclosed.
This package contains the latest version of Interlingua spell check dictionary.
Word list, affix and hyphenation rules compiled by Artek Dzialek.
(c) 2009-2013 Artek Dzialek(artur<point>dzialek<at>
For the OpenOffice/LibreOffice extenstion please go to:
Affix and Composition Rules:
Affix rules based on "A Grammar of Interlingua", Alexander Gode & Hugh Blair, IALA 1951,
Composition rules generate ordinal numerals (3tie, 12nde, 1000me etc.)
Naming of 'big numbers' follows a nomenclature described by Conway and Wechsler.
Words extracted from following dictionaries:
--- IED: The Interlingua English Dictionary, IALA 1951, (26354)
--- DIN: Dictionario Interlingua-Nederlandese, Piet Cleij (26228),
--- ADD: Addenda del Lista Supplementari de Vocabulos International, (6)
--- ERR: Ha Le IED Errores? Stanley A. Mulaik (111)
--- DFI: Dictionario francese-interlingua, Piet Cleij (2149)
--- CEID: A Concise English-Interlingua Dictionary, Woodruff W. Byrne (41)
--- BIO: Terminos biologic in anglese e interlingua, Piet Cleij (2452)
--- ANN: Annotationes al margine del „Sancte Libro” (9)
--- SUP: Lista Supplementari de Vocabulos International, Piet Cleij
Errors noticed and corrected in these sources can be found in Errata.txt
Inflection Flags:
A - Adjectives of two forms descended from the Latin first/second declension.
B - Continuation flag for derivative adjectives of first/second declension
C - Invariable adjectives or nouns used attributively
D - Adverbs (not formed from adjectives)
E - Adjectives of one form descended from the Latin third declension ('purist list') and ending in -ista, -ota, -ita
F - Continuation flag for derivative adjectives of third declension
G - Proper names or nouns in singular only
H - Flag allowing affixes to be inside compounds
I - First part of compound
J - Last part of compound
K - Only in compounds
L - Nouns in plural only and "guest" plural form of nouns
M - Feminine nouns derived from masculine nouns
N - Ordinal numerals
O - Continuation flag for ordinal numerals
P - Continuation flag for ronouns
Q - Pronouns of two forms (first/second declension)
R - Pronouns of one form (third declension)
S - Nouns
T - Greek nouns with alternative sg on -is/-x, Latin nouns in -um, Greak nouns in -on, German nouns
U - English nouns, French nouns in -au, -eau and -s
V - One-stem verbs in -ar, -er and -ir
W - Double-stem verbs ending in -er or -ere
X - Flag for 'big' numbers
Y - First part of ordinal number
Z - Second part of ordinal number
] - Metrix prefixes, long form
[ - Metrix prefixes, abbreviated
) - Binary prefixes, long form
( - Binary prefixes, abbreviated
= - Prefixes separated from base with hyphen
Derivation Flags:
a -ista sb
b -abile, -ibile adj
c -abilitate, ibilitate sb
d -antia, -entia, -ientia sb
e -eria sb
f -o- adj used in compounds
g -age sb
h -ena sb
i -atori, -itori, -ori adj
j -atorio, -itorio, -orio sb
k -itate, -etate sb
l -illion, -illiardo sb
m -amento, -imento sb
n -ation, -ition, -ion
o -ismo sb
p -uple adj
q -ic adj
r -icitate sb
s -istic adj
t -ator, -atrice, -itor, -itrice, -or, -rice sb
u -atura, -itura, -ura sb
v -ative, -itive, -ive adj
w -ativitate, -itivitate, -ivitate sb
x - cardinal and ordinal suffixes of unit's digits
y - ordinal suffixes of decimal digits
z - prefixes of unit's digits
Hyphenation Rules:
The rules have been built from scratch using the method described in:
--- "How to make a foreign language pattern file: Romanian",
The hyphenation rules were adopted mainly from Italian, Spanish, Romanian and German.
