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Feature: Status Desktop Wallet
As a user I want to use the wallet
The feature start sequence is the following (setup on its own `bdd_hooks`):
** given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
** when user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
** and the user lands on the signed in app
** and the user opens the wallet section
** and the user accepts the signing phrase
Scenario Outline: The user can manage a saved address
When the user adds a saved address named "<name>" and address "<address>"
And the user edits a saved address with name "<name>" to "<new_name>"
Then the name "<new_name><name>" is in the list of saved addresses
When the user deletes the saved address with name "<new_name><name>"
Then the name "<new_name><name>" is not in the list of saved addresses
# Test for toggling favourite button is disabled until favourite functionality is enabled
# When the user adds a saved address named "<name>" and address "<address>"
# And the user toggles favourite for the saved address with name "<name>"
# Then the saved address "<name>" has favourite status "true"
| name | address | new_name |
| bar | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 | foo |
Scenario: The user edits the default account
Given the user opens app settings screen
And the user opens the wallet settings
When the user selects the default account
And the user edits default account to "Default" name and "#FFCA0F" color
Then the default account is updated to be named "DefaultStatus account" with color "#FFCA0F"