mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:18:15 +00:00
0adfc8cb update spiff signal event 52d65dfc Merge pull request #346 from sartography/bugfix/update-split-task-inputs 23ca808c make sure tasks with boundary events are connected properly de427431 remove pointless parser attribute and variable 3236b5b9 change subprocess start event validation error message text a5ad0672 Merge pull request #344 from sartography/bugfix/gateway-in-loop 6b22a195 allow event definitions without refs bb843873 clean up inclusive gateway a little a7d81c02 prevent parallel gateways from waiting on descendants 802352a2 move test to proper location ebcdde95 Merge pull request #343 from sartography/feature/event-payloads 87636472 add an additional test for boundary event parent removal 41423168 add escalation event test 26c5a9bb fix message event catch check 9bd018e5 Add test case for call activities in sub processes, fixed bug (#342) 546923b4 add serialization migration for boundary events 46d41e20 add spiff payload extensions + base spec improvements a0f5fc2a remove boundary event parent 56277ff1 add event class 6de6fb2b reorganize event definitions 7db65566 fix subprocess cancel 442535ae do not allow the task trace to infinitely loop to get the trace w/ burnettk dbe41c8e Merge pull request #339 from sartography/improvement/better-subworkflow-management 6c61f20a update parent attribute name ea0a7bf4 update correlations when catching external messages f511e2dd remove unneeded method from tests 953fa63c clean up workflow methods efcdcf54 Merge pull request #338 from sartography/bugfix/triggered-multiinstance-tasks 11b78ce7 prevent errors synching children of MI tasks bbb79e05 miscellaneous improvements 3f8e8d84 split bpmn workflow into two classes 61e01201 clean up workflow attributes & methods git-subtree-dir: SpiffWorkflow git-subtree-split: 0adfc8cbaec80d36f98a4136434e960f666fcfe2
317 lines
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317 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2023 Sartography
# This file is part of SpiffWorkflow.
# SpiffWorkflow is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# SpiffWorkflow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import json
import gzip
from copy import deepcopy
from uuid import UUID
from SpiffWorkflow.task import Task
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.workflow import BpmnWorkflow, BpmnSubWorkflow
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.event import BpmnEvent
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.mixins.subworkflow_task import SubWorkflowTask
from .migration.version_migration import MIGRATIONS
from .helpers.registry import DefaultRegistry
from .helpers.dictionary import DictionaryConverter
from .process_spec import BpmnProcessSpecConverter
from .data_spec import BpmnDataObjectConverter, TaskDataReferenceConverter, IOSpecificationConverter
from .event_definition import DEFAULT_EVENT_CONVERTERS
'process': BpmnProcessSpecConverter,
'data_specs': [IOSpecificationConverter, BpmnDataObjectConverter, TaskDataReferenceConverter],
'event_definitions': DEFAULT_EVENT_CONVERTERS,
class BpmnWorkflowSerializer:
This class implements a customizable BPMN Workflow serializer, based on a Workflow Spec Converter
and a Data Converter.
The goal is to provide modular serialization capabilities.
You'll need to configure a Workflow Spec Converter with converters for any task, data, or event types
present in your workflows.
If you have implemented any custom specs, you'll need to write a converter to handle them and
replace the converter from the default confiuration with your own.
If your workflow contains non-JSON-serializable objects, you'll need to extend or replace the
default data converter with one that will handle them. This converter needs to implement
`convert` and `restore` methods.
Serialization occurs in two phases: the first is to convert everything in the workflow to a
dictionary containing only JSON-serializable objects and the second is dumping to JSON.
This means that you can call the `workflow_to_dict` or `workflow_from_dict` methods separately from
conversion to JSON for further manipulation of the state, or selective serialization of only certain
parts of the workflow more conveniently. You can of course call methods from the Workflow Spec and
Data Converters via the `spec_converter` and `data_converter` attributes as well to bypass the
overhead of converting or restoring the entire thing.
# This is the default version set on the workflow, it can be overwritten in init
VERSION = "1.3"
VERSION_KEY = "serializer_version"
def configure_workflow_spec_converter(spec_config=None, registry=None):
This method can be used to create a spec converter that uses custom specs.
The task specs may contain arbitrary data, though none of the default task specs use it. We don't
recommend that you do this, as we may disallow it in the future. However, if you have task spec data,
then you'll also need to make sure it can be serialized.
