
279 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import shared 1.0
import utils 1.0
CalloutCard {
id: root
enum State {
enum Type {
Unknown = 0,
function getCardType(previewType, standardLinkPreview) {
switch (previewType) {
case Constants.StatusContact:
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.User
case Constants.StatusCommunity:
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Community
case Constants.StatusCommunityChannel:
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Channel
case Constants.Standard:
if (!standardLinkPreview)
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Unknown
switch (standardLinkPreview.linkType) {
case Constants.StandardLinkPreviewType.Link:
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Link
case Constants.StandardLinkPreviewType.Image:
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Image
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Unknown
return LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Unknown
required property string titleStr
required property string domain
required property string communityName
required property string channelName
required property url favIconUrl
required property url thumbnailImageUrl
required property int previewState
required property int type
readonly property bool containsMouse: mouseArea.hovered || reloadButton.hovered || closeButton.hovered
signal close()
signal retry()
signal clicked(var eventPoint)
feat: Add settings card to control link previews settings in chat input This commit adds the link preview settings card in the chat input area and connects the settings to the controller. Not included in this commit: Backend for the preserving the settings, syncing the settings and enforcing the settings on the backend side. Whenever an url is detected in the chat input area, the link preview settings card is presented. This card enables the user to choose one of the following options: 1. `Show for this message` - All the link previews in the current message will be loaded without asking again. The current message can be defined as the message currently typed/pasted in the chat input. Deleting or sending the current content is resetting this setting and the link preview settings card will be presented again when a new url is detected. 2. `Always show previews` - All the link previews will be loaded automatically. The link preview settings card will not be presented again (in the current state, this settings is enabled for the lifetime of the controller. This will change once the settings are preserved and synced) 3. `Never show previews` - No link preview will be loaded. Same as the `Always show previews` option, this will be preserved for the lifetime of the controller for now. 4. Dismiss (x button) - The link preview settings card will be dismissed. It will be loaded again when a new link preview is detected The same options can be loaded as a context menu on the link preview card. Changes: 1. Adding `LinkPreviewSettingsCard` 2. Adding the settings context menu to `LinkPreviewSettingsCard` and `LinkPreviewMiniCard` 3. Connect settings events to the nim controller 4. Adding the controller logic for settings change 5. Adding the link preview dismiss settings flag to the preserverd properties and use it as a condition to load the settings. 6. Adding/Updating corresponding storybook pages
2023-10-09 08:45:16 +00:00
signal rightClicked(var eventPoint)
implicitWidth: 260
implicitHeight: 64
verticalPadding: 15
horizontalPadding: 12
borderColor: Theme.palette.directColor7
backgroundColor: root.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor7 : Theme.palette.baseColor4
// behavior
states: [
State {
name: "invalid"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Invalid
PropertyChanges {
target: root
visible: false
State {
name: "loading"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loading
PropertyChanges { target: root; visible: true; dashedBorder: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: loadingAnimation; visible: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: titleText; text: qsTr("Generating preview..."); color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 }
PropertyChanges { target: subtitleText; visible: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: reloadButton; visible: false; }
State {
name: "loadingFailed"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.LoadingFailed
PropertyChanges { target: root; visible: true; dashedBorder: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: loadingAnimation; visible: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: titleText; text: qsTr("Failed to generate preview"); color: Theme.palette.directColor1 }
PropertyChanges { target: subtitleText; visible: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: reloadButton; visible: true; }
State {
name: "loaded"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loaded && root.type === LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Link
PropertyChanges {
target: root; visible: true; dashedBorder: false; borderWidth: 0;
backgroundColor: root.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor8 : Theme.palette.indirectColor1;
borderColor: backgroundColor;
PropertyChanges { target: loadingAnimation; visible: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: titleText; text: root.titleStr; color: Theme.palette.directColor1 }
PropertyChanges { target: subtitleText; visible: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: reloadButton; visible: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: favIcon; visible: true }
State {
name: "loadedImage"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loaded && root.type === LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Image
extend: "loaded"
PropertyChanges { target: thumbnailImage; visible: root.thumbnailImageUrl != "" }
