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import QtQuick 2.14
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import utils 1.0
/* This component will format the urls in TextEdit and add the proper anchor tags
It receives the TextEdit component and the urls model containing the urls to format. The URL detection needs to be done outside of this component
Due to the Qt limitations (the undo stack is cleared when editing the internal formatted text) this component will install a custom undo stack manager.
QtObject {
id: root
/* The TextEdit component containing the text to format
The textEdit is required to be able to access the text and the cursor position
required property TextEdit textEdit
/* The url to highlight
The url is required to be able to highlight URLs
required property string highlightUrl
/* The model containing the urls to format
All the urls in the model will be formatted
Eg: [ { url: "" }, { url: "" } ]
required property var urlModel
property bool enabled: true
/* Custom undo stack manager. This is needed because the hyperlinks formatter will alter the internal rich text of the TextEdit
and the standard undo stack manager will clear the stack on each change.
readonly property UndoStackManager undoStackManager: UndoStackManager {
textEdit: root.textEdit
enabled: root.enabled
/* Internal component to format the hyperlinks
This component is used to format the hyperlinks and add the proper anchor tags
readonly property Instantiator handlers: Instantiator {
id: hyperlinksFormatter
readonly property string selectLinkBetweenAnchors: `<a href="%1".*?<span.*?>(.*?)<\/span><\/a>`
readonly property string selectLinkWithoutAnchors: "%1(?=<| )(?![^<]*<\/span><\/a>)(?!\")"
readonly property string selectHyperlink: `<a href=(?:(?!<a href=).)*?%1<\/span><\/a>`
readonly property string hyperlinkFormat: `<a href="%1">%1</a>`
readonly property string hoveredHyperlinkFormat: `<a href="%2" style="background-color: %1">%2</a>`.arg(Theme.palette.primaryColor3)
active: root.enabled
model: root.urlModel
delegate: QtObject {
id: hyperlinkDelegate
// Model
required property string url
// Helper properties
readonly property string escapedURLforRegex: escapeRegExp(url) // The url needs to be escaped to be used in regex
readonly property string escapedUrlForReplacement: escapeReplacement(url) // The url needs to be escaped to be used in the replacement string
readonly property bool highlighted: url === root.highlightUrl
// The hyperlink style can change when the preview is highlighted
readonly property string hyperlinkToInsert: highlighted ? hyperlinksFormatter.hoveredHyperlinkFormat.arg(hyperlinkDelegate.escapedUrlForReplacement) :
// Behavior
// Change the link style when anchoredHyperlink changes
onHyperlinkToInsertChanged: replaceAll(hyperlinksFormatter.selectHyperlink.arg(hyperlinkDelegate.escapedURLforRegex), hyperlinkToInsert)
// Handling text changes is needed to detect spaces inside hyperlink tags and move them outside of the tag
// And to detect new duplicate links to add proper anchor tags
property Connections textConnection: Connections {
target: root.textEdit
function onTextChanged() {
replaceAll("(<br/>|<br />| )+(</span></a>)", "$2$1") // Move spaces outside of the hyperlink tag
replaceAll(hyperlinksFormatter.selectLinkWithoutAnchors.arg(hyperlinkDelegate.escapedURLforRegex), hyperlinkDelegate.hyperlinkToInsert)
// link detected -> add the hyperlink
Component.onCompleted: replaceAll(hyperlinksFormatter.selectLinkWithoutAnchors.arg(hyperlinkDelegate.escapedURLforRegex), hyperlinkDelegate.hyperlinkToInsert)
// link removed. Can happen when the link is removed or replaced in the input with another link
Component.onDestruction: replaceAll(hyperlinksFormatter.selectLinkBetweenAnchors.arg(hyperlinkDelegate.escapedURLforRegex), "$1")
// Helper functions
function replaceAll(from, to) {
const newText = root.textEdit.text.replace(new RegExp(from, 'g'), to)
if(newText !== root.textEdit.text) {
textConnection.enabled = false
const cursorPosition = root.textEdit.cursorPosition
root.textEdit.text = newText
root.textEdit.cursorPosition = cursorPosition
textConnection.enabled = true
function escapeRegExp(string) {
let result = string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\/]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
result = result.replace(/&(?!amp;)/g, '&amp;')
result = result.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
result = result.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
result = result.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;')
return decodeURI(result)
function escapeReplacement(string) {
let result = decodeURI(string) // decode the url to be able to use it in the regex
return result.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$');