The workflow spec serializer is based on the `DictionaryConverter` in the `helpers` package. You can
create one of your own, add custom data serializtion to that and pass that in as the `registry`. The
conversion classes in the spec_config will be added this "registry" and any classes with entries there
will be serialized/deserialized.
See the documentation for `helpers.spec.BpmnSpecConverter` for more information about what's going
on here.
:param spec_config: a dictionary specifying how to save and restore any classes used by the spec
:param registry: a `DictionaryConverter` with conversions for custom data (if applicable)
config = spec_config or DEFAULT_SPEC_CONFIG
spec_converter = registry or DictionaryConverter()
for cls in config['data_specs'] + config['task_specs'] + config['event_definitions']:
return spec_converter
def __init__(self, spec_converter=None, data_converter=None, wf_class=None, sub_wf_class=None, version=VERSION,
json_encoder_cls=DEFAULT_JSON_ENCODER_CLS, json_decoder_cls=DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER_CLS):
"""Intializes a Workflow Serializer with the given Workflow, Task and Data Converters.
:param spec_converter: the workflow spec converter
:param data_converter: the data converter
:param wf_class: the workflow class
:param sub_wf_class: the subworkflow class
:param json_encoder_cls: JSON encoder class to be used for dumps/dump operations
:param json_decoder_cls: JSON decoder class to be used for loads/load operations
self.spec_converter = spec_converter if spec_converter is not None else self.configure_workflow_spec_converter()
self.data_converter = data_converter if data_converter is not None else DefaultRegistry()
self.wf_class = wf_class if wf_class is not None else BpmnWorkflow
self.sub_wf_class = sub_wf_class if sub_wf_class is not None else BpmnSubWorkflow
self.json_encoder_cls = json_encoder_cls
self.json_decoder_cls = json_decoder_cls
self.VERSION = version
def serialize_json(self, workflow, use_gzip=False):
"""Serialize the dictionary representation of the workflow to JSON.
:param workflow: the workflow to serialize
a JSON dump of the dictionary representation
dct = self.workflow_to_dict(workflow)
dct[self.VERSION_KEY] = self.VERSION
json_str = json.dumps(dct, cls=self.json_encoder_cls)
return gzip.compress(json_str.encode('utf-8')) if use_gzip else json_str
def __get_dict(self, serialization, use_gzip=False):
if isinstance(serialization, dict):
dct = serialization
elif use_gzip:
dct = json.loads(gzip.decompress(serialization), cls=self.json_decoder_cls)
dct = json.loads(serialization, cls=self.json_decoder_cls)
return dct
def deserialize_json(self, serialization, use_gzip=False):
dct = self.__get_dict(serialization, use_gzip)
return self.workflow_from_dict(dct)
def get_version(self, serialization, use_gzip=False):
dct = self.__get_dict(serialization, use_gzip)
if self.VERSION_KEY in dct:
return dct[self.VERSION_KEY]
except Exception: # Don't bail out trying to get a version, just return none.
return None
def workflow_to_dict(self, workflow):
"""Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of the workflow.
:param workflow: the workflow
a dictionary representation of the workflow
# These properties are applicable to top level & subprocesses
dct = self.process_to_dict(workflow)
# These are only used at the top-level
dct['subprocess_specs'] = dict(
(name, self.spec_converter.convert(spec)) for name, spec in workflow.subprocess_specs.items()
dct['subprocesses'] = dict(
(str(task_id), self.subworkflow_to_dict(sp)) for task_id, sp in workflow.subprocesses.items()
dct['bpmn_events'] = [self.event_to_dict(event) for event in workflow.bpmn_events]
return dct
def workflow_from_dict(self, dct):
"""Create a workflow based on a dictionary representation.