1. a single consonant between two vowels belongs to the second syllable
2. digraphs bh, ch, dh, gh, kh, ph, rh, sh, th and zh are considered a single consonant
3. two consonants are divided between vowels unless an l or an r follows b, c, d, f, k, g, p, t, v
the same rules applies to a group of three consonans starting with ch, gh, kh, ph, sh, th
4. initial or final cluster of consonants are not devided
5. three consonants are divided after the first one if the group ends with
a) l or r following b, c, d, f, g, k, p, t or v
d) bh, ch, dh, gh, kh, ph, rh, sh, th and zh
c) sc, sk, sp or st
d) otherwise, they are divided after the second consonant
6. four consonants are divided after the first one if the group ends with
a) l or r following sc, sk, sp or st
b) sch, sph or sth
and they are devided after the second one
c) if l or r does not follow sc, sk, sp or st
d) or the group ends with ch, ph, sh or th
e) in all other cases a group of four consonst is devided after the third consonant
7. never devide before or after an apostrophe
8. patterns adjusted for compound words, "guest" words or etymology
Revision History:
-- Unnecessary install.js file removed after feedback from Mozilla Add-ons
-- Flag reorganized: B, F, N, M, f
-- Added words from "Lista Supplementari de Vocabulos International"
-- Updated affixes in A, E, F, P, T, U, k
-- Adjectives in -ista, -ota, -ita, -tor, -sor, -xor flagged with E
-- Flag U extended to cover French nouns in -s, English nouns in -man, -lf, affixes for Greek nouns in -is removed
-- Greek nouns with alternative sg in -is/-x moved to flag T, sg in -e used as base
-- Flag T redesigned and extended to cover German nouns, Latin nouns in -um, Greek nouns in -on
-- Updated compatibility for LibreOffice 4.1 release
-- Added basic and derived SI and non-SI units and units of information
-- Flags to add metrix and binary prefixes: [, ], ( and )
-- Flag generates hyphenated forms to mark hiatus, e.g. anti-inflation
-- Added missing names of countries with related adjectives
-- Added flag f and compunding rules to generate compound adj/sb of type: franco-german, nord-americano
-- Added keep case flag | and compound flag +
-- Added conversion of ' to and from
-- Minor fixes to affix rules
-- Added missing names of chemical elements
-- Affixes redesigned. Verbs devided into one-stem and double-stem classes (V vs. W)
-- New flags to handle suffixes -ista sb, -istic adj and -ismo sb
-- Flag for -ada sb removed due to low usage
-- Flags for -ic adj and -icitate extended
-- Added all names of countries and their capitals
-- Added words from "Terminos biologic in anglese e interlingua"
-- Hyphenation rules reworked and extended
-- Most of corrections suggested in "Annotationes..." added
-- Around 200 additonal corrections added
-- Updated compatibility info for new Apache OpenOffice release
-- Adjectives ended on -phile moved out of 'purist list'.
-- Added words from DFI N-Z
-- Handful of typos detectd in DIN corrected
-- Adjectives ended on -gine moved to 'purist list'.
-- Flag for following words was corrected: compound, indoor, microcomputer, super,
west-nord-west, out, antidumping, antifading, antiskating, antitank, non-stop,
underground, antiballas, antidrogas, antigas, antipulices, antirugas, cis-trans,
topless, unisex, waterproof
-- Added words extracted from DFI letters A-M
-- Dictionary, affixes and hyphenation rules converted to Unicode
-- Replacement and mapping rules added.
-- Conversion rules for combining accents and hyphenation points
-- Following non-international words were added back: an, ella, esque, num, utrum
-- Following international words were added: calceria, diffusivitate, merceria, natal
-- Some duplicate entries were removed
-- Minor changes to naming of flags
-- Some duplicate entries were removed
-- review of inflection flags, new flags M, J, T, U, correction to V, A, E
-- new continuation flags: B, F
-- review of derivation flags, changes to flag naming, new flag for -ic adjectives
-- review of entries from DIN
-- typo corrections: hydropatha, telepatha, cardiopatha, diphteria,
coproducteur, zoomer, dischristanisar, deruraliser, dissyllabic,
microcalorimétrie, kératoplastie, mille-pedes, kératose, kératotoma,
kératotomie, binationalité, Gethsémani, protéinogramme, caprifigo,
réplicative, tétanisate, protéinogramme, étiopathia, mille-flores,
mille-folios, altoparlator, urugayan, lipovaccin, trompe-d'oeil,
ethniciser, ostreicola, asinitate, audibitate
-- modernized spelling of English compunds (without hyphens)
-- regularized capitalization: sinn fein, Pompeiano, quechua
-- added -ic adjectives: -ologic, -ophilic, -ophobic, -ochimic
-- all duplicates entries removed
-- added nosplit suggestions option
-- added 'hidden entries' in DIN: Abraham, Bernardo, Celsius,
Gotthard, Laurentio, antitempesta, corps diplomatique, erignatho,
horologic, incogniscite, japonic, maladive, onyce, oppositifolie,
polypoide, premiscer, ptarmic, robur, roccella, sebacic, semifundite,
sexuate, suprahuman, thapsiforme
-- removed adjectives ending with -ari (correct forms end with -ar):
alveolari, axillari, biliari, ganglionari, interstellari, mamillari,
nucleari, pupillari, tumulari, tutelari, bacilari, cilari, supercilari
-- removed adjectives incorrectly ending with -ar, correct form ends with ari:
valetudinar, jubilar