
563 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-06-17 19:18:31 +00:00
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtMultimedia 5.13
import "../imports"
import "../sounds"
2020-06-23 18:59:16 +00:00
import "../shared"
import "../shared/status"
import "./AppLayouts"
import "./AppLayouts/Timeline"
import "./AppLayouts/Wallet"
import "./AppLayouts/Chat/components"
import "./AppLayouts/Chat/CommunityComponents"
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
RowLayout {
id: appMain
property int currentView: sLayout.currentIndex
property bool popupOpened: false
spacing: 0
2020-05-13 14:40:51 +00:00
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
property alias appSettings: appSettings
function getProfileImage(pubkey, isCurrentUser, useLargeImage) {
if (isCurrentUser || (isCurrentUser === undefined && pubkey === profileModel.profile.pubKey)) {
return profileModel.profile.thumbnailImage
const index = profileModel.contacts.list.getContactIndexByPubkey(pubkey)
if (index === -1) {
if (appSettings.onlyShowContactsProfilePics) {
const isContact = profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(index, "isContact")
if (isContact === "false") {
return profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(index, useLargeImage ? "largeImage" : "thumbnailImage")
function openPopup(popupComponent, params = {}) {
const popup = popupComponent.createObject(appMain, params);
return popup
function getContactListObject(dataModel) {
const nbContacts = profileModel.contacts.list.rowCount()
const contacts = []
let contact
for (let i = 0; i < nbContacts; i++) {
contact = {
name: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "name"),
localNickname: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "localNickname"),
pubKey: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "pubKey"),
address: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "address"),
identicon: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "identicon"),
thumbnailImage: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "thumbnailImage"),
isUser: false,
isContact: profileModel.contacts.list.rowData(i, "isContact") !== "false"
if (dataModel) {
return contacts
function getUserNickname(pubKey) {
// Get contact nickname
const contactList = profileModel.contacts.list
const contactCount = contactList.rowCount()
for (let i = 0; i < contactCount; i++) {
if (contactList.rowData(i, 'pubKey') === pubKey) {
return contactList.rowData(i, 'localNickname')
return ""
function openLink(link) {
if (appSettings.showBrowserSelector) {
appMain.openPopup(chooseBrowserPopupComponent, {link: link})
} else {
if (appSettings.openLinksInStatus) {
} else {
signal settingsLoaded()
Settings {
id: appSettings
fileName: profileModel.profileSettingsFile
property var chatSplitView
property var walletSplitView
property var profileSplitView
property bool communitiesEnabled: false
property bool walletEnabled: false
property bool nodeManagementEnabled: false
property bool browserEnabled: false
property bool displayChatImages: false
property bool useCompactMode: true
property bool timelineEnabled: true
property var recentEmojis: []
property var hiddenCommunityWelcomeBanners: []
property real volume: 0.2
property int notificationSetting: Constants.notifyAllMessages
property bool notificationSoundsEnabled: true
property bool useOSNotifications: true
property int notificationMessagePreviewSetting: Constants.notificationPreviewNameAndMessage
property bool allowNotificationsFromNonContacts: false
property var whitelistedUnfurlingSites: ({})
property bool neverAskAboutUnfurlingAgain: false
property bool hideChannelSuggestions: false
property int fontSize: Constants.fontSizeM
property bool hideSignPhraseModal: false
property bool onlyShowContactsProfilePics: true
2021-02-23 20:14:29 +00:00
property bool quitOnClose: false
// Browser settings
property bool showBrowserSelector: true
property bool openLinksInStatus: true
2021-03-16 16:13:25 +00:00
property bool shouldShowFavoritesBar: true
property string browserHomepage: ""
2021-03-16 16:24:35 +00:00
property int shouldShowBrowserSearchEngine: Constants.browserSearchEngineDuckDuckGo
property int useBrowserEthereumExplorer: Constants.browserEthereumExplorerEtherscan
property bool autoLoadImages: true
property bool javaScriptEnabled: true
property bool errorPageEnabled: true
property bool pluginsEnabled: true
property bool autoLoadIconsForPage: true
property bool touchIconsEnabled: true
property bool webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly: false
property bool devToolsEnabled: false
property bool pdfViewerEnabled: true
property bool compatibilityMode: true
ErrorSound {
id: errorSound
Audio {
id: sendMessageSound
audioRole: Audio.NotificationRole
source: "../../../../sounds/send_message.wav"
volume: appSettings.volume
muted: !appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled
Audio {
id: notificationSound
audioRole: Audio.NotificationRole
source: "../../../../sounds/notification.wav"
volume: appSettings.volume
muted: !appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled
Connections {
target: profileModel
onProfileSettingsFileChanged: {
// Since
// we're hiding the setting to change appearance for compact normal mode
// of the UI. For now, compact mode is the new default.
