
669 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import "../controls"
import "../popups"
import "../stores" as WalletStores
import ".."
import "../panels"
Item {
id: root
property var overview: WalletStores.RootStore.overview
property var contactsStore
property var transaction
property var sendModal
readonly property bool isTransactionValid: transaction !== undefined && !!transaction
onTransactionChanged: {
d.decodedInputData = ""
if (!transaction || !transaction.input || !RootStore.history)
RootStore.history.fetchDecodedTxData(transaction.txHash, transaction.input)
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool isIncoming: root.isTransactionValid ? root.transaction.recipient.toLowerCase() === root.overview.mixedcaseAddress.toLowerCase() : false
readonly property bool isNFT: root.isTransactionValid ? root.transaction.isNFT : false
readonly property string savedAddressNameTo: root.isTransactionValid ? d.getNameForSavedWalletAddress(transaction.recipient) : ""
readonly property string savedAddressNameFrom: root.isTransactionValid ? d.getNameForSavedWalletAddress(transaction.sender): ""
readonly property string from: root.isTransactionValid ? !!savedAddressNameFrom ? savedAddressNameFrom : Utils.compactAddress(transaction.sender, 4): ""
readonly property string to: root.isTransactionValid ? !!savedAddressNameTo ? savedAddressNameTo : Utils.compactAddress(transaction.recipient, 4): ""
readonly property string savedAddressEns: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getEnsForSavedWalletAddress(isIncoming ? transaction.sender : transaction.recipient) : ""
readonly property string savedAddressChains: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getChainShortNamesForSavedWalletAddress(isIncoming ? transaction.sender : transaction.recipient) : ""
readonly property string networkShortName: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getNetworkShortName(transaction.chainId) : ""
readonly property string networkFullName: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getNetworkFullName(transaction.chainId): ""
readonly property string networkIcon: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getNetworkIcon(transaction.chainId): ""
readonly property int blockNumber: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.hex2Dec(root.transaction.blockNumber) : 0
readonly property string bridgeNetworkIcon: "" // TODO fill when bridge data is implemented
readonly property string bridgeNetworkFullname: "" // TODO fill when bridge data is implemented
readonly property string bridgeNetworkShortName: "" // TODO fill when bridge data is implemented
readonly property int bridgeBlockNumber: 0 // TODO fill when bridge data is implemented
readonly property double swapCryptoValue: 0 // TODO fill when swap data is implemented
readonly property string swapSymbol: "" // TODO fill when swap data is implemented
readonly property string symbol: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.symbol : ""
readonly property var multichainNetworks: [] // TODO fill icon for networks for multichain
readonly property double cryptoValue: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.value : 0.0
readonly property double fiatValue: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getFiatValue(cryptoValue, symbol, RootStore.currentCurrency): 0.0
readonly property string fiatValueFormatted: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.fiatValue, RootStore.currentCurrency) : ""
readonly property string cryptoValueFormatted: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.cryptoValue, symbol) : ""
readonly property real feeEthValue: root.isTransactionValid && transaction.totalFees ? RootStore.getGasEthValue(transaction.totalFees.amount, 1) : 0
readonly property real feeFiatValue: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getFiatValue(d.feeEthValue, "ETH", RootStore.currentCurrency) : 0
readonly property int transactionType: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.txType : Constants.TransactionType.Send
property string decodedInputData: ""
function getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address) {
return RootStore.getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address)
function retryTransaction() {
// TODO handle failed transaction retry
Connections {
target: RootStore.history
function onTxDecoded(txHash: string, dataDecoded: string) {
if (!root.isTransactionValid || txHash !== root.transaction.txHash || !dataDecoded)
try {
const decodedObject = JSON.parse(dataDecoded)
let text = qsTr("Function: %1").arg(decodedObject.signature)
text += "\n" + qsTr("MethodID: %1").arg(
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(decodedObject.inputs)) {
text += "\n[%1]: %2".arg(key).arg(value)
d.decodedInputData = text
} catch(e) {
console.error("Failed to parse decoded tx data. Data:", dataDecoded)
StatusScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: availableWidth
Column {
id: column
width: scrollView.availableWidth
spacing: Style.current.xlPadding + Style.current.halfPadding
Column {
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.current.bigPadding
TransactionDelegate {
id: transactionHeader
objectName: "transactionDetailHeader"
width: parent.width
leftPadding: 0
modelData: transaction
currentCurrency: RootStore.currentCurrency
cryptoValue: d.cryptoValue
