import { bootstrapPropertiesPanel } from './helpers'; import dataObjectInterceptor from '../../app/spiffworkflow/DataObject'; import { BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule } from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import { inject, } from 'bpmn-js/test/helper'; import { findDataObjects } from '../../app/spiffworkflow/DataObject/DataObjectHelpers'; import IoInterceptor from '../../app/spiffworkflow/InputOutput/IoInterceptor'; import InputOutput from '../../app/spiffworkflow/InputOutput'; describe('Input/Output Interceptor', function() { let xml = require('./bpmn/empty_diagram.bpmn').default; beforeEach(bootstrapPropertiesPanel(xml, { debounceInput: false, additionalModules: [ InputOutput, BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule, ] })); it('New Data Input should create an IOSpecification with a single dataInput object', inject(function(canvas, modeling) { expect(canvas.getRootElement().businessObject.ioSpecification); // IF - a new dataObjectReference is created let rootShape = canvas.getRootElement(); const dataInput = modeling.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:DataInput' }, { x: 220, y: 220 }, rootShape); // THEN - the process should now have an IO Specification const iospec = canvas.getRootElement().businessObject.ioSpecification; expect(iospec); expect(iospec.dataInputs.length).to.equal(1) })); it('IOSpecification always contain input sets and output sets if they exist at all.', inject(function(canvas, modeling) { expect(canvas.getRootElement().businessObject.ioSpecification); // IF - a new dataObjectReference is created let rootShape = canvas.getRootElement(); const dataInput = modeling.createShape({type: 'bpmn:DataInput'}, {x: 220, y: 220}, rootShape); // THEN - there are inputSets and outputSets const iospec = canvas.getRootElement().businessObject.ioSpecification; expect(iospec.inputSets); expect(iospec.outputSets); })); it('After removing all input sets, the ioSpecification should be null.', inject(function(canvas, modeling) { // IF - a new dataObjectReference is created and then deleted. let rootShape = canvas.getRootElement(); const dataInput = modeling.createShape({type: 'bpmn:DataInput'}, {x: 220, y: 220}, rootShape); modeling.removeShape(dataInput) expect(canvas.getRootElement().businessObject.ioSpecification); })); });