"""__init__.""" import faulthandler import os import sys from typing import Any import connexion # type: ignore import flask.app import flask.json import sqlalchemy from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler # type: ignore from apscheduler.schedulers.base import BaseScheduler # type: ignore from flask.json.provider import DefaultJSONProvider from flask_cors import CORS # type: ignore from flask_mail import Mail # type: ignore from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import spiffworkflow_backend.load_database_models # noqa: F401 from spiffworkflow_backend.config import setup_config from spiffworkflow_backend.exceptions.api_error import api_error_blueprint from spiffworkflow_backend.helpers.api_version import V1_API_PATH_PREFIX from spiffworkflow_backend.models.db import db from spiffworkflow_backend.models.db import migrate from spiffworkflow_backend.routes.openid_blueprint.openid_blueprint import ( openid_blueprint, ) from spiffworkflow_backend.routes.user import set_new_access_token_in_cookie from spiffworkflow_backend.routes.user import verify_token from spiffworkflow_backend.routes.user_blueprint import user_blueprint from spiffworkflow_backend.services.authorization_service import AuthorizationService from spiffworkflow_backend.services.background_processing_service import ( BackgroundProcessingService, ) class MyJSONEncoder(DefaultJSONProvider): """MyJSONEncoder.""" def default(self, obj: Any) -> Any: """Default.""" if hasattr(obj, "serialized"): return obj.serialized elif isinstance(obj, sqlalchemy.engine.row.Row): # type: ignore return_dict = {} for row_key in obj.keys(): row_value = obj[row_key] if hasattr(row_value, "serialized"): return_dict.update(row_value.serialized) elif hasattr(row_value, "__dict__"): return_dict.update(row_value.__dict__) else: return_dict.update({row_key: row_value}) if "_sa_instance_state" in return_dict: return_dict.pop("_sa_instance_state") return return_dict return super().default(obj) def dumps(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Dumps.""" kwargs.setdefault("default", self.default) return super().dumps(obj, **kwargs) def start_scheduler( app: flask.app.Flask, scheduler_class: BaseScheduler = BackgroundScheduler ) -> None: """Start_scheduler.""" scheduler = scheduler_class() scheduler.add_job( BackgroundProcessingService(app).process_message_instances_with_app_context, "interval", seconds=10, ) scheduler.add_job( BackgroundProcessingService(app).process_waiting_process_instances, "interval", seconds=10, ) scheduler.start() def create_app() -> flask.app.Flask: """Create_app.""" faulthandler.enable() # We need to create the sqlite database in a known location. # If we rely on the app.instance_path without setting an environment # variable, it will be one thing when we run flask db upgrade in the # noxfile and another thing when the tests actually run. # instance_path is described more at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.1.x/config/ connexion_app = connexion.FlaskApp( __name__, server_args={"instance_path": os.environ.get("FLASK_INSTANCE_PATH")} ) app = connexion_app.app app.config["CONNEXION_APP"] = connexion_app app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem" if os.environ.get("FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY") is None: raise KeyError( "Cannot find the secret_key from the environment. Please set" " FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY" ) app.secret_key = os.environ.get("FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY") setup_config(app) db.init_app(app) migrate.init_app(app, db) app.register_blueprint(user_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(api_error_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(openid_blueprint, url_prefix="/openid") # preflight options requests will be allowed if they meet the requirements of the url regex. # we will add an Access-Control-Max-Age header to the response to tell the browser it doesn't # need to continually keep asking for the same path. origins_re = [ r"^https?:\/\/%s(.*)" % o.replace(".", r"\.") for o in app.config["CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS"] ] CORS(app, origins=origins_re, max_age=3600, supports_credentials=True) connexion_app.add_api("api.yml", base_path=V1_API_PATH_PREFIX) mail = Mail(app) app.config["MAIL_APP"] = mail app.json = MyJSONEncoder(app) # do not start the scheduler twice in flask debug mode if ( app.config["RUN_BACKGROUND_SCHEDULER"] and os.environ.get("WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN") != "true" ): start_scheduler(app) configure_sentry(app) app.before_request(verify_token) app.before_request(AuthorizationService.check_for_permission) app.after_request(set_new_access_token_in_cookie) return app # type: ignore def get_hacked_up_app_for_script() -> flask.app.Flask: """Get_hacked_up_app_for_script.""" os.environ["SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_ENV"] = "local_development" flask_env_key = "FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY" os.environ[flask_env_key] = "whatevs" if "BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR" not in os.environ: home = os.environ["HOME"] full_process_model_path = ( f"{home}/projects/github/sartography/sample-process-models" ) if os.path.isdir(full_process_model_path): os.environ["BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR"] = full_process_model_path else: raise Exception(f"Could not find {full_process_model_path}") app = create_app() return app def traces_sampler(sampling_context: Any) -> Any: # always inherit if sampling_context["parent_sampled"] is not None: return sampling_context["parent_sampled"] if "wsgi_environ" in sampling_context: wsgi_environ = sampling_context["wsgi_environ"] path_info = wsgi_environ.get("PATH_INFO") request_method = wsgi_environ.get("REQUEST_METHOD") # tasks_controller.task_submit # this is the current pain point as of 31 jan 2023. if ( path_info and path_info.startswith("/v1.0/tasks/") and request_method == "PUT" ): return 1 # Default sample rate for all others (replaces traces_sample_rate) return 0.01 def configure_sentry(app: flask.app.Flask) -> None: """Configure_sentry.""" import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration # get rid of NotFound errors def before_send(event: Any, hint: Any) -> Any: """Before_send.""" if "exc_info" in hint: _exc_type, exc_value, _tb = hint["exc_info"] # NotFound is mostly from web crawlers if isinstance(exc_value, NotFound): return None return event sentry_errors_sample_rate = app.config.get("SENTRY_ERRORS_SAMPLE_RATE") if sentry_errors_sample_rate is None: raise Exception("SENTRY_ERRORS_SAMPLE_RATE is not set somehow") sentry_traces_sample_rate = app.config.get("SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE") if sentry_traces_sample_rate is None: raise Exception("SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE is not set somehow") # profiling doesn't work on windows, because of an issue like https://github.com/nvdv/vprof/issues/62 profiles_sample_rate = 0 if sys.platform.startswith("win") else 1 sentry_sdk.init( dsn=app.config.get("SENTRY_DSN"), integrations=[ FlaskIntegration(), ], environment=app.config["ENV_IDENTIFIER"], # sample_rate is the errors sample rate. we usually set it to 1 (100%) # so we get all errors in sentry. sample_rate=float(sentry_errors_sample_rate), # Set traces_sample_rate to capture a certain percentage # of transactions for performance monitoring. # We recommend adjusting this value to less than 1(00%) in production. traces_sample_rate=float(sentry_traces_sample_rate), traces_sampler=traces_sampler, # The profiles_sample_rate setting is relative to the traces_sample_rate setting. _experiments={"profiles_sample_rate": profiles_sample_rate}, before_send=before_send, )