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import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import utils 1.0
\qmltype SingleFeeSubscriber
\inherits QtObject
\brief Helper object that parses fees response and provides fee text and error text for single fee response
QtObject {
id: root
// Published properties
property var feesResponse
// Internal properties based on response
readonly property string feeText: {
if (!feesResponse || !Object.values(feesResponse.ethCurrency).length || !Object.values(feesResponse.fiatCurrency).length) return ""
if (feesResponse.errorCode !== Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Success && feesResponse.errorCode !== Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Balance)
return ""
return LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(feesResponse.ethCurrency)
+ " (" + LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(feesResponse.fiatCurrency) + ")"
readonly property string feeErrorText: {
if (!feesResponse) return ""
if (feesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Success) return ""
if (feesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Balance)
return qsTr("Not enough funds to make transaction")
if (feesResponse.errorCode === Constants.ComputeFeeErrorCode.Infura)
return qsTr("Infura error")
return qsTr("Unknown error")