2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
2022-09-12 18:35:20 +02:00
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
import utils 1.0
2023-06-23 08:17:04 +02:00
import shared.views.chat 1.0
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
import "../panels"
2022-09-30 17:36:49 +03:00
import "../stores"
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
2022-10-06 11:58:58 +02:00
Item {
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
id: root
property alias menuButton: menuButton
property alias membersButton: membersButton
property alias searchButton: searchButton
property var rootStore
2022-12-13 13:45:26 +03:00
property var chatContentModule: root.rootStore.currentChatContentModule() || null
2022-09-14 12:38:25 +02:00
property var emojiPopup
2022-09-20 13:54:28 +03:00
property int padding: Style.current.halfPadding
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
signal searchButtonClicked()
2024-02-06 11:31:36 +02:00
signal displayEditChannelPopup(string chatId,
string chatName,
string chatDescription,
string chatEmoji,
string chatColor,
string chatCategoryId,
int channelPosition,
var deleteDialog)
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
2023-01-17 20:13:03 +03:00
function addRemoveGroupMember() {
root.state = d.stateMembersSelectorContent
2022-09-06 15:19:50 +02:00
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property string stateInfoButtonContent: ""
readonly property string stateMembersSelectorContent: "selectingMembers"
readonly property bool selectingMembers: root.state == stateMembersSelectorContent
2022-09-30 17:36:49 +03:00
MessageStore {
id: messageStore
messageModule: chatContentModule ? chatContentModule.messagesModule : null
chatSectionModule: root.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
Loader {
id: loader
2022-10-06 11:58:58 +02:00
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
2023-02-21 11:58:48 +01:00
anchors.right: d.selectingMembers ? parent.right : actionButtons.left
2022-10-06 11:58:58 +02:00
sourceComponent: d.selectingMembers ? membersSelector : statusChatInfoButton
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
RowLayout {
id: actionButtons
2022-10-06 11:58:58 +02:00
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
spacing: 8
2022-09-06 15:19:50 +02:00
visible: !d.selectingMembers
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: searchButton
icon.name: "search"
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
onClicked: root.searchButtonClicked()
// initializing the tooltip
tooltip.text: qsTr("Search")
tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
tooltip.y: parent.height + 12
StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: membersButton
visible: {
2023-01-20 14:01:32 -05:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
return false
return localAccountSensitiveSettings.showOnlineUsers &&
highlighted: localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList
icon.name: "group-chat"
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
onClicked: {
localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList = !localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList;
// initializing the tooltip
tooltip.text: qsTr("Members")
tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
tooltip.y: parent.height + 12
StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: menuButton
objectName: "chatToolbarMoreOptionsButton"
icon.name: "more"
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
// initializing the tooltip
tooltip.visible: !!tooltip.text && menuButton.hovered && !contextMenu.opened
tooltip.text: qsTr("More")
tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
tooltip.y: parent.height + 12
property bool showMoreMenu: false
onClicked: {
menuButton.highlighted = true
let originalOpenHandler = contextMenu.openHandler
let originalCloseHandler = contextMenu.closeHandler
contextMenu.openHandler = function () {
if (!!originalOpenHandler) {
contextMenu.closeHandler = function () {
menuButton.highlighted = false
if (!!originalCloseHandler) {
contextMenu.openHandler = originalOpenHandler
contextMenu.popup(-contextMenu.width + menuButton.width, menuButton.height + 4)
ChatContextMenuView {
id: contextMenu
objectName: "moreOptionsContextMenu"
2024-02-07 12:38:46 +00:00
showDebugOptions: root.rootStore.isDebugEnabled
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
openHandler: function () {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on open chat context menu handler - chat content module is not set")
currentFleet = chatContentModule.getCurrentFleet()
isCommunityChat = chatContentModule.chatDetails.belongsToCommunity
amIChatAdmin = chatContentModule.amIChatAdmin()
chatId = chatContentModule.chatDetails.id
chatName = chatContentModule.chatDetails.name
chatDescription = chatContentModule.chatDetails.description
chatEmoji = chatContentModule.chatDetails.emoji
chatColor = chatContentModule.chatDetails.color
2022-09-07 12:03:51 +02:00
chatIcon = chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
chatType = chatContentModule.chatDetails.type
chatMuted = chatContentModule.chatDetails.muted
channelPosition = chatContentModule.chatDetails.position
onMuteChat: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on mute chat from context menu - chat content module is not set")
2023-05-26 15:54:10 +03:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
onUnmuteChat: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on unmute chat from context menu - chat content module is not set")
onMarkAllMessagesRead: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on mark all messages read from context menu - chat content module is not set")
onClearChatHistory: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on clear chat history from context menu - chat content module is not set")
onRequestAllHistoricMessages: {
// Not Refactored Yet - Check in the `master` branch if this is applicable here.
