2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps.plugins 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.services.dapps.types 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStore
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import shared.stores 1.0
import utils 1.0
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import "./internal"
2024-11-07 11:10:10 +02:00
/// Component that provides the dapps integration for the wallet.
/// It provides the following features:
/// - WalletConnect integration
/// - WalletConnect pairing
/// - WalletConnect sessions management
/// - WalletConnect signing requests
/// - WalletConnect SIWE
/// - WalletConnect online status
/// - BrowserConnect integration
/// - BrowserConnect pairing
/// - BrowserConnect - access to persistent sessions
/// - BrowserConnect - access to persistent signing requests
/// - BrowserConnect signing requests
/// - BrowserConnect online status
SQUtils.QObject {
id: root
// SDKs providing the DApps API
required property WalletConnectSDKBase wcSdk
required property WalletConnectSDKBase bcSdk
// DApps shared store - used for wc peristence and signing requests/transactions
required property DAppsStore store
required property CurrenciesStore currenciesStore
// Required roles: address
required property var accountsModel
// Required roles: chainId, layer, isOnline
required property var networksModel
// Required roles: tokenKey, balances
required property var groupedAccountAssetsModel
readonly property alias requestsModel: requests
readonly property alias dappsModel: dappConnections.dappsModel
readonly property bool enabled: wcSdk.enabled || bcSdk.enabled
readonly property bool isServiceOnline: chainsSupervisorPlugin.anyChainAvailable && (wcSdk.sdkReady || bcSdk.enabled)
// Connection signals
/// Emitted when a new DApp requests a connection
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signal connectDApp(var chains, string dAppUrl, string dAppName, string dAppIcon, int connectorId, string key)
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/// Emitted when a new DApp is connected
signal dappConnected(string proposalId, string newTopic, string url, int connectorId)
/// Emitted when a DApp is disconnected
signal dappDisconnected(string topic, string url)
/// Emitted when a new DApp fails to connect
signal newConnectionFailed(string key, string dappUrl, var error)
// Pairing signals
signal pairingValidated(int validationState)
signal pairingResponse(int state) // Maps to Pairing.errors
// Sign request signals
signal signCompleted(string topic, string id, bool userAccepted, string error)
signal siweCompleted(string topic, string id, string error)
/// WalletConnect pairing
/// @param uri - the pairing URI to pair
/// Result is emitted via the pairingResponse signal
/// A new session proposal is expected to be emitted if the pairing is successful
function pair(uri) {
return wcSdk.pair(uri)
/// Approves or rejects the session proposal. App response to `connectDApp`
/// @param key - the key of the session proposal
/// @param approvedChainIds - array containing the chainIds that the user approved
/// @param accountAddress - the address of the account that approved the session
function approvePairSession(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) {
if (siwePlugin.connectionRequests.has(key.toString())) {
siwePlugin.accept(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress)
dappConnections.connect(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress)
/// Rejects the session proposal. App response to `connectDApp`
/// @param id - the id of the session proposal
function rejectPairSession(id) {
if (siwePlugin.connectionRequests.has(id.toString())) {
/// Disconnects the WC session with the given topic. Expected `dappDisconnected` signal
/// @param sessionTopic - the topic of the session to disconnect
function disconnectSession(sessionTopic) {
/// Validates the pairing URI and emits the pairingValidated signal. Expected `pairingValidated` signal
/// Async function
/// @param uri - the pairing URI to validate
function validatePairingUri(uri){
const info = DAppsHelpers.extractInfoFromPairUri(uri)
wcSdk.getActiveSessions((sessions) => {
// Check if the URI is already paired
let validationState = Pairing.errors.uriOk
for (const key in sessions) {
if (sessions[key].pairingTopic === info.topic) {
validationState = Pairing.errors.alreadyUsed
// Check if expired
if (validationState === Pairing.errors.uriOk) {
const now = (new Date().getTime())/1000
if (info.expiry < now) {
validationState = Pairing.errors.expired
/// Returns the DApp with the given topic
/// @param topic - the topic of the DApp to return
/// @return the DApp with the given topic
/// DApp {
