
242 lines
8.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import "../"
import "../views"
import "../panels"
import "../status"
import "."
Item {
id: root
height: (chatKey.height + message.height + existingContacts.height
+ searchResults.height + noContactsRect.height + 24)
property var rootStore
property var contactsStore
property var community
property string validationError: ""
property string successMessage: ""
property alias chatKey: chatKey
property alias existingContacts: existingContacts
property alias noContactsRect: noContactsRect
property string pubKey : ""
property int searchResultsWidth : 0
property alias loading : searchResults.loading
property string ensUsername : ""
property bool showCheckbox: false
property bool showContactList: true
property bool showSearch: true
signal userClicked(string pubKey, bool isAddedContact, string name, string address)
property var pubKeys: ([])
property bool hideCommunityMembers: false
property bool addContactEnabled: true
property string wrongInputValidationError: qsTr("Enter a valid chat key or ENS username");
property var resolveENS: Backpressure.debounce(root, 500, function (ensName) {
noContactsRect.visible = false
searchResults.loading = true
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false
mainModule.resolveENS(ensName, "")
function validate() {
if (!Utils.isChatKey(chatKey.text) && !Utils.isValidETHNamePrefix(chatKey.text)) {
root.validationError = wrongInputValidationError
pubKey = ""
ensUsername = "";
} else if (RootStore.userProfileInst.pubKey === chatKey.text) {
root.validationError = qsTr("Can't chat with yourself");
} else {
root.validationError = "";
return root.validationError === "";
Input {
id: chatKey
property bool hasValidSearchResult: false
placeholderText: qsTr("Enter ENS username or chat key")
visible: showSearch
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
Keys.onReleased: {
successMessage = "";
searchResults.pubKey = "";
root.validationError = "";
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false;
if (chatKey.text !== "") {
if (!validate()) {
noContactsRect.visible = false;
chatKey.text = chatKey.text.trim();
if (Utils.isChatKey(chatKey.text)) {
pubKey = chatKey.text;
let contactDetails = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(pubKey)
if (!contactDetails.isContact) {
searchResults.username = contactDetails.alias
searchResults.userAlias = Utils.compactAddress(pubKey, 4);
searchResults.pubKey = pubKey
noContactsRect.visible = false;
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = false
Qt.callLater(resolveENS, chatKey.text);
} else {
root.validationError = "";
textField.anchors.rightMargin: clearBtn.width + Style.current.padding + 2
Connections {
target: mainModule
onResolvedENS: {
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = false
if (chatKey.text == "") {
ensUsername.text = "";
pubKey = "";
} else if(resolvedPubKey == ""){
ensUsername.text = "";
searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = "";
searchResults.address = "";
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = root.showContactList
} else {
if (userProfile.pubKey === resolvedPubKey) {
root.validationError = qsTr("Can't chat with yourself");
} else {
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = true
searchResults.username = Utils.addStatusEns(chatKey.text.trim())
let userAlias = globalUtils.generateAlias(resolvedPubKey)
userAlias = userAlias.length > 20 ? userAlias.substring(0, 19) + "..." : userAlias
searchResults.userAlias = userAlias + " • " + Utils.compactAddress(resolvedPubKey, 4)
searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = resolvedPubKey;
searchResults.address = resolvedAddress;
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false
searchResults.loading = false;
noContactsRect.visible = pubKey === "" &&
ensUsername.text === "" &&
root.contactsStore.myContactsModel.count === 0 &&
StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: clearBtn
width: 20
height: 20
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter "clear"
visible: chatKey.text !== "" && !chatKey.readOnly
icon.width: 20
icon.height: 20
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
color: "transparent"
onClicked: {
chatKey.text = "";
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false;
searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = "";
noContactsRect.visible = false;
searchResults.loading = false;
root.validationError = "";
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = false
StyledText {
id: message
text: root.validationError || successMessage
visible: root.validationError !== "" || successMessage !== ""
height: visible ? contentHeight : 0
font.pixelSize: 13
color: !!root.validationError ? Style.current.danger : Style.current.success chatKey.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
ExistingContacts {
id: existingContacts
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
visible: showContactList
hideCommunityMembers: root.hideCommunityMembers
anchors.topMargin: this.height > 0 ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0 {
if (message.visible) {
return message.bottom
if (chatKey.visible) {
return chatKey.bottom
showCheckbox: root.showCheckbox
filterText: chatKey.text
pubKeys: root.pubKeys
onContactClicked: function (contact) {
if (!contact || typeof contact === "string") {
const index = root.pubKeys.indexOf(contact.pubKey)
const pubKeysCopy = Object.assign([], root.pubKeys)
if (index === -1) {
} else {
pubKeysCopy.splice(index, 1)
root.pubKeys = pubKeysCopy
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = false
userClicked(contact.pubKey, contact.isContact, contact.alias, contact.address)
expanded: !searchResults.loading && pubKey === "" && !searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage
SearchResults {
id: searchResults existingContacts.visible ? existingContacts.bottom :
message.visible? message.bottom : chatKey.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
hasExistingContacts: existingContacts.visible
loading: false
width: searchResultsWidth > 0 ? searchResultsWidth : parent.width
addContactEnabled: root.addContactEnabled
onResultClicked: {
chatKey.hasValidSearchResult = false
userClicked(pubKey, isAddedContact, username, searchResults.address)
if (!validate()) {
onAddToContactsButtonClicked: {
NoFriendsRectangle {
id: noContactsRect
visible: showContactList
anchors.centerIn: parent
rootStore: root.rootStore