// Prior to this change, most likely many users are still using the
// normal mode configuration, so we have to enforce compact mode for
// those.
2021-03-17 19:11:42 +00:00
if (!appSettings.useCompactMode) {
appSettings.useCompactMode = true
const whitelist = profileModel.getLinkPreviewWhitelist()
try {
const whiteListedSites = JSON.parse(whitelist)
let settingsUpdated = false
// Add Status links to whitelist
whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.deepLinkPrefix, imageSite: false})
whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.joinStatusLink, imageSite: false})
const settings = appSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites
// Set Status links as true. We intercept thoseURLs so it is privacy-safe
if (!settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] || !settings[Constants.joinStatusLink]) {
settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] = true
settings[Constants.joinStatusLink] = true
settingsUpdated = true
const whitelistedHostnames = []
// Add whitelisted sites in to app settings that are not already there
whiteListedSites.forEach(site => {
if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(site.address)) {
settings[site.address] = false
settingsUpdated = true
// Remove any whitelisted sites from app settings that don't exist in the
// whitelist from status-go
Object.keys(settings).forEach(settingsHostname => {
if (!whitelistedHostnames.includes(settingsHostname)) {
delete settings[settingsHostname]
settingsUpdated = true
if (settingsUpdated) {
appSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites = settings
} catch (e) {
console.error('Could not parse the whitelist for sites', e)
Connections {
target: profileModel
ignoreUnknownSignals: true
enabled: removeMnemonicAfterLogin
onInitialized: {
Component {
id: chooseBrowserPopupComponent
ChooseBrowserPopup {
onClosed: {
Component {
id: inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup
InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup {
onClosed: {
Component {
id: communityMembersPopup
CommunityMembersPopup {
onClosed: {
Component {
id: editCommunityPopup
CreateCommunityPopup {
isEdit: true
ToastMessage {
id: toastMessage
// Add SendModal here as it is used by the Wallet as well as the Browser
Loader {
id: sendModal
function open() { = true
function closed() {
// this.sourceComponent = undefined // kill an opened instance = false
sourceComponent: SendModal {
onOpened: {
onClosed: {
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+1"
onTriggered: changeAppSection(
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+2"
onTriggered: changeAppSection(Constants.browser)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+3"
onTriggered: changeAppSection(Constants.wallet)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+4, Ctrl+,"
onTriggered: changeAppSection(Constants.profile)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+K"
onTriggered: {
if (channelPicker.opened) {
} else {
Component {
id: statusIdenticonComponent
StatusIdenticon {}
StatusInputListPopup {
id: channelPicker
2021-02-18 16:36:05 +00:00
//% "Where do you want to go?"
