2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
2021-09-28 18:04:06 +03:00
import utils 1.0
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
import "../popups"
import "../controls"
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
Item {
id: root
property bool loading: false
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
property int error: SavedAddressesView.Error.None
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
anchors.leftMargin: 80
anchors.rightMargin: 80
anchors.topMargin: 62
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
property var store
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
enum Error {
Item {
id: header
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
height: btnAdd.height
Row {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.right: btnAdd.left
spacing: 10
StatusIcon {
icon: "address"
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
width: undefined
height: 35
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
StatusBaseText {
id: title
text: qsTr("Saved addresses")
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 28
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
Component {
id: addEditSavedAddress
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
AddEditSavedAddressPopup {
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
id: addEditModal
anchors.centerIn: parent
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
store: root.store
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
onClosed: {
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
onBeforeSave: {
root.loading = true;
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
StatusButton {
id: btnAdd
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
text: "Add new +"
leftPadding: 8
rightPadding: 11
visible: !root.loading
onClicked: {
2021-12-07 22:33:12 +02:00
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
StatusLoadingIndicator {
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
anchors.centerIn: parent
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
visible: root.loading
color: Theme.palette.directColor4
Component {
id: delegateSavedAddress
StatusListItem {
id: savedAddress
title: name
subTitle: address
icon.name: "wallet"
implicitWidth: parent.width
property bool showButtons: sensor.containsMouse
components: [
StatusRoundButton {
color: hovered ? Theme.palette.dangerColor2 : Theme.palette.dangerColor3
icon.color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
visible: showButtons
icon.name: "delete"
onClicked: {
deleteAddressConfirm.name = name
deleteAddressConfirm.address = address
StatusRoundButton {
icon.name: "pencil"
visible: showButtons
2021-12-07 22:33:12 +02:00
onClicked: Global.openPopup(addEditSavedAddress,
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
edit: true,
address: address,
name: name
StatusRoundButton {
icon.name: "send"
visible: showButtons
StatusRoundButton {
color: hovered ? Theme.palette.pinColor2 : Theme.palette.pinColor3
icon.color: Theme.palette.pinColor1
icon.name: "favourite"
visible: showButtons
StatusModal {
id: deleteAddressConfirm
property string address
property string name
// NOTE: the `text` property was created as a workaround because
// setting StatusBaseText.text to `qsTr("...").arg("...")`
// caused no text to render
property string text: qsTr("Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses?").arg(name)
anchors.centerIn: parent
header.title: "Are you sure?"
header.subTitle: name
contentItem: StatusBaseText {
anchors.centerIn: parent
height: contentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
text: deleteAddressConfirm.text
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
topPadding: Style.current.padding
rightPadding: Style.current.padding
bottomPadding: Style.current.padding
leftPadding: Style.current.padding
rightButtons: [
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Cancel")
onClicked: deleteAddressConfirm.close()
StatusButton {
type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger
text: qsTr("Delete")
onClicked: {
2021-12-13 15:24:21 +01:00
// Not Refactored Yet
// root.loading = true
// root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.deleteSavedAddress(
// deleteAddressConfirm.address)
// deleteAddressConfirm.close()
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
2021-12-13 15:24:21 +01:00
// Not Refactored Yet
// Connections {
// target: root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView
// onAddEditResultChanged: {
// root.loading = false
// let resultRaw = root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.addEditResult
// let result = JSON.parse(resultRaw)
// if (result.o) {
// root.error = SavedAddressesView.Error.None
// root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.loadSavedAddresses();
// } else {
// root.error = parseInt(result.e)
// }
// }
// }
// Not Refactored Yet
// Connections {
// target: root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView
// onDeleteResultChanged: {
// root.loading = false
// let resultRaw = root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.deleteResult
// let result = JSON.parse(resultRaw)
// if (result.o) {
// root.error = SavedAddressesView.Error.None
// root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.loadSavedAddresses();
// deleteAddressConfirm.close();
// } else {
// root.error = parseInt(result.e)
// }
// }
// }
// Not Refactored Yet
// Connections {
// target: root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView
// onLoadResultChanged: {
// root.loading = false
// let resultRaw = root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.loadResult
// let result = JSON.parse(resultRaw)
// if (result.o) {
// root.error = SavedAddressesView.Error.None
// } else {
// root.error = parseInt(result.e)
// }
// }
// }
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
SavedAddressesError {
id: errorMessage
anchors.top: header.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
visible: root.error !== SavedAddressesView.Error.None
text: root.store.getSavedAddressErrorText(SavedAddressesView, root.error)
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
height: visible ? 36 : 0
StatusBaseText {
anchors.top: errorMessage.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.centerIn: parent
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
visible: listView.count === 0
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
text: qsTr("No saved addresses")
ScrollView {
anchors.top: errorMessage.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
visible: listView.count > 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
ListView {
id: listView
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00
//model: root.store.exampleWalletModel
2021-12-13 15:24:21 +01:00
// Not Refactored Yet
// model: root.store.walletModelV2Inst.savedAddressesView.savedAddresses
2021-09-20 13:00:50 +10:00
clip: true
spacing: 5
anchors.fill: parent
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
delegate: delegateSavedAddress
2021-09-14 19:23:02 +03:00