fiatValue: d.fiatValue
networkIcon: d.networkIcon
networkColor: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.getNetworkColor(transaction.chainId): ""
networkName: d.networkFullName
swapSymbol: d.swapSymbol
bridgeNetworkName: d.bridgeNetworkFullname
symbol: d.symbol
transactionStatus: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.status : Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending
timeStampText: root.isTransactionValid ? qsTr("Signed at %1").arg(LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(transaction.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat)): ""
addressNameTo: root.isTransactionValid ? WalletStores.RootStore.getNameForAddress(transaction.recipient): ""
addressNameFrom: root.isTransactionValid ? WalletStores.RootStore.getNameForAddress(transaction.sender): ""
sensor.enabled: false
rootStore: RootStore
walletRootStore: WalletStores.RootStore
color: Theme.palette.transparent
state: "header"
onRetryClicked: d.retryTransaction()
Separator { }
WalletTxProgressBlock {
id: progressBlock
width: Math.min(513, root.width)
error: transactionHeader.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed
isLayer1: root.isTransactionValid && RootStore.getNetworkLayer(root.transaction.chainId) == 1
confirmations: root.isTransactionValid ? Math.abs(WalletStores.RootStore.getLatestBlockNumber(root.transaction.chainId) - d.blockNumber): 0
chainName: d.networkFullName
timeStamp: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.timestamp: ""
Separator {
width: progressBlock.width
WalletNftPreview {
visible: root.isTransactionValid && d.isNFT && !!transaction.nftImageUrl
width: Math.min(304, progressBlock.width)
nftName: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.nftName : ""
nftUrl: root.isTransactionValid && !!transaction.nftImageUrl ? transaction.nftImageUrl : ""
strikethrough: d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Destroy
tokenId: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.tokenID : ""
contractAddress: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.contract : ""
Column {
width: progressBlock.width
spacing: 0
StatusBaseText {
width: parent.width
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
text: qsTr("Transaction summary")
elide: Text.ElideRight
Item {
width: parent.width
height: Style.current.smallPadding
DetailsPanel {
RowLayout {
spacing: 0
width: parent.width
height: opacity > 0 ? Math.max(implicitHeight, 85) : 0
opacity: fromNetworkTile.visible || toNetworkTile.visible ? 1 : 0
TransactionDataTile {
id: fromNetworkTile
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
title: qsTr("From")
subTitle: {
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return d.symbol
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return d.networkFullName
return ""
} {
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return !!d.symbol ? Constants.tokenIcon(d.symbol) : ""
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return !!d.networkIcon ? Style.svg(d.networkIcon) : ""
return ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
id: toNetworkTile
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
title: qsTr("To")
subTitle: {
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return d.swapSymbol
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return d.bridgeNetworkFullname
return ""
} {
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return !!d.swapSymbol ? Constants.tokenIcon(d.swapSymbol) : ""
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return !!d.bridgeNetworkIcon ? Style.svg(d.bridgeNetworkIcon) : ""
return ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionAddressTile {
width: parent.width
title: d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Swap || d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge ?
qsTr("In") : qsTr("From")
addresses: root.isTransactionValid ? [root.transaction.sender] : []
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
rootStore: WalletStores.RootStore
onButtonClicked: {
if (d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Swap || d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
addressMenu.openEthAddressMenu(this, addresses[0], d.networkShortName)
} else {
addressMenu.openSenderMenu(this, addresses[0], d.networkShortName)
TransactionAddressTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("To")
addresses: root.isTransactionValid ? [root.transaction.recipient] : []
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
rootStore: WalletStores.RootStore
onButtonClicked: addressMenu.openReceiverMenu(this, addresses[0], d.networkShortName)
visible: d.transactionType !== Constants.TransactionType.Swap && d.transactionType !== Constants.TransactionType.Bridge && d.transactionType !== Constants.TransactionType.Destroy
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("Using")
buttonIconName: "external"
subTitle: "" // TODO fill protocol name for Swap and Bridge "" // TODO fill protocol icon for Bridge and Swap e.g. Style.svg("network/Network=Arbitrum")
onButtonClicked: {
// TODO handle
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("%1 Tx hash").arg(d.networkFullName)
subTitle: root.isTransactionValid ? root.transaction.txHash : ""
visible: !!subTitle
buttonIconName: "more"
onButtonClicked: addressMenu.openTxMenu(this, subTitle, d.networkShortName)
