WELCOME_SUBTITLE='You can mint custom tokens and import tokens for your community'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_1='Create remotely destructible soulbound tokens for admin permissions'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_2='Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_3='Mint tokens for use with community and channel permissions'
INFOBOX_TITLE='Get started'
INFOBOX_TEXT='In order to Mint, Import and Airdrop community tokens, you first need to mint your Owner token which will give you permissions to access the token management features for your community.'
WELCOME_SUBTITLE='You can mint custom tokens and collectibles for your community'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_1='Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_2='Incentivise joining, retention, moderation and desired behaviour'
WELCOME_CHECKLIST_ELEMENT_3='Require holding a token or NFT to obtain exclusive membership rights'
INFOBOX_TITLE='Get started'
INFOBOX_TEXT='In order to Mint, Import and Airdrop community tokens, you first need to mint your Owner token which will give you permissions to access the token management features for your community.'
MEMBER_ROLE_LIMIT_WARNING='Max of 5 ‘become member’ permissions for this Community has been reached. You will need to delete an existing ‘become member’ permission before you can add a new one.'