"""Nox sessions.""" import os import shutil import sys from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent import nox try: from nox_poetry import Session from nox_poetry import session except ImportError: message = f"""\ Nox failed to import the 'nox-poetry' package. Please install it using the following command: {sys.executable} -m pip install nox-poetry""" raise SystemExit(dedent(message)) from None package = "connector_proxy_status_im" python_versions = ["3.10", "3.9"] nox.needs_version = ">= 2021.6.6" nox.options.sessions = ( "pre-commit", "safety", "mypy", "tests", "typeguard", "xdoctest", "docs-build", ) def setup_database(session: Session) -> None: """Run database migrations against the database.""" session.env["FLASK_INSTANCE_PATH"] = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "instance", "testing" ) flask_env_key = "FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY" session.env[flask_env_key] = "super_secret_key" session.env["FLASK_APP"] = "src/connector_proxy_status_im" session.env["FLASK_ENV"] = "testing" session.run("flask", "db", "upgrade") def activate_virtualenv_in_precommit_hooks(session: Session) -> None: """Activate virtualenv in hooks installed by pre-commit. This function patches git hooks installed by pre-commit to activate the session's virtual environment. This allows pre-commit to locate hooks in that environment when invoked from git. Args: session: The Session object. """ assert session.bin is not None # noqa: S101 virtualenv = session.env.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") if virtualenv is None: return hookdir = Path(".git") / "hooks" if not hookdir.is_dir(): return for hook in hookdir.iterdir(): if hook.name.endswith(".sample") or not hook.is_file(): continue text = hook.read_text() bindir = repr(session.bin)[1:-1] # strip quotes if not ( Path("A") == Path("a") and bindir.lower() in text.lower() or bindir in text ): continue lines = text.splitlines() if not (lines[0].startswith("#!") and "python" in lines[0].lower()): continue header = dedent( f"""\ import os os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = {virtualenv!r} os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(( {session.bin!r}, os.environ.get("PATH", ""), )) """ ) lines.insert(1, header) hook.write_text("\n".join(lines)) @session(name="pre-commit", python="3.10") def precommit(session: Session) -> None: """Lint using pre-commit.""" args = session.posargs or ["run", "--all-files", "--show-diff-on-failure"] session.install( "black", "darglint", "flake8", "flake8-bandit", "flake8-bugbear", "flake8-docstrings", "flake8-rst-docstrings", "pep8-naming", "pre-commit", "pre-commit-hooks", "pyupgrade", "reorder-python-imports", ) session.run("pre-commit", *args) if args and args[0] == "install": activate_virtualenv_in_precommit_hooks(session) @session(python="3.10") def safety(session: Session) -> None: """Scan dependencies for insecure packages.""" requirements = session.poetry.export_requirements() session.install("safety") session.run("safety", "check", "--full-report", f"--file={requirements}") @session(python=python_versions) def mypy(session: Session) -> None: """Type-check using mypy.""" args = session.posargs or ["src", "tests", "docs/conf.py"] session.install(".") session.install("mypy", "pytest", "sqlalchemy-stubs") session.run("mypy", *args) if not session.posargs: session.run("mypy", f"--python-executable={sys.executable}", "noxfile.py") @session(python=python_versions) def tests(session: Session) -> None: """Run the test suite.""" session.install(".") session.install("coverage[toml]", "pytest", "pygments") try: setup_database(session) session.run("coverage", "run", "--parallel", "-m", "pytest", *session.posargs) finally: if session.interactive: session.notify("coverage", posargs=[]) @session def coverage(session: Session) -> None: """Produce the coverage report.""" args = session.posargs or ["report"] session.install("coverage[toml]") if not session.posargs and any(Path().glob(".coverage.*")): session.run("coverage", "combine") session.run("coverage", *args) @session(python=python_versions) def typeguard(session: Session) -> None: """Runtime type checking using Typeguard.""" session.install(".") session.install("pytest", "typeguard", "pygments") setup_database(session) session.env["RUN_TYPEGUARD"] = "true" session.run("pytest", *session.posargs) @session(python=python_versions) def xdoctest(session: Session) -> None: """Run examples with xdoctest.""" if session.posargs: args = [package, *session.posargs] else: args = [f"--modname={package}", "--command=all"] if "FORCE_COLOR" in os.environ: args.append("--colored=1") session.install(".") session.install("xdoctest[colors]") session.run("python", "-m", "xdoctest", *args) @session(name="docs-build", python="3.10") def docs_build(session: Session) -> None: """Build the documentation.""" args = session.posargs or ["docs", "docs/_build"] if not session.posargs and "FORCE_COLOR" in os.environ: args.insert(0, "--color") session.install(".") session.install("sphinx", "sphinx-click", "furo") build_dir = Path("docs", "_build") if build_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(build_dir) session.run("sphinx-build", *args) @session(python="3.10") def docs(session: Session) -> None: """Build and serve the documentation with live reloading on file changes.""" args = session.posargs or ["--open-browser", "docs", "docs/_build"] session.install(".") session.install("sphinx", "sphinx-autobuild", "sphinx-click", "furo") build_dir = Path("docs", "_build") if build_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(build_dir) session.run("sphinx-autobuild", *args)