title: qsTrId("where-do-you-want-to-go-")
showSearchBox: true
width: 350
x: parent.width / 2 - width / 2
y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2
modelList: chatsModel.chats
getText: function (modelData) {
getImageComponent: function (parent, modelData) {
return statusIdenticonComponent.createObject(parent, {
width: channelPicker.imageWidth,
height: channelPicker.imageHeight,
chatType: modelData.chatType,
identicon: modelData.identicon
onClicked: function (index) {
function changeAppSection(section) {
sLayout.currentIndex = Utils.getAppSectionIndex(section)
Rectangle {
id: leftTab
Layout.maximumWidth: 78
Layout.minimumWidth: 78
Layout.preferredWidth: 78
Layout.fillHeight: true
height: parent.height
color: Style.current.mainMenuBackground
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
width: leftTab.width
anchors.topMargin: 50
anchors.bottom: leftTabButtons.visible ? : parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: tabBar.spacing
clip: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
Column {
id: tabBar
spacing: 12
width: scrollView.width
Loader {
id: communitiesListLoader
active: appSettings.communitiesEnabled
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width
height: {
if (item && active) {
return item.height
return 0
sourceComponent: Component {
CommunityList {}
StatusIconTabButton {
id: chatBtn "message"
doNotHandleClick: true
onClicked: { = false
checked: ! && sLayout.currentIndex === Utils.getAppSectionIndex(
Rectangle {
id: chatBadge
visible: chatsModel.unreadMessagesCount > 0
anchors.left: parent.right
anchors.leftMargin: -17
anchors.topMargin: 1
radius: height / 2
border.color: chatBtn.hovered ? Style.current.secondaryBackground : Style.current.mainMenuBackground
border.width: 2
width: chatsModel.unreadMessagesCount < 10 ? 22 : messageCount.width + 14
height: 22
Text {
id: messageCount
font.pixelSize: chatsModel.unreadMessagesCount > 99 ? 10 : 12
color: Style.current.white
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: chatsModel.unreadMessagesCount > 99 ? "99+" : chatsModel.unreadMessagesCount
2020-09-22 15:12:48 +00:00
Loader {
active: !leftTabButtons.visible
width: parent.width
height: {
if (item && active) {
return item.height
return 0
sourceComponent: LeftTabBottomButtons {}
2020-10-26 20:20:31 +00:00
LeftTabBottomButtons {
id: leftTabButtons
visible: scrollView.contentHeight > leftTab.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding
2020-08-25 09:00:03 +00:00
StackLayout {
2020-10-26 20:20:31 +00:00
id: sLayout
2020-05-13 14:40:51 +00:00
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
currentIndex: 0
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
if (typeof this.children[currentIndex].onActivated === "function") {
if(this.children[currentIndex] === browserLayoutContainer && == false){ = true;
} = this.children[currentIndex] === timelineLayoutContainer
2020-11-27 16:21:15 +00:00
if(this.children[currentIndex] === walletLayoutContainer){
ChatLayout {
id: chatLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
2020-05-13 18:17:18 +00:00
WalletLayout {
id: walletLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
Component {
id: browserLayoutComponent
BrowserLayout { }
Loader {
2020-09-22 15:12:48 +00:00
id: browserLayoutContainer
sourceComponent: browserLayoutComponent
active: false
2020-09-22 15:12:48 +00:00
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
// Loaders do not have access to the context, so props need to be set
// Adding a "_" to avoid a binding loop
property var _chatsModel: chatsModel
property var _walletModel: walletModel
property var _utilsModel: utilsModel
property var _web3Provider: web3Provider
2020-09-22 15:12:48 +00:00
Loader {
id: timelineLayoutContainer
sourceComponent: Component {
TimelineLayout {}
onLoaded: timelineLayoutContainer.item.onActivated()
active: false
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
feat: layouts for the Profile screens Work on this PR started before the build system was updated and at one point I upgraded `nim_status_client.nimble` to use NimScript so the nimble command would stop warning that the old format was being used. In team chat it was discussed that since we're no longer using nimble for package management we could simply delete `nim_status_client.nimble` to avoid confusion, which can be done in another PR. Introduce a BrowserLayout stub so the index will be calcualted correctly re: the active tab. Reorganize ChatLayout and NodeLayout into subdirs `Chat` and `Node`, respectively. Introduce ProfileLayout which uses a "LeftTab" approach similar to that of WalletLayout. There remains quite a bit of styling work to be done in ProfileLayout and its LeftTab. Also, it may be better to start over using a SplitView like the ChatLayout, I'm not really sure. It wasn't clear what should be the default view for the right-pane when Profile is selected in the left-most TabBar. In this PR, it defaults to showing the view corresponding to the ENS usernames button. In the archived Figma for the desktop design, it seemed a picture could be set, e.g. there is a headshot of a woman used in the Profile screen. To that end I explored how to take a square image and clip/mask it so it appears round and I included a larger placeholder image for that purpose. In the new design, and with respect to mobile, it may not be possible to set a profile picture so the code that rounds the image can maybe be dropped.
2020-05-19 19:44:45 +00:00
ProfileLayout {
id: profileLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
NodeLayout {
id: nodeLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
2020-08-25 09:00:03 +00:00
UIComponents {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
Designer {