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("%1 Tx hash").arg(d.bridgeNetworkFullname)
subTitle: "" // TODO fill tx hash for Bridge
visible: !!subTitle
buttonIconName: "more"
onButtonClicked: addressMenu.openTxMenu(this, subTitle, d.bridgeNetworkShortName)
TransactionContractTile {
// Used for Bridge and Swap to display 'From' network Protocol contract address
address: "" // TODO fill protocol contract address for 'from' network for Bridge and Swap
symbol: "" // TODO fill protocol name for Bridge and Swap
networkName: d.networkFullName
shortNetworkName: d.networkShortName
visible: !!subTitle && (d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge || d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Swap)
TransactionContractTile {
// Used to display contract address for any network
address: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.contract : ""
symbol: root.isTransactionValid ? d.symbol : ""
networkName: d.networkFullName
shortNetworkName: d.networkShortName
TransactionContractTile {
// Used for Bridge to display 'To' network Protocol contract address
address: "" // TODO fill protocol contract address for 'to' network for Bridge
symbol: "" // TODO fill protocol name for Bridge
networkName: d.bridgeNetworkFullname
shortNetworkName: d.bridgeNetworkShortName
visible: !!subTitle && d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge
TransactionContractTile {
// Used for Bridge and Swap to display 'To' network token contract address
address: {
if (!root.isTransactionValid)
return ""
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return "" // TODO fill swap contract address for Swap
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return "" // TODO fill swap token's contract address for 'to' network for Bridge
return ""
symbol: {
if (!root.isTransactionValid)
return ""
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
return d.swapSymbol
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return d.symbol
return ""
networkName: d.bridgeNetworkFullname
shortNetworkName: d.bridgeNetworkShortName
visible: root.isTransactionValid && !!subTitle
Item {
width: parent.width
height: Style.current.bigPadding
DetailsPanel {
width: progressBlock.width
RowLayout {
width: parent.width
height: Math.max(implicitHeight, 85)
spacing: 0
TransactionDataTile {
id: multichainNetworksTile
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Networks")
visible: d.multichainNetworks.length > 0
Row {
anchors {
topMargin: multichainNetworksTile.statusListItemTitleArea.height + multichainNetworksTile.topPadding
left: parent.left
leftMargin: multichainNetworksTile.leftPadding
spacing: -4
Repeater {
model: d.multichainNetworks
delegate: StatusRoundedImage {
width: 20
height: 20
visible: image.source !== ""
border.width: index === 0 ? 0 : 1
border.color: Theme.palette.white
image.source: Style.svg("tiny/" + modelData)
z: index + 1
TransactionDataTile {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Network")
subTitle: d.networkFullName !!d.networkIcon ? Style.svg("%1".arg(d.networkIcon)) : ""
smallIcon: true
visible: d.transactionType !== Constants.TransactionType.Bridge
TransactionDataTile {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Token format")
subTitle: root.isTransactionValid ? transaction.type.toUpperCase() : ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Nonce")
subTitle: root.isTransactionValid ? RootStore.hex2Dec(root.transaction.nonce) : ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
id: inputDataTile
width: parent.width
height: Math.min(implicitHeight + bottomPadding, 112)
title: qsTr("Input data")
subTitle: {
if (!!d.decodedInputData) {
return d.decodedInputData
} else if (root.isTransactionValid) {
return root.transaction.input
return ""
visible: !!subTitle
buttonIconName: "more"
statusListItemSubTitle.maximumLineCount: 4
statusListItemSubTitle.lineHeight: 1.21
onButtonClicked: addressMenu.openInputDataMenu(this, subTitle)
statusListItemSubTitle.layer.enabled: statusListItemSubTitle.lineCount > 3
statusListItemSubTitle.layer.effect: OpacityMask {
maskSource: Rectangle {
width: 10
height: 10
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#f00" }
GradientStop { position: 0.4; color: "#a0ff0000" }
GradientStop { position: 0.75; color: "#00ff0000" }
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: !!d.networkFullName ? qsTr("Included in Block on %1").arg(d.networkFullName) : qsTr("Included on Block")
subTitle: d.blockNumber
tertiaryTitle: root.isTransactionValid ? LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(transaction.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) : ""
visible: d.blockNumber > 0
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: !!d.bridgeNetworkFullname ? qsTr("Included in Block on %1").arg(d.bridgeNetworkFullname) : qsTr("Included on Block")
subTitle: d.bridgeBlockNumber
tertiaryTitle: root.isTransactionValid ? LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(transaction.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) : ""
visible: d.bridgeBlockNumber > 0
Column {
width: progressBlock.width
spacing: Style.current.smallPadding
visible: !(d.isNFT && d.isIncoming)
RowLayout {
width: parent.width
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
text: qsTr("Values")
elide: Text.ElideRight
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
