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import QtQuick 2.14
import AppLayouts.Chat.layouts 1.0
import AppLayouts.Chat.views.communities 1.0
import utils 1.0
SettingsPageLayout {
id: root
property var tokensModel
property var transactionStore
property int viewWidth: 560 // by design
signal mintCollectible(string address, string name, string symbol, string description, int supply,
bool infiniteSupply, bool transferable, bool selfDestruct, string network)
function navigateBack() {
if (root.state === d.newCollectibleViewState) {
root.state = d.welcomeViewState
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property string welcomeViewState: "WELCOME"
readonly property string newCollectibleViewState: "NEW_COLLECTIBLE"
state: d.welcomeViewState
states: [
State {
name: d.welcomeViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: qsTr("Mint tokens")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: ""}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: welcomeView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: true}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonText: qsTr("Create new token")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: root.viewWidth}
State {
name: d.newCollectibleViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: qsTr("Create new collectible")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: qsTr("Mint tokens")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: newCollectiblesView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0}
onHeaderButtonClicked: {
if(root.state === d.welcomeViewState) {
root.state = d.newCollectibleViewState
// Mint tokens possible view contents:
Component {
id: welcomeView
CommunityWelcomeSettingsView {
viewWidth: root.viewWidth
image: Style.png("community/mint2_1")
title: qsTr("Mint community tokens")
subtitle: qsTr("You can mint custom tokens and collectibles for your community")
checkersModel: [
qsTr("Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution"),
qsTr("Incentivise joining, retention, moderation and desired behaviour"),
qsTr("Monetise your community by selling exclusive tokens")
Component {
id: newCollectiblesView
CommunityMintTokenPanel {
anchors.fill: parent
transactionStore: root.transactionStore
tokensModel: root.tokensModel
onMintCollectible: root.mintCollectible(address, name, symbol, description, supply,
infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, network)