Dan Funk 73aed82f24 Feature/view data stores (#388)
* * Added /data-stores/ endpoint accessible by privileged users that will return a list of all data stores known to the system.
* Added a /data-stores/[type]/[name] endpoint that will return a list of all data stored within a data-store.
* Granted users with "elevated permissions" the right to access the data store.
* Added a "Data Store" link to the navigation bar beside messages.
* And a few useful tests.
* Still a little front end work to do to get it all looking pretty.

* Added a Data Store List component that, well, displays, you guessed it! A list of data stores and their contents.

Also, Carbon's paginator doesn't care how many pages you have, it's going to build the mother of all drop down lists - you got 60,000,000 records? Showing 5 at a time? It's going to be a dropdown list that contains all numbers between 1 and 12,000,000, because that makes sense! So, yea, not doing that, cutting it off at 1000 pages - you got more pages than that, the paginator can't take you there.  As you can show 100 items per page, that means you can access 100,000 items instantly.

* renaming data_store_items_list => data_store_item_list
2023-07-13 20:54:10 +05:30
2023-05-26 12:40:47 -04:00
2023-07-13 20:54:10 +05:30
2023-06-06 17:33:48 -07:00
2023-06-12 09:28:58 -07:00

Spiffworkflow Backend
|Tests| |Codecov| |pre-commit| |Black|

.. |Tests| image:: https://github.com/sartography/spiffworkflow-backend/workflows/Tests/badge.svg
   :target: https://github.com/sartography/spiffworkflow-backend/actions?workflow=Tests
   :alt: Tests
.. |Codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/sartography/spiffworkflow-backend/branch/main/graph/badge.svg
   :target: https://codecov.io/gh/sartography/spiffworkflow-backend
   :alt: Codecov
.. |pre-commit| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/pre--commit-enabled-brightgreen?logo=pre-commit&logoColor=white
   :target: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit
   :alt: pre-commit
.. |Black| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg
   :target: https://github.com/psf/black
   :alt: Black


* Backend API portion of the spiffworkflow engine webapp

Running Locally

* Install libraries using poetry:

.. code:: console

   $ poetry install

* Setup the database - uses mysql and assumes server is running by default:

.. code:: console

   $ ./bin/recreate_db clean

* Run the server:

.. code:: console

   $ ./bin/run_server_locally


* Python 3.10+
* Poetry


Contributions are very welcome.
To learn more, see the `Contributor Guide`_.


Distributed under the terms of the `MIT license`_,
*Spiffworkflow Backend* is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems,
please `file an issue`_ along with a detailed description.


This project was generated from `@cjolowicz`_'s `Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter`_ template.

.. _@cjolowicz: https://github.com/cjolowicz
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _MIT license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
.. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/
.. _Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter: https://github.com/cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python
.. _file an issue: https://github.com/sartography/spiffworkflow-backend/issues
.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/
.. github-only
.. _Contributor Guide: CONTRIBUTING.rst
.. _Usage: https://spiffworkflow-backend.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html