2020-06-17 15:18:31 -04:00
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
import "../../../../shared"
import "../../../../imports"
2020-06-02 11:54:46 +02:00
import "../components"
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
Rectangle {
2020-06-02 14:00:38 +02:00
property string channelNameStr: "#" + chatsModel.activeChannel.id
2020-08-14 08:08:09 -04:00
property int iconSize: 16
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
id: chatTopBarContent
2020-07-13 14:45:54 -04:00
color: Style.current.background
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
height: 56
Layout.fillWidth: true
2020-07-13 14:45:54 -04:00
border.color: Style.current.border
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
border.width: 1
2020-06-02 11:54:46 +02:00
ChannelIcon {
id: channelIcon
2020-06-09 17:20:42 -04:00
channelName: chatsModel.activeChannel.name
2020-06-02 14:00:38 +02:00
channelType: chatsModel.activeChannel.chatType
channelIdenticon: chatsModel.activeChannel.identicon
2020-07-15 12:09:20 -04:00
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
2020-06-19 14:21:02 -04:00
StyledTextEdit {
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
id: channelName
width: 80
height: 20
2020-08-07 15:26:51 -04:00
text: {
switch(chatsModel.activeChannel.chatType) {
case Constants.chatTypePublic: return channelNameStr;
case Constants.chatTypeOneToOne: return Utils.removeStatusEns(chatsModel.activeChannel.name)
default: return chatsModel.activeChannel.name
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
anchors.left: channelIcon.right
2020-07-02 11:14:31 -04:00
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
anchors.top: parent.top
2020-07-02 11:14:31 -04:00
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 15
selectByMouse: true
readOnly: true
2020-06-19 14:06:58 -04:00
StyledText {
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
id: channelIdentifier
2020-07-02 11:14:31 -04:00
color: Style.current.darkGrey
2020-06-09 11:48:17 -04:00
text: {
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "Public chat"
case Constants.chatTypePublic: return qsTrId("public-chat")
case Constants.chatTypeOneToOne: return (profileModel.isAdded(chatsModel.activeChannel.id) ?
//% "Contact"
qsTrId("chat-is-a-contact") :
//% "Not a contact"
2020-06-11 13:50:36 -04:00
case Constants.chatTypePrivateGroupChat:
2020-06-12 11:08:30 -04:00
let cnt = chatsModel.activeChannel.members.rowCount();
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "%1 members"
if(cnt > 1) return qsTrId("%1-members").arg(cnt);
//% "1 member"
return qsTrId("1-member");
2020-06-12 11:33:32 -04:00
default: return "...";
2020-06-09 11:48:17 -04:00
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
font.pixelSize: 12
anchors.left: channelIcon.right
2020-07-02 11:14:31 -04:00
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
anchors.top: channelName.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 0
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
Rectangle {
id: moreActionsBtnContainer
width: 40
height: 40
radius: Style.current.radius
color: Style.current.transparent
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
StyledText {
id: moreActionsBtn
text: "..."
font.letterSpacing: 0.5
font.bold: true
lineHeight: 1.4
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
font.pixelSize: 25
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
MouseArea {
2020-07-09 13:36:42 -04:00
property bool menuOpened: false
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
2020-07-13 14:45:54 -04:00
parent.color = Style.current.border
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
onExited: {
parent.color = Style.current.transparent
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
onClicked: {
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
var menu = chatContextMenu;
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
if(chatsModel.activeChannel.chatType === Constants.chatTypePrivateGroupChat){
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
menu = groupContextMenu
2020-07-09 13:36:42 -04:00
if (!menuOpened) {
menu.arrowX = menu.width - 40
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
menu.popup(moreActionsBtn.x, moreActionsBtn.height)
2020-07-09 13:36:42 -04:00
menuOpened = true
} else {
menuOpened = false
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
PopupMenu {
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
id: chatContextMenu
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
onClosed: {
mouseArea.menuOpened = false
2020-06-18 11:47:30 +02:00
Action {
icon.source: "../../../img/close.svg"
2020-07-10 14:49:14 -04:00
icon.width: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
icon.height: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "Clear history"
text: qsTrId("clear-history")
2020-06-18 11:47:30 +02:00
onTriggered: chatsModel.clearChatHistory(chatsModel.activeChannel.id)
2020-06-17 15:18:31 -04:00
Action {
2020-07-09 14:26:50 -04:00
icon.source: "../../../img/delete.svg"
2020-07-10 14:49:14 -04:00
icon.width: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
icon.height: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
2020-07-09 14:26:50 -04:00
icon.color: Style.current.red
2020-07-16 11:20:29 -04:00
//% "Delete Chat"
text: qsTrId("delete-chat")
2020-08-10 15:06:46 +02:00
onTriggered: {
//% "Delete Chat"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.title = qsTrId("delete-chat")
//% "Delete Chat"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.confirmButtonLabel = qsTrId("delete-chat")
2020-08-26 11:52:26 -04:00
//% "Are you sure you want to delete this chat?"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.confirmationText = qsTrId("delete-chat-confirmation")
2020-08-10 15:06:46 +02:00
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
PopupMenu {
id: groupContextMenu
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
onClosed: {
mouseArea.menuOpened = false
2020-06-17 15:18:31 -04:00
Action {
2020-06-11 13:50:36 -04:00
icon.source: "../../../img/group_chat.svg"
2020-07-10 14:49:14 -04:00
icon.width: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
icon.height: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "Group Information"
text: qsTrId("group-information")
2020-06-11 13:50:36 -04:00
onTriggered: groupInfoPopup.open()
2020-06-18 11:47:30 +02:00
Action {
icon.source: "../../../img/close.svg"
2020-07-10 14:49:14 -04:00
icon.width: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
icon.height: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "Clear history"
text: qsTrId("clear-history")
2020-06-18 11:47:30 +02:00
onTriggered: chatsModel.clearChatHistory(chatsModel.activeChannel.id)
2020-06-17 15:18:31 -04:00
Action {
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
icon.source: "../../../img/leave_chat.svg"
2020-07-10 14:49:14 -04:00
icon.width: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
icon.height: chatTopBarContent.iconSize
2020-07-06 16:39:55 -04:00
//% "Leave Group"
text: qsTrId("leave-group")
2020-08-10 15:06:46 +02:00
onTriggered: {
//% "Leave group"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.title = qsTrId("leave-group")
//% "Leave group"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.confirmButtonLabel = qsTrId("leave-group")
2020-08-26 11:52:26 -04:00
//% "Are you sure you want to leave this chat?"
deleteChatConfirmationDialog.confirmationText = qsTrId("are-you-sure-you-want-to-leave-this-chat-")
2020-08-10 15:06:46 +02:00
2020-06-10 15:41:03 -04:00
2020-06-11 13:50:36 -04:00
GroupInfoPopup {
id: groupInfoPopup
2020-08-06 15:37:09 +02:00
profileClick: {
2020-07-09 13:56:31 -04:00
onClosed: {
mouseArea.menuOpened = false
2020-06-11 13:50:36 -04:00
2020-08-06 15:37:09 +02:00
ProfilePopup {
id: profilePopup
onClosed: {
if (!groupInfoPopup.opened) {
2020-05-27 17:59:34 -04:00
2020-08-10 15:06:46 +02:00
ConfirmationDialog {
id: deleteChatConfirmationDialog
onConfirmButtonClicked: {
2020-06-02 11:54:46 +02:00