128 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0
IssuePill {
id: root
// request timestamp
required property date timestamp
onTimestampChanged: Qt.callLater(reset)
// expiration timeout in seconds; min 5 minutes, max 7 days
required property int expirationSeconds
onExpirationSecondsChanged: Qt.callLater(reset)
readonly property bool isExpired: expirationSeconds > 0 && d.secsDiff <= 0
readonly property int remainingSeconds: d.secsDiff
signal expired
iconLoaderComponent: StatusCircularProgressBar {
value: d.progress
primaryColor: root.baseColor
secondaryColor: root.background.border.color
implicitHeight: 32
text: d.secsDiff < 0 ? qsTr("Expired") : d.formatSeconds(d.secsDiff + 1)
type: {
if (d.secsDiff < 60) // under 1 minute
return CountdownPill.Type.Error
if (d.secsDiff < 60 * 5) // under 5 minutes
return CountdownPill.Type.Warning
return CountdownPill.Type.Primary
font.family: Theme.palette.codeFont.name
function reset() {
if (expirationSeconds === 0) {
const newTimestamp = timestamp
newTimestamp.setSeconds(newTimestamp.getSeconds() + expirationSeconds)
d.expirationTimestamp = newTimestamp
d.ticker = 0
d.secsDiff = 0
console.warn("!!! RESET at:", timestamp, "; expires:", d.expirationTimestamp)
if (d.expirationTimestamp <= new Date()) {
console.warn("Expiration time set in past, or expired already on:", d.expirationTimestamp)
d.secsDiff = -1
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property real progress: d.secsDiff >= 0 ? d.secsDiff/(d.expirationTimestamp.valueOf() - timestamp.valueOf()) * 1000
: 0
property var expirationTimestamp: root.timestamp
property int secsDiff
property int ticker
function formatSeconds(seconds) {
const isoString = new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString()
const days = Math.floor(seconds/86400)
const hrs = parseInt(isoString.substring(11, 13))
const mins = parseInt(isoString.substring(14, 16))
var result = []
if (days > 0)
result.push(qsTr("%1d", "x days").arg(days))
if (hrs > 0)
result.push(qsTr("%1h", "x hours").arg(hrs))
if (mins > 0) {
if (days === 0 && hrs === 0 ) // long form
result.push(qsTr("%nmin(s)", "", mins))
result.push(qsTr("%1m", "x minutes").arg(mins))
if (days === 0 && hrs === 0 && mins === 0) {
const secs = parseInt(isoString.substring(17, 19))
if (secs >= 0)
result.push(qsTr("%nsec(s)", "", secs))
return result.join(" ")
Timer {
id: timer
repeat: true
interval: 1000
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
d.secsDiff = (d.expirationTimestamp.valueOf() - root.timestamp.valueOf() - d.ticker*1000)/1000
console.warn("!!! REMAINING SECS:", d.secsDiff, "; PROGRESS:", d.progress)
if (d.secsDiff < 0) { // we let it run 1 more second to finish the animation
StatusToolTip {
id: tooltip
visible: root.hovered && !!text
text: root.isExpired ? qsTr("Expired on: %1").arg(LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(d.expirationTimestamp))
: qsTr("Expires on: %1").arg(LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(d.expirationTimestamp))