text: root.isTransactionValid ? qsTr("as of %1").arg(LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(transaction.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat)) : ""
elide: Text.ElideRight
DetailsPanel {
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("Amount sent")
subTitle: d.cryptoValueFormatted
tertiaryTitle: d.fiatValueFormatted
visible: {
if (d.isNFT)
return false
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return true
return false
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: transactionHeader.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionType.Pending ? qsTr("Amount to receive") : qsTr("Amount received")
subTitle: {
if (d.isNFT)
return ""
const type = d.transactionType
if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Swap) {
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.swapCryptoValue, d.swapSymbol)
} else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
// Reduce crypto value by fee value
const valueInCrypto = RootStore.getCryptoValue(d.fiatValue - d.feeFiatValue, d.symbol, RootStore.currentCurrency)
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(valueInCrypto, d.symbol)
return ""
tertiaryTitle: {
const type = d.transactionType
if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Swap) {
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.swapCryptoValue, d.swapSymbol)
} else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.fiatValue - d.feeFiatValue, RootStore.currentCurrency)
return ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("Fees")
subTitle: {
if (!root.isTransactionValid || d.isNFT)
return ""
switch(d.transactionType) {
case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
return LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(root.transaction.totalFees)
return ""
tertiaryTitle: !!subTitle ? RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.feeFiatValue, RootStore.currentCurrency) : ""
visible: !!subTitle
TransactionDataTile {
width: parent.width
// Using fees in this tile because of same higlight and color settings as Total
title: d.transactionType === Constants.TransactionType.Destroy || d.isNFT ? qsTr("Fees") : qsTr("Total")
subTitle: {
if (d.isNFT && d.isIncoming)
return ""
const type = d.transactionType
if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Destroy || d.isNFT) {
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.feeEthValue, "ETH")
} else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Receive || (type === Constants.TransactionType.Buy && progressBlock.isLayer1)) {
return d.cryptoValueFormatted
return "%1 + %2".arg(d.cryptoValueFormatted).arg(RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.feeEthValue, "ETH"))
tertiaryTitle: {
if (d.isNFT && d.isIncoming)
return ""
const type = d.transactionType
if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Destroy || d.isNFT) {
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.feeFiatValue, RootStore.currentCurrency)
} else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Receive || (type === Constants.TransactionType.Buy && progressBlock.isLayer1)) {
return d.fiatValueFormatted
return RootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.fiatValue + d.feeFiatValue, RootStore.currentCurrency)
visible: !!subTitle
highlighted: true
statusListItemTertiaryTitle.customColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
Separator {
width: progressBlock.width
RowLayout {
width: progressBlock.width
visible: root.isTransactionValid
spacing: 8
StatusButton {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: copyDetailsButton.height
text: qsTr("Repeat transaction")
size: StatusButton.Small
visible: root.isTransactionValid && !root.overview.isWatchOnlyAccount && d.transactionType === TransactionDelegate.Send
onClicked: {
// TODO handle other types
StatusButton {
id: copyDetailsButton
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Copy details") "copy"
icon.width: 20
icon.height: 20
size: StatusButton.Small
onClicked: RootStore.copyToClipboard(transactionHeader.getDetailsString())
TransactionAddressMenu {
id: addressMenu
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
onOpenSendModal: (address) =>
component DetailsPanel: Item {
width: parent.width
height: detailsColumn.childrenRect.height
default property alias content: detailsColumn.children
Rectangle {
id: tileBackground
anchors.fill: parent
color: Style.current.transparent
radius: 8
border.width: 1
border.color: Style.current.separator
Column {
id: detailsColumn
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 1
spacing: 0
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask {
// Separate rectangle is used as mask because background rectangle must be transaprent
maskSource: Rectangle {
width: tileBackground.width
height: tileBackground.height
radius: tileBackground.radius
component TransactionContractTile: TransactionDataTile {
property string networkName: ""
property string symbol: ""
property string address: ""
property string shortNetworkName: ""
width: parent.width
title: qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(networkName).arg(symbol)
subTitle: !!address && !/0x0+$/.test(address) ? address : ""
buttonIconName: "more"
visible: !!subTitle
onButtonClicked: addressMenu.openContractMenu(this, address, shortNetworkName, symbol)