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import QtQuick 2.13
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
required property var addAccountModule
required property var emojiPopup
property string userProfilePublicKey: userProfile.pubKey
property string userProfileKeyUid: userProfile.keyUid
property bool userProfileIsKeycardUser: userProfile.isKeycardUser
property bool userProfileUsingBiometricLogin: userProfile.usingBiometricLogin
// Module Properties
property var currentState: root.addAccountModule.currentState
property var originModel: root.addAccountModule.originModel
property var selectedOrigin: root.addAccountModule.selectedOrigin
property var derivedAddressModel: root.addAccountModule.derivedAddressModel
property var selectedDerivedAddress: root.addAccountModule.selectedDerivedAddress
property var watchOnlyAccAddress: root.addAccountModule.watchOnlyAccAddress
property var privateKeyAccAddress: root.addAccountModule.privateKeyAccAddress
property bool disablePopup: root.addAccountModule.disablePopup
property bool enteredSeedPhraseIsValid: false
property bool enteredPrivateKeyIsValid: false
property bool addingNewMasterKeyConfirmed: false
property bool seedPhraseRevealed: false
property bool seedPhraseWord1Valid: false
property int seedPhraseWord1WordNumber: -1
property bool seedPhraseWord2Valid: false
property int seedPhraseWord2WordNumber: -1
property bool seedPhraseBackupConfirmed: false
property bool derivationPathOutOfTheDefaultStatusDerivationTreeConfirmed: false
property bool derivationPathOutOfTheDefaultStatusDerivationTree: root.addAccountModule?
!root.addAccountModule.derivationPath.startsWith(Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereum) ||
(root.addAccountModule.derivationPath.match(/'/g) || []).length !== 3 ||
(root.addAccountModule.derivationPath.match(/\//g) || []).length !== 5
: false
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
property bool derivationPathEditingNotValid: false
readonly property var derivationPathRegEx: /^(m\/44'\/)([0-9|'|\/](?!\/'))*$/
property string selectedRootPath: Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereum
readonly property var roots: [Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.custom,
function resetStoreValues() {
root.enteredSeedPhraseIsValid = false
root.enteredPrivateKeyIsValid = false
root.addingNewMasterKeyConfirmed = false
root.seedPhraseRevealed = false
root.seedPhraseWord1Valid = false
root.seedPhraseWord1WordNumber = -1
root.seedPhraseWord2Valid = false
root.seedPhraseWord2WordNumber = -1
root.seedPhraseBackupConfirmed = false
root.derivationPathOutOfTheDefaultStatusDerivationTreeConfirmed = false
root.selectedRootPath = Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereum
function submitAddAccount(event) {
if (!root.primaryPopupButtonEnabled) {
if(!event) {
else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return || event.key === Qt.Key_Enter) {
event.accepted = true
function getSeedPhrase() {
return root.addAccountModule.getSeedPhrase()
function changeSelectedOrigin(keyUid) {
readonly property var changeDerivationPathPostponed: Backpressure.debounce(root, 400, function (path) {
readonly property var changeWatchOnlyAccountAddressPostponed: Backpressure.debounce(root, 400, function (address) {
function cleanWatchOnlyAccountAddress() {
readonly property var changePrivateKeyPostponed: Backpressure.debounce(root, 400, function (privateKey) {
function cleanPrivateKey() {
root.enteredPrivateKeyIsValid = false
root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName = ""
function changeDerivationPath(path) {
function changeRootDerivationPath(rootPath) {
root.selectedRootPath = rootPath
root.addAccountModule.derivationPath = "%1/".arg(rootPath)
function changeSelectedDerivedAddress(address) {
function resetDerivationPath() {
root.selectedRootPath = Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereum
function authenticateForEditingDerivationPath() {
function startScanningForActivity() {
function validSeedPhrase(seedPhrase) {
return root.addAccountModule.validSeedPhrase(seedPhrase)
function changeSeedPhrase(seedPhrase) {
function cleanSeedPhrase() {
root.enteredSeedPhraseIsValid = false
root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName = ""
function translation(key, isTitle) {
if (!isTitle) {
if (key === Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.custom)
return qsTr("Type your own derivation path")
return key
switch(key) {
case Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.custom:
return qsTr("Custom")
case Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereum:
return qsTr("Ethereum")
case Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereumRopsten:
return qsTr("Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten)")
case Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereumLedger:
return qsTr("Ethereum (Ledger)")
case Constants.addAccountPopup.predefinedPaths.ethereumLedgerLive:
return qsTr("Ethereum (Ledger Live/KeepKey)")
function getFromClipboard() {
return globalUtils.getFromClipboard()
readonly property bool primaryPopupButtonEnabled: {
if (!root.addAccountModule || !root.currentState || root.disablePopup) {
return false
let valid = root.addAccountModule.accountName !== "" &&
root.addAccountModule.selectedColor !== "" &&
root.addAccountModule.selectedEmoji !== ""
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.main) {
feat(wallet): implement DerivationPathInput control The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
2023-03-15 22:34:48 +00:00
return false
if (root.selectedOrigin.pairType === Constants.addAccountPopup.keyPairType.profile ||
root.selectedOrigin.pairType === Constants.addAccountPopup.keyPairType.seedImport) {
return valid &&
root.derivationPathRegEx.test(root.addAccountModule.derivationPath) &&
(!root.derivationPathOutOfTheDefaultStatusDerivationTree ||
if (root.selectedOrigin.pairType === Constants.addAccountPopup.keyPairType.unknown &&
root.selectedOrigin.keyUid === Constants.appTranslatableConstants.addAccountLabelOptionAddWatchOnlyAcc) {
return valid &&
!!root.watchOnlyAccAddress &&
root.watchOnlyAccAddress.loaded &&
!root.watchOnlyAccAddress.alreadyCreated &&
root.watchOnlyAccAddress.address !== ""
if (root.selectedOrigin.pairType === Constants.addAccountPopup.keyPairType.privateKeyImport) {
return valid &&
root.enteredPrivateKeyIsValid &&
!!root.privateKeyAccAddress &&
root.privateKeyAccAddress.loaded &&
!root.privateKeyAccAddress.alreadyCreated &&
root.privateKeyAccAddress.address !== "" &&
root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName !== ""
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.enterPrivateKey) {
return root.enteredPrivateKeyIsValid &&
!!root.privateKeyAccAddress &&
root.privateKeyAccAddress.loaded &&
!root.privateKeyAccAddress.alreadyCreated &&
root.privateKeyAccAddress.address !== "" &&
root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName !== ""
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.enterSeedPhrase) {
return root.enteredSeedPhraseIsValid &&
root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName !== ""
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.confirmAddingNewMasterKey) {
return root.addingNewMasterKeyConfirmed
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.displaySeedPhrase) {
return root.seedPhraseRevealed
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.enterSeedPhraseWord1) {
return root.seedPhraseWord1Valid
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.enterSeedPhraseWord2) {
return root.seedPhraseWord2Valid
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.confirmSeedPhraseBackup) {
return root.seedPhraseBackupConfirmed
if (root.currentState.stateType === Constants.addAccountPopup.state.enterKeypairName) {
return root.addAccountModule.newKeyPairName !== ""
return true