2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
import QtQuick 2.15
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups.simpleSend 1.0
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
import AppLayouts.Wallet.adaptors 1.0
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
import shared.popups.send 1.0
import shared.stores.send 1.0
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
required property var popupParent
required property int loginType
required property TransactionStore transactionStore
required property WalletStores.CollectiblesStore walletCollectiblesStore
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
/** for ens flows **/
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
required property string myPublicKey
required property string ensRegisteredAddress
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
/** TODO: This should probably be a property and not
a function. Needs changes on backend side **/
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
property var getStatusTokenKey: function() {}
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
/** for sticker flows **/
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
required property string stickersMarketAddress
required property string stickersNetworkId
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
/** Feature flag for single network send until its feature complete **/
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
required property bool simpleSendEnabled
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
/** For simple send modal flows, decoupling from transaction store **/
/** curently selected fiat currency symbol **/
required property string currentCurrency
/** Expected model structure:
- name: name of account
- address: wallet address
- color: color of the account
- emoji: emoji selected for the account
- currencyBalance: total currency balance in CurrencyAmount
- accountBalance: balance of selected token + selected chain
required property var walletAccountsModel
/** Expected model structure:
- tokensKey: unique string ID of the token (asset); e.g. "ETH" or contract address
- name: user visible token name (e.g. "Ethereum")
- symbol: user visible token symbol (e.g. "ETH")
- decimals: number of decimal places
- communityId: optional; ID of the community this token belongs to, if any
- marketDetails: object containing props like `currencyPrice` for the computed values below
- balances: submodel[ chainId:int, account:string, balance:BigIntString, iconUrl:string ]
required property var groupedAccountAssetsModel
/** Expected model structure:
- symbol [string] - unique identifier of a collectible
- collectionUid [string] - unique identifier of a collection
- contractAddress [string] - collectible's contract address
- name [string] - collectible's name e.g. "Magicat"
- collectionName [string] - collection name e.g. "Crypto Kitties"
- mediaUrl [url] - collectible's media url
- imageUrl [url] - collectible's image url
- communityId [string] - unique identifier of a community for community collectible or empty
- ownership [model] - submodel of balances per chain/account
- balance [int] - balance (always 1 for ERC-721)
- accountAddress [string] - unique identifier of an account
required property var collectiblesBySymbolModel
Expected model structure:
- chainId: network chain id
- chainName: name of network
- iconUrl: network icon url
networks on both mainnet & testnet
required property var flatNetworksModel
/** true if testnet mode is on **/
required property var areTestNetworksEnabled
/** whether community tokens are shown in send modal
based on a global setting **/
required property var showCommunityAssetsInSend
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
function openSend(params = {}) {
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
// TODO remove once simple send is feature complete
let sendModalCmp = root.simpleSendEnabled ? simpleSendModalComponent: sendModalComponent
let sendModalInst = sendModalCmp.createObject(popupParent, params)
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function connectUsername(ensName) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.ENSSetPubKey,
preSelectedHoldingID: Constants.ethToken ,
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.Native,
preDefinedAmountToSend: LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(0),
preSelectedRecipient: root.ensRegisteredAddress,
interactive: false,
publicKey: root.myPublicKey,
ensName: ensName
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function registerUsername(ensName) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.ENSRegister,
preSelectedHoldingID: root.getStatusTokenKey(),
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.ERC20,
preDefinedAmountToSend: LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(10),
preSelectedRecipient: root.ensRegisteredAddress,
interactive: false,
publicKey: root.myPublicKey,
ensName: ensName
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function releaseUsername(ensName, senderAddress, chainId) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.ENSRelease,
preSelectedAccountAddress: senderAddress,
preSelectedHoldingID: Constants.ethToken ,
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.Native,
preDefinedAmountToSend: LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(0),
preSelectedChainId: chainId,
preSelectedRecipient: root.ensRegisteredAddress,
interactive: false,
publicKey: root.myPublicKey,
ensName: ensName
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function buyStickerPack(packId, price) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.StickersBuy,
preSelectedHoldingID: root.getStatusTokenKey(),
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.ERC20,
preDefinedAmountToSend: LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(price),
preSelectedChainId: root.stickersNetworkId,
preSelectedRecipient: root.stickersMarketAddress,
interactive: false,
stickersPackId: packId
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function transferOwnership(tokenId, senderAddress) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.ERC721Transfer,
preSelectedAccountAddress: senderAddress,
preSelectedHoldingID: tokenId,
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.ERC721,
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function sendToRecipient(recipientAddress) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedRecipient: recipientAddress
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function bridgeToken(tokenId, tokenType) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: Constants.SendType.Bridge,
preSelectedHoldingID: tokenId ,
preSelectedHoldingType: tokenType,
onlyAssets: true
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
function sendToken(senderAddress, tokenId, tokenType) {
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
let sendType = Constants.SendType.Transfer
if (tokenType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) {
sendType = Constants.SendType.ERC721Transfer
} else if(tokenType === Constants.TokenType.ERC1155) {
sendType = Constants.SendType.ERC1155Transfer
let params = {
preSelectedSendType: sendType,
preSelectedAccountAddress: senderAddress,
preSelectedHoldingID: tokenId ,
preSelectedHoldingType: tokenType,
2024-12-23 06:32:48 +01:00
function openTokenPaymentRequest(recipientAddress, symbol, rawAmount, chainId) {
const params = {
preSelectedHoldingID: symbol,
preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.ERC20,
preDefinedRawAmountToSend: rawAmount,
preSelectedChainId: chainId,
preSelectedRecipient: recipientAddress
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00
readonly property Component sendModalComponent: Component {
SendModal {
loginType: root.loginType
store: root.transactionStore
collectiblesStore: root.walletCollectiblesStore
showCustomRoutingMode: !production
onClosed: destroy()
2024-12-02 12:02:05 +01:00
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
readonly property Component simpleSendModalComponent: Component {
SimpleSendModal {
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
id: simpleSendModal
/** TODO: use the newly defined WalletAccountsSelectorAdaptor
in https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/pull/16834 **/
accountsModel: root.walletAccountsModel
assetsModel: assetsSelectorViewAdaptor.outputAssetsModel
collectiblesModel: collectiblesSelectionAdaptor.model
networksModel: root.filteredFlatNetworksModel
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
onClosed: destroy()
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
TokenSelectorViewAdaptor {
id: assetsSelectorViewAdaptor
// TODO: remove all store dependecies and add specific properties to the handler instead
assetsModel: root.groupedAccountAssetsModel
flatNetworksModel: root.flatNetworksModel
currentCurrency: root.currentCurrency
showCommunityAssets: root.showCommunityAssetsInSend
accountAddress: simpleSendModal.selectedAccountAddress
enabledChainIds: [simpleSendModal.selectedChainId]
CollectiblesSelectionAdaptor {
id: collectiblesSelectionAdaptor
accountKey: simpleSendModal.selectedAccountAddress
networksModel: root.filteredFlatNetworksModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesBySymbolModel
2024-11-05 16:59:45 +01:00
2024-12-04 19:13:24 +01:00
readonly property var filteredFlatNetworksModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: root.flatNetworksModel
filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest"; value: root.areTestNetworksEnabled }
2024-11-05 19:51:17 +01:00