2024-10-31 13:41:52 +01:00
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import utils 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
\qmltype SettingsEntriesModel
\inherits SortFilterProxyModel
\inqmlmodule AppLayouts.Profile.helpers
Model providing entries to the settings section.
Model structure:
subsection [int] - identifier of the entry (Constants.settingsSubsection)
text [string] - readable name of the entry
icon [string] - icon name
badgeCount [int] - number presented on the badge
isExperimental [bool] - indicates if the beta tag should be presented
experimentalTooltip [string] - tooltip text for the beta tag
SortFilterProxyModel {
id: root
// Determines if wallet-related entries should be included
property bool showWalletEntries
// Determines if back up seed phrase entry should be included
property bool showBackUpSeed
// Badge count for the syncing entry
property int syncingBadgeCount: 0
// Badge count for the messaging section
property int messagingBadgeCount: 0
readonly property string appsGroupTitle: qsTr("Apps")
readonly property string preferencesGroupTitle: qsTr("Preferences")
readonly property string aboutAndHelpGroupTitle: qsTr("About & Help")
readonly property var entries: [
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.backUpSeed,
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text: qsTr("Back up recovery phrase"),
2024-10-31 13:41:52 +01:00
icon: "seed-phrase"
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.profile,
text: qsTr("Profile"),
icon: "profile"
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.password,
text: qsTr("Password"),
icon: "password"
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.keycard,
text: qsTr("Keycard"),
icon: "keycard"
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.ensUsernames,
text: qsTr("ENS usernames"),
icon: "username",
isExperimental: true,
experimentalTooltip: qsTr("This section is going through a redesign.")
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.syncingSettings,
text: qsTr("Syncing"),
icon: "rotate",
isExperimental: true,
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experimentalTooltip: qsTr("Connection problems can happen.<br>If they do, please use the Enter a Recovery Phrase feature instead.")
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subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.messaging,
text: qsTr("Messaging"),
icon: "chat",
group: root.appsGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.wallet,
text: qsTr("Wallet"),
icon: "wallet",
group: root.appsGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.communitiesSettings,
text: qsTr("Communities"),
icon: "communities",
group: root.appsGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.privacyAndSecurity,
text: qsTr("Privacy and security"),
icon: "security",
group: root.preferencesGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.appearance,
text: qsTr("Appearance"),
icon: "appearance",
group: root.preferencesGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.notifications,
text: qsTr("Notifications & Sounds"),
icon: "notification",
group: root.preferencesGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.language,
text: qsTr("Language & Currency"),
icon: "language",
group: root.preferencesGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.advanced,
text: qsTr("Advanced"),
icon: "settings",
group: root.preferencesGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.about,
text: qsTr("About"),
icon: "info",
group: root.aboutAndHelpGroupTitle
subsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.signout,
text: qsTr("Sign out & Quit"),
icon: "logout",
group: root.aboutAndHelpGroupTitle
// Update model after retranslation
onEntriesChanged: {
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if (baseModel.count === 0)
2024-10-31 13:41:52 +01:00
entries.forEach((elem, index) => {
baseModel.setProperty(index, "text", elem.text)
if (elem.group)
baseModel.setProperty(index, "group", elem.group)
function getNameForSubsection(subsection) {
const entry = root.entries.find(entry => entry.subsection === subsection)
return entry ? entry.text : ""
sourceModel: ObjectProxyModel {
sourceModel: ListModel {
id: baseModel
Component.onCompleted: append(root.entries)
delegate: QtObject {
readonly property bool visible: {
switch (model.subsection) {
case Constants.settingsSubsection.ensUsernames:
case Constants.settingsSubsection.wallet:
return root.showWalletEntries
case Constants.settingsSubsection.backUpSeed:
return root.showBackUpSeed
default: return true
readonly property int badgeCount: {
switch (model.subsection) {
case Constants.settingsSubsection.backUpSeed:
return root.showBackUpSeed
case Constants.settingsSubsection.syncingSettings:
return root.syncingBadgeCount
case Constants.settingsSubsection.messaging:
return root.messagingBadgeCount
default: return 0
expectedRoles: ["subsection"]
exposedRoles: ["visible", "badgeCount"]
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "visible"
value: true