PropertyChanges { target: favIcon; visible: true; name: root.domain; asset.isLetterIdenticon: true; asset.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2; }
State {
name: "loadedCommunity"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loaded && root.type === LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Community
extend: "loaded"
PropertyChanges { target: titleText; text: root.communityName; }
State {
name: "loadedChannel"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loaded && root.type === LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.Channel
extend: "loaded"
PropertyChanges { target: titleText; text: root.communityName; Layout.fillWidth: false; Layout.maximumWidth: Math.min(92, implicitWidth); }
PropertyChanges { target: secondTitleText; text: root.channelName; visible: true; }
State {
name: "loadedUser"
when: root.previewState === LinkPreviewMiniCard.State.Loaded && root.type === LinkPreviewMiniCard.Type.User
extend: "loaded"
PropertyChanges {
target: favIcon
visible: true
name: root.titleStr
asset.isLetterIdenticon: true
asset.charactersLen: 2
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor9
contentItem: Item {
implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight
implicitWidth: layout.implicitWidth
RowLayout {
id: layout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
LoadingAnimation {
id: loadingAnimation
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.margins: 4
visible: false
StatusSmartIdenticon {
id: favIcon
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.topMargin: 1
Layout.preferredWidth: 16
Layout.preferredHeight: 16
visible: false
name: root.titleStr root.favIconUrl
asset.letterSize: asset.charactersLen == 1 ? 10 : 7
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.leftMargin: 8
spacing: 0
RowLayout {
id: titleRow
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
spacing: 0
StatusBaseText {
id: titleText
text: root.titleStr
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize
font.weight: Font.Medium
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
elide: Text.ElideRight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
maximumLineCount: 1
StatusIcon {
id: secondTitleIcon
width: 16
height: 16
icon: "tiny/chevron-right"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
visible: secondTitleText.visible
StatusBaseText {
id: secondTitleText
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize
font.weight: Font.Medium
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
elide: Text.ElideRight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
maximumLineCount: 1
visible: false
StatusBaseText {
id: subtitleText
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
font.pixelSize: Style.current.tertiaryTextFontSize
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
text: root.domain
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
elide: Text.ElideRight
StatusRoundedImage {
id: thumbnailImage
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.rightMargin: 4
implicitWidth: 34
implicitHeight: 34
radius: 4
image.source: root.thumbnailImageUrl
visible: false
StatusFlatButton {
id: reloadButton "refresh"
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Small
hoverColor: Theme.palette.directColor8
textColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
onClicked: root.retry()
StatusFlatButton {
id: closeButton "close"
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Small
hoverColor: Theme.palette.directColor8
textColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
onClicked: root.close()
HoverHandler {
id: mouseArea
target: background
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
TapHandler {
id: tapHandler
target: background
onTapped: root.clicked(eventPoint)
feat: Add settings card to control link previews settings in chat input This commit adds the link preview settings card in the chat input area and connects the settings to the controller. Not included in this commit: Backend for the preserving the settings, syncing the settings and enforcing the settings on the backend side. Whenever an url is detected in the chat input area, the link preview settings card is presented. This card enables the user to choose one of the following options: 1. `Show for this message` - All the link previews in the current message will be loaded without asking again. The current message can be defined as the message currently typed/pasted in the chat input. Deleting or sending the current content is resetting this setting and the link preview settings card will be presented again when a new url is detected. 2. `Always show previews` - All the link previews will be loaded automatically. The link preview settings card will not be presented again (in the current state, this settings is enabled for the lifetime of the controller. This will change once the settings are preserved and synced) 3. `Never show previews` - No link preview will be loaded. Same as the `Always show previews` option, this will be preserved for the lifetime of the controller for now. 4. Dismiss (x button) - The link preview settings card will be dismissed. It will be loaded again when a new link preview is detected The same options can be loaded as a context menu on the link preview card. Changes: 1. Adding `LinkPreviewSettingsCard` 2. Adding the settings context menu to `LinkPreviewSettingsCard` and `LinkPreviewMiniCard` 3. Connect settings events to the nim controller 4. Adding the controller logic for settings change 5. Adding the link preview dismiss settings flag to the preserverd properties and use it as a condition to load the settings. 6. Adding/Updating corresponding storybook pages
2023-10-09 08:45:16 +00:00
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
onTapped: root.rightClicked(eventPoint)