a547888ef run_pyl 53378437d BPMN.io -- Just show the message names not the ids - to assure we are only exposing the names. SpiffWorkflow - - start_messages function should return message names, not ids. - don't catch external thrown messages within the same workflow process - add an expected value to the Correlation Property Model so we can use this well defined class as an external communication tool (rather than building an arbitrary dictionary) - Added a "get_awaiting_correlations" to an event, so we can get a list of the correlation properties related to the workflows currently defined correlation values. - workflows.waiting_events() function now returns the above awaiting correlations as the value on returned message events Backend - Dropping MessageModel and MessageCorrelationProperties - at least for now. We don't need them to send / receive messages though we may eventually want to track the messages and correlations defined across the system - these things (which are ever changing) should not be directly connected to the Messages which may be in flux - and the cross relationships between the tables could cause unexpected and unceissary errors. Commented out the caching logic so we can turn this back on later. - Slight improvement to API Errors - MessageInstances are no longer in a many-to-many relationship with Correlations - Each message instance has a unique set of message correlations specific to the instance. - Message Instances have users, and can be linked through a "counterpart_id" so you can see what send is connected to what recieve. - Message Correlations are connected to recieving message instances. It is not to a process instance, and not to a message model. They now include the expected value and retrieval expression required to validate an incoming message. - A process instance is not connected to message correlations. - Message Instances are not always tied to a process instance (for example, a Send Message from an API) - API calls to create a message use the same logic as all other message catching code. - Make use of the new waiting_events() method to check for any new recieve messages in the workflow (much easier than churning through all of the tasks) - One giant mother of a migration. git-subtree-dir: bpmn-js-spiffworkflow git-subtree-split: a547888ef102046bab983b9004f07d4398e9a1bc
SpiffWorkflow Extensions for BPMN.js
This package provides extensions that can be applied to BPMN.js that will enable some important features of SpiffWorkflow - the Python BPMN Library for executing business processes. See below for more information.
IMPORTANT: This is a work in progress, and is not yet released.
This extension creates a BPMN editor with all the capabilities of BPMN.js and the following additions / modifications:
- Ability to insert BPMN's Data Input and Data Output Objects.
- A SpiffWorkflow centric Properties Panel for specifying scripts to run before and after a task, and for defining documentation, and Mark-up content for displaying in user and manual tasks. Among other things.
Data Input and Data Output Element
This extension will allow you to drag BPMN Data Input and Data Output elements onto the diagram and give them appropriate labels. This will generate valid BPMN elements in the underlying XML file - connecting them to the IO Specification of the process, as shown below:
<bpmn:process id="my_delightful_process" isExecutable="true">
<bpmn:dataInput id="DataInput-745019423-1" name="num_dogs" />
<bpmn:dataOutput id="DataOutput-711207596-1" name="happy_index" />
Using these data input and outputs will allow you to create processes designed to be used as Call Activities. SpiffWorkflow (in a soon-to-be released version) will pick up this information, and enforce it. So that you must provide these input variables to execute, and only the variables mentioned in the output will be passed back to the calling process.
import BpmnModeler from 'bpmn-js/lib/Modeler';
import spiffworkflow from 'bpmn-js-spiffworkflow/app/spiffworkflow';
var bpmnJS = new BpmnModeler({
additionalModules: [
moddleExtensions: {
spiffworkflowModdle: spiffModdleExtension
Run the Example
You need a NodeJS development stack with npm installed to build the project.
To install all project dependencies execute
npm install
To start the example execute
npm start
To build the example into the public
folder execute
npm run all
Integration Points
You can use the EventBus to communicate with this UI, sending and receiving messages to change
the behavior of the editor making it easier for your end users. There are many examples of
this in the app.js file.
Below is a table of all the events that are sent and accepted:
Event Name | Description | Fired or Acceped | Parameters | Description |
spiff.service_tasks.requested | Request a list of available services for service task. | Fired | - | |
spiff.service_tasks.returned | Provides a list of services. | Recieved | serviceTaskOperators | ex: [{id:'Chuck Facts', parameters[{id:'category', type:'string'}]}] |
spiff.script.edit | Request to edit a python script in some sort of facy editor. | Fired | scriptType | one of: script, preScript, postScript |
value | The actual python script | |||
element | The element that needs updating | |||
eventBus | Used by receiver to fire back an event | |||
spiff.script.update | Update a python script to a new value. | Recieved | scriptType | one of: script, preScript, postScript |
value | The updated script | |||
element | The element that needs updating | |||
spiff.markdown.edit | Request to edit markdown in a fancy editor. | Fired | element | The element that needs updating |
value | The current markdown content | |||
spiff.markdown.update | Update Markdown content for a paticular elements 'instructions'. | Recieved | element | The element that needs updating |
value | Tne updated Markdown content | |||
spiff.callactivity.edit | Requst to edit a call activity by process id. | Fired | processId | The Process the users wants to edit |
spiff.callactivity.search | Requst to search for a call activity | Fired | processUd | The currently seleted process id |
eventBus | For sending back the selected process id. | |||
spiff.callactivity.update | Update the process id from a call activity (based on search) | Received | processId | The Process the users wants to edit |
spiff.file.edit | request to edit a file, but file name. | Fired | value | The file name the user wants to edit |
spiff.dmn.edit | request to edit a dmn by process id. | Fired | value | The DMN id the user wants to edit |
spiff.json_files.requested | request a list of local json files. | Fired | optionType | The type of options required ('json' or 'dmn') |
spff.dmn_files.requested | request of list of local dmn files. | |||
spiff.json_files.returned | Return a list of available json files | Recieved | options | [{lable:'My Label', value:'1'}] |
spff.dmn_files.returned | Return a list of available dmn files. | Recieved | options | [{lable:'My Label', value:'1'}] |