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build: use a different colored app icon and a non-default STATUS_PORT for dev builds By default the desktop app uses port 30305, unless a value is specifically set in environment variable `STATUS_PORT`. For convenience of those developing the app and running development builds, while simultaneously running production builds (a.k.a. packaged builds, whether built locally or in CI), have `make run` invoke `bin/nim_status_client` with `STATUS_PORT=30306`. That value can still be overriden by manually invoking `make run` with a different value, e.g. `make STATUS_PORT=30307 run` and `STATUS_PORT=30307 make run` are both valid and achieve the same effect. NOTE: the port "sticks" in the database after the first clean run, so when changing ports developers will need to delete the data dir within their local repository, else the existing database for dev builds will be stuck using whatever port was used previously. In the future, we can figure out a means to always update the port setting in the database just after the login event (but see #1505). Also, for development builds use an icon (for the running app) that is orangered (`#ff4500`) instead of the official blue color. This makes it much easier to select between a running production instance and development instance when Cmd-Tab'ing (on macOS, or equiv on Linux and Windows) through open applications. Not all icons displayed at runtime have been changed in this manner for development builds, just the main application icon, and that seems to be sufficient to achieve the desired effect; though in the future we could do similar for notification icon, menu bar icon, etc.
2020-12-16 01:15:44 +00:00
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build: use a different colored app icon and a non-default STATUS_PORT for dev builds By default the desktop app uses port 30305, unless a value is specifically set in environment variable `STATUS_PORT`. For convenience of those developing the app and running development builds, while simultaneously running production builds (a.k.a. packaged builds, whether built locally or in CI), have `make run` invoke `bin/nim_status_client` with `STATUS_PORT=30306`. That value can still be overriden by manually invoking `make run` with a different value, e.g. `make STATUS_PORT=30307 run` and `STATUS_PORT=30307 make run` are both valid and achieve the same effect. NOTE: the port "sticks" in the database after the first clean run, so when changing ports developers will need to delete the data dir within their local repository, else the existing database for dev builds will be stuck using whatever port was used previously. In the future, we can figure out a means to always update the port setting in the database just after the login event (but see #1505). Also, for development builds use an icon (for the running app) that is orangered (`#ff4500`) instead of the official blue color. This makes it much easier to select between a running production instance and development instance when Cmd-Tab'ing (on macOS, or equiv on Linux and Windows) through open applications. Not all icons displayed at runtime have been changed in this manner for development builds, just the main application icon, and that seems to be sufficient to achieve the desired effect; though in the future we could do similar for notification icon, menu bar icon, etc.
2020-12-16 01:15:44 +00:00