/// name: string
/// url: string
/// iconUrl: string
/// topic: string
/// connectorId: int
/// accountAddressses: [{address: string}]
/// chains: string
/// rawSessions: [{session: object}]
/// }
function getDApp(topic) {
return SQUtils.ModelUtils.getFirstModelEntryIf(dappsModel, (dapp) => {
return dapp.topic === topic
SQUtils.ModelUtils.getFirstModelEntryIf(dapp.rawSessions, (session) => {
return session.topic === topic
DAppConnectionsPlugin {
id: dappConnections
wcSDK: root.wcSdk
bcSDK: root.bcSdk
dappsStore: root.store
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
networksModel: root.networksModel
onConnected: (proposalId, topic, url, connectorId) => {
root.dappConnected(proposalId, topic, url, connectorId)
onDisconnected: (topic, url) => {
root.dappDisconnected(topic, url)
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onNewConnectionProposed: (key, chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, connectorId) => {
root.connectDApp(chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, connectorId, key)
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onNewConnectionFailed: (key, dappUrl, error) => {
root.newConnectionFailed(key, dappUrl, error)
SessionRequestsModel {
id: requests
ChainsSupervisorPlugin {
id: chainsSupervisorPlugin
sdk: root.wcSdk
networksModel: root.networksModel
Connections {
target: root.wcSdk
enabled: root.wcSdk.enabled
function onPairResponse(ok) {
SiweRequestPlugin {
id: siwePlugin
readonly property var connectionRequests: new Map()
sdk: root.wcSdk
store: root.store
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
networksModel: root.networksModel
onRegisterSignRequest: (request) => {
onUnregisterSignRequest: (requestId) => {
const request = requests.findById(requestId)
if (request === null) {
console.error("SiweRequestPlugin::onUnregisterSignRequest: Error finding event for requestId", requestId)
requests.removeRequest(request.topic, requestId)
onConnectDApp: (chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, key) => {
siwePlugin.connectionRequests.set(key.toString(), {chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon})
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root.connectDApp(chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, Constants.DAppConnectors.WalletConnect, key)
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onSiweFailed: (id, error, topic) => {
root.siweCompleted(topic, id, error)
onSiweSuccessful: (id, topic) => {
d.lookupSession(topic, function(session) {
// Persist session
if(!root.store.addWalletConnectSession(JSON.stringify(session))) {
console.error("Failed to persist session")
root.siweCompleted(topic, id, "")
function accept(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) {
const approvedNamespaces = JSON.parse(
siwePlugin.connectionApproved(key, approvedNamespaces)
function reject(key) {
SQUtils.QObject {
id: d
function lookupSession(topicToLookup, callback) {
wcSdk.getActiveSessions((res) => {
Object.keys(res).forEach((topic) => {
if (topic === topicToLookup) {
let session = res[topic]
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// The fees broker to handle all fees requests for all components and connections
TransactionFeesBroker {
id: feesBroker
store: root.store
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// bcSignRequestPlugin and wcSignRequestPlugin are used to handle sign requests
// Almost identical, and it's worth extracting in an inline component, but Qt5.15.2 doesn't support it
SignRequestPlugin {
id: bcSignRequestPlugin
sdk: root.bcSdk
groupedAccountAssetsModel: root.groupedAccountAssetsModel
networksModel: root.networksModel
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
store: root.store
requests: root.requestsModel
dappsModel: root.dappsModel
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feesBroker: feesBroker
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getFiatValue: (value, currency) => {
return root.currenciesStore.getFiatValue(value, currency)
onSignCompleted: (topic, id, userAccepted, error) => {
root.signCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error)
SignRequestPlugin {
id: wcSignRequestPlugin
sdk: root.wcSdk
groupedAccountAssetsModel: root.groupedAccountAssetsModel
networksModel: root.networksModel
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
store: root.store
requests: root.requestsModel
dappsModel: root.dappsModel
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feesBroker: feesBroker
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getFiatValue: (value, currency) => {
return root.currenciesStore.getFiatValue(value, currency)
onSignCompleted: (topic, id, userAccepted, error) => {
root.signCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error)