# TODO: Scenario: The user can reply to their OWN message
# TODO: It works standalone but when it runs as part of the sequence, the action of reply is not done always. The popup option does not appear.
Scenario Outline: The user can reply to the last message
Given theusersendsachatmessage<message>
When theuserrepliestothemessageatindex0with<reply>
# TODO: Check the last message is really a reply, now just checking the last message is the expected one but could not be a reply. The popup option does not appear.
Then thechatmessage<reply>isdisplayedasareply
|message |reply |
|randomchatmessage |Thisisareply |
# TODO: It works standalone but when it runs as part of the sequence, the action of edit is not done always. The popup option does not appear.
Scenario Outline: The user can edit a message
Given theusersendsachatmessage<message>
When theusereditsthemessageatindex0andchangesitto<edited>
# TODO: Check last message is an edited one, now just checking the last message is the expected one but could not be an edited one.
Then thechatmessage<edited>isdisplayedasaneditedone
|message |edited |
|Editme |Editedbyme |
Scenario Outline: The user can reply to another message
When theuserrepliestothemessageatindex0with<reply>
Then thechatmessage<reply>isdisplayedasareply
|reply |
|Thisisareply |
# TODO: This scenario should be extracted to a different feature file bc it doesn't accomplish the background steps since it needs to change/specify the chat room
# Scenario Outline: The user joins a room and marks it as read
# When the user joins chat room test
# And the user marks the channel <channel> as read
# # TODO find a way to validate that it worked
# Examples:
# | channel |
# | test |
# TODO: It works standalone but when it runs as part of the sequence, the action of delete is not done always. The popup option does not appear.
Scenario Outline: The user can delete his/her own message
Scenario Outline: The user can send an emoji in a message
When theusersendstheemojisunglasseswithmessage<message>
Then thelastchatmessagecontains😎
And thelastchatmessagecontains<message>
|message |
|wowI'msocool |
# TODO: This scenario should be extracted to a different feature file bc it doesn't accomplish the background steps since it needs to change/specify the chat room
# @merge
# Scenario: The user sees chats sorted by most recent activity
# When the user joins chat room first-chat
# And the user joins chat room second-chat
# And the user joins chat room third-chat
# Then the user chats are sorted accordingly
# | third-chat |
# | second-chat |
# | first-chat |
# When the user switches to second-chat chat
# And the user sends a random chat message
# Then the random chat message is displayed
# And the user chats are sorted accordingly
# | second-chat |
# | third-chat |
# | first-chat |
Scenario: The user can type message with emoji autoreplace
When theusersendsachatmessageHello:)
Then thelastchatmessagecontains🙂
And thelastchatmessagecontainsHello
Scenario: The user can send a sticker after installing a free pack