:param dct: the dictionary representation
a BPMN Workflow object
dct_copy = deepcopy(dct)
# Upgrade serialized version if necessary
if self.VERSION_KEY in dct_copy:
version = dct_copy.pop(self.VERSION_KEY)
if version in MIGRATIONS:
dct_copy = MIGRATIONS[version](dct_copy)
# Restore the top level spec and the subprocess specs
spec = self.spec_converter.restore(dct_copy.pop('spec'))
subprocess_specs = dct_copy.pop('subprocess_specs', {})
for name, wf_dct in subprocess_specs.items():
subprocess_specs[name] = self.spec_converter.restore(wf_dct)
# Create the top-level workflow
workflow = self.wf_class(spec, subprocess_specs, deserializing=True)
# Restore any unretrieve messages
workflow.bpmn_events = [ self.event_from_dict(msg) for msg in dct.get('bpmn_events', []) ]
workflow.correlations = dct_copy.pop('correlations', {})
# Restore the remainder of the workflow
workflow.data = self.data_converter.restore(dct_copy.pop('data'))
workflow.success = dct_copy.pop('success')
workflow.task_tree = self.task_tree_from_dict(dct_copy, dct_copy.pop('root'), None, workflow)
return workflow
def subworkflow_to_dict(self, workflow):
dct = self.process_to_dict(workflow)
dct['parent_task_id'] = str(workflow.parent_task_id)
return dct
def task_to_dict(self, task):
return {
'id': str(task.id),
'parent': str(task.parent.id) if task.parent is not None else None,
'children': [ str(child.id) for child in task.children ],
'last_state_change': task.last_state_change,
'state': task.state,
'task_spec': task.task_spec.name,
'triggered': task.triggered,
'internal_data': self.data_converter.convert(task.internal_data),
'data': self.data_converter.convert(task.data),
def task_from_dict(self, dct, workflow, task_spec, parent):
task = Task(workflow, task_spec, parent, dct['state'])
task.id = UUID(dct['id'])
task.last_state_change = dct['last_state_change']
task.triggered = dct['triggered']
task.internal_data = self.data_converter.restore(dct['internal_data'])
task.data = self.data_converter.restore(dct['data'])
return task
def task_tree_to_dict(self, root):
tasks = { }
def add_task(task):
dct = self.task_to_dict(task)
tasks[dct['id']] = dct
for child in task.children:
return tasks
def task_tree_from_dict(self, process_dct, task_id, parent_task, process, top_level_workflow=None, top_level_dct=None):
top = top_level_workflow or process
top_dct = top_level_dct or process_dct
task_dict = process_dct['tasks'][task_id]
task_spec = process.spec.task_specs[task_dict['task_spec']]
task = self.task_from_dict(task_dict, process, task_spec, parent_task)
if task_id == process_dct['last_task']:
process.last_task = task
if isinstance(task_spec, SubWorkflowTask) and task_id in top_dct.get('subprocesses', {}):
subprocess_spec = top.subprocess_specs[task_spec.spec]
subprocess = self.sub_wf_class(subprocess_spec, task.id, top_level_workflow, deserializing=True)
subprocess_dct = top_dct['subprocesses'].get(task_id, {})
if len(subprocess.spec.data_objects) > 0:
subprocess.data = process.data
subprocess.data = self.data_converter.restore(subprocess_dct.pop('data'))
subprocess.success = subprocess_dct.pop('success')
subprocess.correlations = subprocess_dct.pop('correlations', {})
subprocess.task_tree = self.task_tree_from_dict(subprocess_dct, subprocess_dct.pop('root'), None, subprocess, top, top_dct)
subprocess.completed_event.connect(task_spec._on_subworkflow_completed, task)
top_level_workflow.subprocesses[task.id] = subprocess
for child_task_id in task_dict['children']:
if child_task_id in process_dct['tasks']:
self.task_tree_from_dict(process_dct, child_task_id, task, process, top, top_dct)
raise ValueError(f"Task {task_id} ({task_spec.name}) has child {child_task_id}, but no such task exists")
return task
def process_to_dict(self, process):
return {
'spec': self.spec_converter.convert(process.spec),
'data': self.data_converter.convert(process.data),
'correlations': process.correlations,
'last_task': str(process.last_task.id) if process.last_task is not None else None,
'success': process.success,
'tasks': self.task_tree_to_dict(process.task_tree),
'root': str(process.task_tree.id),
def event_to_dict(self, event):
dct = {
'event_definition': self.spec_converter.convert(event.event_definition),
'payload': self.data_converter.convert(event.payload),
'correlations': dict([ (k, self.data_converter.convert(v)) for k, v in event.correlations.items() ]),
return dct
def event_from_dict(self, dct):
return BpmnEvent(
dict([ (k, self.data_converter.restore(v)) for k, v in dct['correlations'].items() ]),
) |