# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Abels # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA import logging from .specs.Simple import Simple from .task import Task, TaskState from .util.compat import mutex from .util.event import Event from .exceptions import TaskNotFoundException, WorkflowException logger = logging.getLogger('spiff') class Workflow(object): """ The engine that executes a workflow. It is a essentially a facility for managing all branches. A Workflow is also the place that holds the data of a running workflow. """ def __init__(self, workflow_spec, deserializing=False, **kwargs): """ Constructor. :type workflow_spec: specs.WorkflowSpec :param workflow_spec: The workflow specification. :type deserializing: bool :param deserializing: set to true when deserializing to avoid generating tasks twice (and associated problems with multiple hierarchies of tasks) """ self.name = None assert workflow_spec is not None self.spec = workflow_spec self.data = {} self.outer_workflow = kwargs.get('parent', self) self.locks = {} self.last_task = None if 'Root' in workflow_spec.task_specs: root = workflow_spec.task_specs['Root'] else: root = Simple(workflow_spec, 'Root') # Setting TaskState.COMPLETED prevents the root task from being executed. self.task_tree = Task(self, root, state=TaskState.COMPLETED) start = self.task_tree._add_child(self.spec.start, state=TaskState.FUTURE) self.success = True self.debug = False # Events. self.completed_event = Event() if not deserializing: self._predict() if 'parent' not in kwargs: start.task_spec._update(start) logger.info('Initialize', extra=self.log_info()) self.task_mapping = self._get_task_mapping() def log_info(self, dct=None): extra = dct or {} extra.update({ 'workflow_spec': self.spec.name, 'workflow_name': self.spec.description, 'task_spec': '-', 'task_type': None, 'task_id': None, 'data': None, }) return extra def is_completed(self): """ Returns True if the entire Workflow is completed, False otherwise. :rtype: bool :return: Whether the workflow is completed. """ mask = TaskState.NOT_FINISHED_MASK iter = Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, mask) try: nexttask = next(iter) except StopIteration: # No waiting tasks found. return True return False def _predict(self, mask=TaskState.NOT_FINISHED_MASK): for task in Workflow.get_tasks(self,TaskState.NOT_FINISHED_MASK): task.task_spec._predict(task, mask=mask) def _get_waiting_tasks(self): waiting = Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, TaskState.WAITING) return [w for w in waiting] def _task_completed_notify(self, task): if task.get_name() == 'End': self.data.update(task.data) # Update the state of every WAITING task. for thetask in self._get_waiting_tasks(): thetask.task_spec._update(thetask) if self.completed_event.n_subscribers() == 0: # Since is_completed() is expensive it makes sense to bail # out if calling it is not necessary. return if self.is_completed(): self.completed_event(self) def _get_mutex(self, name): if name not in self.locks: self.locks[name] = mutex() return self.locks[name] def _get_task_mapping(self): task_mapping = {} for task in self.task_tree: thread_task_mapping = task_mapping.get(task.thread_id, {}) tasks = thread_task_mapping.get(task.task_spec, set()) tasks.add(task) thread_task_mapping[task.task_spec] = tasks task_mapping[task.thread_id] = thread_task_mapping return task_mapping def update_task_mapping(self): """ Update the task_mapping of workflow, make sure the method is called every time you reconstruct task instance. """ self.task_mapping = self._get_task_mapping() def set_data(self, **kwargs): """ Defines the given attribute/value pairs. """ self.data.update(kwargs) def get_data(self, name, default=None): """ Returns the value of the data field with the given name, or the given default value if the data field does not exist. :type name: str :param name: A data field name. :type default: obj :param default: Return this value if the data field does not exist. :rtype: obj :returns: The value of the data field. """ return self.data.get(name, default) def cancel(self, success=False): """ Cancels all open tasks in the workflow. :type success: bool :param success: Whether the Workflow should be marked as successfully completed. """ self.success = success cancel = [] mask = TaskState.NOT_FINISHED_MASK for task in Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, mask): cancel.append(task) for task in cancel: task.cancel() logger.info(f'Cancel with {len(cancel)} remaining', extra=self.log_info()) def get_task_spec_from_name(self, name): """ Returns the task spec with the given name. :type name: str :param name: The name of the task. :rtype: TaskSpec :returns: The task spec with the given name. """ return self.spec.get_task_spec_from_name(name) def get_tasks_from_spec_name(self, name): """ Returns all tasks whose spec has the given name. :type name: str :param name: The name of a task spec. :rtype: list[Task] :returns: A list of tasks that relate to the spec with the given name. """ return [task for task in self.get_tasks_iterator() if task.task_spec.name == name] def get_tasks(self, state=TaskState.ANY_MASK): """ Returns a list of Task objects with the given state. :type state: integer :param state: A bitmask of states. :rtype: list[Task] :returns: A list of tasks. """ return [t for t in Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, state)] def get_tasks_iterator(self, state=TaskState.ANY_MASK): """ Returns a iterator of Task objects with the given state. :type state: integer :param state: A bitmask of states. :rtype: Task.Iterator :returns: A list of tasks. """ return Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, state) def get_task_from_id(self, task_id, tasklist=None): """ Returns the task with the given id. :type id:integer :param id: The id of a task. :param tasklist: Optional cache of get_tasks for operations where we are calling multiple times as when we are deserializing the workflow :rtype: Task :returns: The task with the given id. """ if task_id is None: raise WorkflowException('task_id is None', task_spec=self.spec) tasklist = tasklist or self.task_tree for task in self.task_tree: if task.id == task_id: return task msg = 'A task with the given task_id (%s) was not found' % task_id raise TaskNotFoundException(msg, task_spec=self.spec) def run_task_from_id(self, task_id): """ Runs the task with the given id. :type task_id: integer :param task_id: The id of the Task object. """ task = self.get_task_from_id(task_id) return task.run() def reset_task_from_id(self, task_id): """ Runs the task with the given id. :type task_id: integer :param task_id: The id of the Task object. """ # Given that this is a BPMN thing it's questionable whether this belongs here at all # However, since it calls a BPMN thing on `task`, I guess I'll leave it here # At least it's not in both places any more data = {} if self.last_task and self.last_task.data: data = self.last_task.data task = self.get_task_from_id(task_id) return task.reset_token(data) def run_next(self, pick_up=True, halt_on_manual=True): """ Runs the next task. Returns True if completed, False otherwise. :type pick_up: bool :param pick_up: When True, this method attempts to choose the next task not by searching beginning at the root, but by searching from the position at which the last call of complete_next() left off. :type halt_on_manual: bool :param halt_on_manual: When True, this method will not attempt to complete any tasks that have manual=True. See :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec.__init__` :rtype: bool :returns: True if all tasks were completed, False otherwise. """ # Try to pick up where we left off. blacklist = [] if pick_up and self.last_task is not None: try: iter = Task.Iterator(self.last_task, TaskState.READY) task = next(iter) except StopIteration: task = None self.last_task = None if task is not None: if not (halt_on_manual and task.task_spec.manual): if task.run(): self.last_task = task return True blacklist.append(task) # Walk through all ready tasks. for task in Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, TaskState.READY): for blacklisted_task in blacklist: if task._is_descendant_of(blacklisted_task): continue if not (halt_on_manual and task.task_spec.manual): if task.run(): self.last_task = task return True blacklist.append(task) # Walk through all waiting tasks. for task in Task.Iterator(self.task_tree, TaskState.WAITING): task.task_spec._update(task) if not task._has_state(TaskState.WAITING): self.last_task = task return True return False def run_all(self, pick_up=True, halt_on_manual=True): """ Runs all branches until completion. This is a convenience wrapper around :meth:`complete_next`, and the pick_up argument is passed along. :type pick_up: bool :param pick_up: Passed on to each call of complete_next(). :type halt_on_manual: bool :param halt_on_manual: When True, this method will not attempt to complete any tasks that have manual=True. See :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec.__init__` """ while self.run_next(pick_up, halt_on_manual): pass def get_dump(self): """ Returns a complete dump of the current internal task tree for debugging. :rtype: str :returns: The debug information. """ return self.task_tree.get_dump() def dump(self): """ Like :meth:`get_dump`, but prints the output to the terminal instead of returning it. """ print(self.task_tree.dump()) def serialize(self, serializer, **kwargs): """ Serializes a Workflow instance using the provided serializer. :type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer` :param serializer: The serializer to use. :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: Passed to the serializer. :rtype: object :returns: The serialized workflow. """ return serializer.serialize_workflow(self, **kwargs) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state, **kwargs): """ Deserializes a Workflow instance using the provided serializer. :type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer` :param serializer: The serializer to use. :type s_state: object :param s_state: The serialized workflow. :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: Passed to the serializer. :rtype: Workflow :returns: The workflow instance. """ return serializer.deserialize_workflow(s_state, **kwargs)