2020-08-17 13:03:40 -04:00

216 lines
4.8 KiB

proc do_changeset_test {tn session res} {
set r [list]
foreach x $res {lappend r $x}
uplevel do_test $tn [list [subst -nocommands {
set x [list]
sqlite3session_foreach c [$session changeset] { lappend x [set c] }
set x
}]] [list $r]
proc do_patchset_test {tn session res} {
set r [list]
foreach x $res {lappend r $x}
uplevel do_test $tn [list [subst -nocommands {
set x [list]
sqlite3session_foreach c [$session patchset] { lappend x [set c] }
set x
}]] [list $r]
proc do_changeset_invert_test {tn session res} {
set r [list]
foreach x $res {lappend r $x}
uplevel do_test $tn [list [subst -nocommands {
set x [list]
set changeset [sqlite3changeset_invert [$session changeset]]
sqlite3session_foreach c [set changeset] { lappend x [set c] }
set x
}]] [list $r]
proc do_conflict_test {tn args} {
set O(-tables) [list]
set O(-sql) [list]
set O(-conflicts) [list]
set O(-policy) "OMIT"
array set V $args
foreach key [array names V] {
if {![info exists O($key)]} {error "no such option: $key"}
array set O $args
proc xConflict {args} [subst -nocommands {
lappend ::xConflict [set args]
return $O(-policy)
proc bgerror {args} { set ::background_error $args }
sqlite3session S db main
foreach t $O(-tables) { S attach $t }
execsql $O(-sql)
set ::xConflict [list]
sqlite3changeset_apply db2 [S changeset] xConflict
set conflicts [list]
foreach c $O(-conflicts) {
lappend conflicts $c
after 1 {set go 1}
vwait go
uplevel do_test $tn [list { set ::xConflict }] [list $conflicts]
S delete
proc do_common_sql {sql} {
execsql $sql db
execsql $sql db2
proc changeset_from_sql {sql {dbname main}} {
if {$dbname == "main"} {
return [sql_exec_changeset db $sql]
set rc [catch {
sqlite3session S db $dbname
db eval "SELECT name FROM $dbname.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'" {
S attach $name
db eval $sql
S changeset
} changeset]
catch { S delete }
if {$rc} {
error $changeset
return $changeset
proc patchset_from_sql {sql {dbname main}} {
set rc [catch {
sqlite3session S db $dbname
db eval "SELECT name FROM $dbname.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'" {
S attach $name
db eval $sql
S patchset
} patchset]
catch { S delete }
if {$rc} {
error $patchset
return $patchset
proc do_then_apply_sql {sql {dbname main}} {
proc xConflict args { return "OMIT" }
set rc [catch {
sqlite3session S db $dbname
db eval "SELECT name FROM $dbname.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'" {
S attach $name
db eval $sql
sqlite3changeset_apply db2 [S changeset] xConflict
} msg]
catch { S delete }
if {$rc} {error $msg}
proc do_iterator_test {tn tbl_list sql res} {
sqlite3session S db main
if {[llength $tbl_list]==0} { S attach * }
foreach t $tbl_list {S attach $t}
execsql $sql
set r [list]
foreach v $res { lappend r $v }
set x [list]
sqlite3session_foreach c [S changeset] { lappend x $c }
uplevel do_test $tn [list [list set {} $x]] [list $r]
S delete
# Compare the contents of all tables in [db1] and [db2]. Throw an error if
# they are not identical, or return an empty string if they are.
proc compare_db {db1 db2} {
set sql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY name}
set lot1 [$db1 eval $sql]
set lot2 [$db2 eval $sql]
if {$lot1 != $lot2} {
puts $lot1
puts $lot2
error "databases contain different tables"
foreach tbl $lot1 {
set col1 [list]
set col2 [list]
$db1 eval "PRAGMA table_info = $tbl" { lappend col1 $name }
$db2 eval "PRAGMA table_info = $tbl" { lappend col2 $name }
if {$col1 != $col2} { error "table $tbl schema mismatch" }
set sql "SELECT * FROM $tbl ORDER BY [join $col1 ,]"
set data1 [$db1 eval $sql]
set data2 [$db2 eval $sql]
if {$data1 != $data2} {
puts "$db1: $data1"
puts "$db2: $data2"
error "table $tbl data mismatch"
return ""
proc changeset_to_list {c} {
set list [list]
sqlite3session_foreach elem $c { lappend list $elem }
lsort $list
set ones {zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen}
set tens {{} ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety}
proc number_name {n} {
if {$n>=1000} {
set txt "[number_name [expr {$n/1000}]] thousand"
set n [expr {$n%1000}]
} else {
set txt {}
if {$n>=100} {
append txt " [lindex $::ones [expr {$n/100}]] hundred"
set n [expr {$n%100}]
if {$n>=20} {
append txt " [lindex $::tens [expr {$n/10}]]"
set n [expr {$n%10}]
if {$n>0} {
append txt " [lindex $::ones $n]"
set txt [string trim $txt]
if {$txt==""} {set txt zero}
return $txt