onLeaveChat: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on leave chat from context menu - chat content module is not set")
onDeleteCommunityChat: root.rootStore.removeCommunityChat(chatId)
onDownloadMessages: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on leave chat from context menu - chat content module is not set")
onDisplayProfilePopup: {
2024-02-06 11:31:36 +02:00
onDisplayEditChannelPopup: {
root.displayEditChannelPopup(chatId, chatName, chatDescription,
chatEmoji, chatColor,
chatCategoryId, channelPosition,
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
onAddRemoveGroupMember: {
2023-01-17 20:13:03 +03:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
2023-11-29 09:55:03 +00:00
onRequestMoreMessages: {
2022-09-30 17:36:49 +03:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
onUpdateGroupChatDetails: {
Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 1
implicitHeight: 24
color: Theme.palette.directColor7
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
visible: (menuButton.visible || membersButton.visible || searchButton.visible)
// Chat toolbar content option 1:
Component {
id: statusChatInfoButton
StatusChatInfoButton {
2022-10-24 14:53:42 -04:00
readonly property string emojiIcon: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.emoji : "" // Needed for test
2024-01-26 07:54:30 -08:00
readonly property string assetName: chatContentModule && Utils.addTimestampToURL(chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon)
2022-10-24 14:53:42 -04:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
objectName: "chatInfoBtnInHeader"
2022-11-17 10:55:49 +01:00
title: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.name : ""
2022-09-23 00:18:15 +02:00
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
subTitle: {
return ""
// In some moment in future this should be part of the backend logic.
2023-01-20 14:01:32 -05:00
// (once we add translation on the backend side)
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
switch (chatContentModule.chatDetails.type) {
case Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat:
2022-09-07 12:03:51 +02:00
return qsTr("%n member(s)", "", chatContentModule.usersModule.model.count)
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
case Constants.chatType.communityChat:
2022-09-12 18:35:20 +02:00
return SQUtils.Utils.linkifyAndXSS(chatContentModule.chatDetails.description).trim()
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
return ""
2024-01-26 07:54:30 -08:00
asset.name: assetName
2022-12-13 13:45:26 +03:00
asset.isImage: chatContentModule && chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon !== ""
asset.isLetterIdenticon: chatContentModule && chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon === ""
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
ringSettings.ringSpecModel: chatContentModule && chatContentModule.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ?
Utils.getColorHashAsJson(chatContentModule.chatDetails.id) : ""
2022-08-11 14:55:08 +03:00
asset.color: chatContentModule?
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
chatContentModule.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ?
: chatContentModule.chatDetails.color
: ""
2022-10-24 14:53:42 -04:00
asset.emoji: emojiIcon
2022-08-11 14:55:08 +03:00
asset.emojiSize: "24x24"
2023-03-27 20:55:26 +04:00
type: chatContentModule ? chatContentModule.chatDetails.type : Constants.chatType.unknown
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
pinnedMessagesCount: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.pinnedMessagesModel.count : 0
muted: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.muted : false
onPinnedMessagesCountClicked: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
2022-09-19 10:40:02 +02:00
console.warn("error on open pinned messages - chat content module is not set")
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
2023-03-27 20:55:26 +04:00
const chatId = type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? chatContentModule.getMyChatId() : ""
Global.openPinnedMessagesPopupRequested(rootStore, messageStore, chatContentModule.pinnedMessagesModel, "", chatId)
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
onUnmute: {
if(!chatContentModule) {
console.debug("error on unmute chat - chat content module is not set")
2022-09-14 12:41:29 +02:00
hoverEnabled: {
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
return false
2023-01-20 14:01:32 -05:00
return chatContentModule.chatDetails.type !== Constants.chatType.communityChat &&
2022-09-08 09:49:24 +02:00
chatContentModule.chatDetails.type !== Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
onClicked: {
switch (chatContentModule.chatDetails.type) {
case Constants.chatType.oneToOne:
2023-01-04 01:23:29 +01:00
onLinkActivated: Global.openLink(link)
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
// Chat toolbar content option 2:
Component {
2022-09-06 15:19:50 +02:00
id: membersSelector
MembersEditSelectorView {
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00
rootStore: root.rootStore
2022-11-08 09:36:08 +01:00
usersStore: UsersStore {
usersModule: root.chatContentModule.usersModule
2022-09-06 15:19:50 +02:00
onConfirmed: root.state = d.stateInfoButtonContent
onRejected: root.state = d.stateInfoButtonContent
2022-08-09 18:08:39 +03:00