*walletModel.currentAccount* - returns current account (object)
*walletModel.currentAccount.name* -
*walletModel.currentAccount.address* -
*walletModel.currentAccount.iconColor* -
*walletModel.currentAccount.balance* -
*walletModel.currentAccount.path* -
*walletModel.currentAccount.walletType* -
*walletModel.transactions* - list of transactions (list)
each transaction is an object containing:
* typeValue
* address
* blockNumber
* blockHash
* timestamp
* gasPrice
* gasLimit
* gasUsed
* nonce
* txStatus
* value
* fromAddress
* to
*walletModel.assets* - list of assets (list)
each list is an object containing:
* name
* symbol
* value
* fiatValue
*walletModel.totalFiatBalance* - returns total fiat balance of all accounts (string)
*walletModel.accounts* - list of accounts (list)
each account is an object containing:
* name
* address
* iconColor
* balance
*walletModel.defaultCurrency* - get current currency (string)
*walletModel.setDefaultCurrency(currency: string)* - set a new default currency, `currency` should be a symbol like `"USD"`
*walletModel.hasAsset(account: string, symbol: string)* - returns true if token with `symbol` is enabled, false other wise (boolean)
*walletModel.toggleAsset(symbol: string, checked: bool, address: string, name: string, decimals: int, color: string)* - enables a token with `symbol` or disables it it's already enabled
*walletModel.addCustomToken(address: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: string)* - add a custom token to the wallet
*walletModel.loadTransactionsForAccount(address: string)* - loads transaction history for an address
*walletModel.onSendTransaction(from_value: string, to: string, value: string, password: string)* - transfer a value in ether from one account to another
*walletModel.deleteAccount(address: string)* - delete an address from the wallet