2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import shared.panels 1.0
import utils 1.0
ColumnLayout {
id: root
property var network
property var networksModule
2023-07-12 07:58:33 +02:00
signal evaluateRpcEndPoint(string url)
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
signal updateNetworkValues(int chainId, string newMainRpcInput, string newFailoverRpcUrl)
enum EvaluationState {
QtObject {
id: d
property int evaluationStatus: EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
property int evaluationStatusFallBackRpc: EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
property var evaluateRpcEndPoint: Backpressure.debounce(root, 400, function (value) {
2023-07-18 16:02:03 +02:00
if(!Utils.isURL(value)) {
if(value === mainRpcInput.text) {
d.evaluationStatus = EditNetworkForm.InvalidURL
else if(value === failoverRpcUrlInput.text) {
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc = EditNetworkForm.InvalidURL
2023-07-12 07:58:33 +02:00
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
function revertValues() {
warningCheckbox.checked = false
d.evaluationStatus = EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc = EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
if(!!network) {
mainRpcInput.text = network.rpcURL
failoverRpcUrlInput.text = network.fallbackURL
function getUrlStatusText(status, text) {
switch(status) {
case EditNetworkForm.Pending:
return qsTr("Checking RPC...")
case EditNetworkForm.InvalidURL:
return qsTr("What is %1? This isn’t a URL 😒").arg(text)
case EditNetworkForm.PingUnsuccessful:
return qsTr("RPC appears to be either offline or this is not a valid JSON RPC endpoint URL")
case EditNetworkForm.Verified:
return qsTr("RPC successfully reached")
default: return ""
onVisibleChanged: if(!visible) {d.revertValues()}
Connections {
target: networksModule
2023-07-12 07:58:33 +02:00
function onChainIdFetchedForUrl(url, chainId, success) {
let status = EditNetworkForm.PingUnsuccessful
if(success) {
status = EditNetworkForm.Verified
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
if(url === mainRpcInput.text) {
d.evaluationStatus = status
else if(url === failoverRpcUrlInput.text) {
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc = status
spacing: 20
StatusInput {
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Network name")
text: !!network ? network.chainName : ""
input.enabled: false
StatusInput {
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Short name")
text: !!network ? network.shortName : ""
input.enabled: false
StatusInput {
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Chain ID")
text: !!network ? network.chainId : ""
input.enabled: false
StatusInput {
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Native Token Symbol")
text: !!network ? network.nativeCurrencySymbol : ""
input.enabled: false
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
StatusBaseText {
id: requiredText
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: 4
anchors.right: parent.right
elide: Text.ElideRight
text: qsTr("Required")
font.pixelSize: 12
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
StatusInput {
id: mainRpcInput
width: parent.width
label: qsTr("Main JSON RPC URL")
2023-08-17 11:38:10 +02:00
text: {
if (!network) {
return ""
if (network.originalRpcURL == network.rpcURL) {
return network.rpcURL.replace(/(.*\/).*/, '$1')
return network.rpcURL
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
onTextChanged: {
2023-08-17 11:38:10 +02:00
if(!!text && text !== network.rpcURL.replace(/(.*\/).*/, '$1')) {
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
d.evaluationStatus = EditNetworkForm.Pending
Qt.callLater(d.evaluateRpcEndPoint, text);
errorMessageCmp.horizontalAlignment: d.evaluationStatus === EditNetworkForm.Pending ||
d.evaluationStatus === EditNetworkForm.Verified ?
Text.AlignLeft: Text.AlignRight
errorMessageCmp.visible: d.evaluationStatus !== EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
errorMessageCmp.text: d.getUrlStatusText(d.evaluationStatus, text)
errorMessageCmp.color: d.evaluationStatus === EditNetworkForm.Pending ?
d.evaluationStatus === EditNetworkForm.Verified ?
Theme.palette.successColor1 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
StatusInput {
id: failoverRpcUrlInput
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Failover JSON RPC URL")
2023-08-17 11:38:10 +02:00
text: {
if (!network) {
return ""
if (network.originalFallbackURL == network.fallbackURL) {
return network.fallbackURL.replace(/(.*\/).*/, '$1')
return network.fallbackURL
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
onTextChanged: {
2023-08-17 11:38:10 +02:00
if(!!text && text !== network.fallbackURL.replace(/(.*\/).*/, '$1')) {
2023-07-11 17:10:26 +02:00
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc = EditNetworkForm.Pending
Qt.callLater(d.evaluateRpcEndPoint, text);
errorMessageCmp.horizontalAlignment: d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc === EditNetworkForm.Pending ||
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc === EditNetworkForm.Verified ?
Text.AlignLeft: Text.AlignRight
errorMessageCmp.visible: d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc !== EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
errorMessageCmp.text: d.getUrlStatusText(d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc, text)
errorMessageCmp.color: d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc === EditNetworkForm.Pending ?
d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc === EditNetworkForm.Verified ?
Theme.palette.successColor1 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
StatusInput {
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Block Explorer")
text: !!network ? network.blockExplorerURL : ""
input.enabled: false
StatusCheckBox {
id: warningCheckbox
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("I understand that changing network settings can cause unforeseen issues, errors, security risks and potentially even loss of funds.")
checkState: Qt.Unchecked
font.pixelSize: 15
Separator {}
Row {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
spacing: 8
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Revert to default")
normalColor: "transparent"
enabled: d.evaluationStatus !== EditNetworkForm.UnTouched || d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc !== EditNetworkForm.UnTouched
onClicked: d.revertValues()
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Save Changes")
enabled: (d.evaluationStatus === EditNetworkForm.Verified || d.evaluationStatusFallBackRpc === EditNetworkForm.Verified) && warningCheckbox.checked
onClicked: root.updateNetworkValues(network.chainId, mainRpcInput.text, failoverRpcUrlInput.text)