2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick . Controls 2.15
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.15
import QtQml . Models 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ . Core 0.1
import StatusQ . Core . Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import StatusQ . Core . Theme 0.1
import StatusQ . Controls 0.1
import StatusQ . Components 0.1
import AppLayouts . Wallet . panels 1.0
import AppLayouts . Wallet . popups 1.0
import utils 1.0
SignTransactionModalBase {
id: root
required property string fromTokenSymbol
required property string fromTokenAmount
required property string fromTokenContractAddress
required property string toTokenSymbol
required property string toTokenAmount
required property string toTokenContractAddress
required property string accountName
required property string accountAddress
required property string accountEmoji
required property color accountColor
required property string networkShortName // e.g. "oeth"
required property string networkName // e.g. "Optimism"
required property string networkIconPath // e.g. `Style.svg("network/Network=Optimism")`
required property string networkBlockExplorerUrl
required property string currentCurrency
required property string fiatFees
required property string cryptoFees
required property double slippage
property string serviceProviderName: "Paraswap"
property string serviceProviderURL: "https://www.paraswap.io/" // TODO https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/15329
title: qsTr ( "Sign Swap" )
//: e.g. (swap) 100 DAI to 100 USDT
subtitle: qsTr ( "%1 %2 to %3 %4" ) . arg ( formatBigNumber ( fromTokenAmount , 4 ) ) . arg ( fromTokenSymbol ) // FIXME get the correct number of decimals to display from the "symbol"
. arg ( formatBigNumber ( toTokenAmount , 4 ) ) . arg ( toTokenSymbol )
gradientColor: Utils . setColorAlpha ( root . accountColor , 0.05 ) // 5% of wallet color
fromImageSource: Constants . tokenIcon ( root . fromTokenSymbol )
toImageSource: Constants . tokenIcon ( root . toTokenSymbol )
//: e.g. "Swap 100 DAI to 100 USDT in <account name> on <network chain name>"
headerMainText: qsTr ( "Swap %1 %2 to %3 %4 in %5 on %6" ) . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . fromTokenAmount ) ) . arg ( root . fromTokenSymbol )
. arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . toTokenAmount ) ) . arg ( root . toTokenSymbol ) . arg ( root . accountName ) . arg ( root . networkName )
headerSubTextLayout: [
StatusBaseText {
font.pixelSize: Style . current . additionalTextSize
text: qsTr ( "Powered by" )
} ,
StatusLinkText {
Layout.topMargin: 1 // compensate for the underline
text: root . serviceProviderName
normalColor: Theme . palette . directColor1
linkColor: Theme . palette . directColor1
font.weight: Font . Normal
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onClicked: root . openLinkWithConfirmation ( root . serviceProviderURL )
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
} ,
StatusIcon {
Layout.leftMargin: - 2
width: 16
height: 16
icon: "external-link"
color: Theme . palette . directColor1
infoTagText: qsTr ( "Review all details before signing" )
headerIconComponent: StatusSmartIdenticon {
asset.name: "filled-account"
asset.emoji: root . accountEmoji
asset.color: root . accountColor
asset.isLetterIdenticon: ! ! root . accountEmoji
asset.bgWidth: 40
asset.bgHeight: 40
bridgeBadge.visible: true
bridgeBadge.border.width: 2
bridgeBadge.color: Style . current . darkBlue
bridgeBadge.image.source: Style . svg ( "sign" )
leftFooterContents: ObjectModel {
RowLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: 4
spacing: Style . current . bigPadding
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 2
StatusBaseText {
text: qsTr ( "Max fees:" )
color: Theme . palette . baseColor1
font.pixelSize: Style . current . additionalTextSize
StatusTextWithLoadingState {
objectName: "footerFiatFeesText"
text: "%1 %2" . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . fiatFees ) ) . arg ( root . currentCurrency )
loading: root . feesLoading
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 2
StatusBaseText {
text: qsTr ( "Max slippage:" )
color: Theme . palette . baseColor1
font.pixelSize: Style . current . additionalTextSize
StatusBaseText {
objectName: "footerMaxSlippageText"
text: "%1%" . arg ( LocaleUtils . numberToLocaleString ( root . slippage ) )
// Pay
SignInfoBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.bottomMargin: Style . current . bigPadding
objectName: "payBox"
caption: qsTr ( "Pay" )
primaryText: "%1 %2" . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . fromTokenAmount ) ) . arg ( root . fromTokenSymbol )
secondaryText: SQUtils . Utils . elideAndFormatWalletAddress ( root . fromTokenContractAddress )
icon: Constants . tokenIcon ( root . fromTokenSymbol )
badge: root . networkIconPath
components: [
ContractInfoButtonWithMenu {
symbol: root . fromTokenSymbol
contractAddress: root . fromTokenContractAddress
networkName: root . networkName
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
networkShortName: root . networkShortName
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
networkBlockExplorerUrl: root . networkBlockExplorerUrl
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
onOpenLink: ( link ) = > root . openLinkWithConfirmation ( link )
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
// Receive
SignInfoBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.bottomMargin: Style . current . bigPadding
objectName: "receiveBox"
caption: qsTr ( "Receive" )
primaryText: "%1 %2" . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . toTokenAmount ) ) . arg ( root . toTokenSymbol )
secondaryText: SQUtils . Utils . elideAndFormatWalletAddress ( root . toTokenContractAddress )
icon: Constants . tokenIcon ( root . toTokenSymbol )
badge: root . networkIconPath
components: [
ContractInfoButtonWithMenu {
symbol: root . toTokenSymbol
contractAddress: root . toTokenContractAddress
networkName: root . networkName
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
networkShortName: root . networkShortName
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
networkBlockExplorerUrl: root . networkBlockExplorerUrl
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onOpenLink: ( link ) = > root . openLinkWithConfirmation ( link )
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
// Account
SignInfoBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.bottomMargin: Style . current . bigPadding
objectName: "accountBox"
caption: qsTr ( "In account" )
primaryText: root . accountName
secondaryText: SQUtils . Utils . elideAndFormatWalletAddress ( root . accountAddress )
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
asset.name: "filled-account"
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
asset.emoji: root . accountEmoji
asset.color: root . accountColor
asset.isLetterIdenticon: ! ! root . accountEmoji
// Network
SignInfoBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.bottomMargin: Style . current . bigPadding
objectName: "networkBox"
caption: qsTr ( "Network" )
primaryText: root . networkName
icon: root . networkIconPath
// Fees
SignInfoBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.bottomMargin: Style . current . bigPadding
objectName: "feesBox"
caption: qsTr ( "Fees" )
primaryText: qsTr ( "Max. fees on %1" ) . arg ( root . networkName )
secondaryText: " "
components: [
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 2
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
StatusTextWithLoadingState {
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
objectName: "fiatFeesText"
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignRight
text: "%1 %2" . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . fiatFees ) ) . arg ( root . currentCurrency )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
font.pixelSize: Style . current . additionalTextSize
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
loading: root . feesLoading
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
StatusTextWithLoadingState {
2024-07-01 17:56:44 +02:00
objectName: "cryptoFeesText"
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignRight
text: "%1 ETH" . arg ( formatBigNumber ( root . cryptoFees ) )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
font.pixelSize: Style . current . additionalTextSize
2024-07-04 13:55:16 +02:00
customColor: Theme . palette . baseColor1
loading: root . feesLoading
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