import { HeaderButton, TextAreaEntry, isTextFieldEntryEdited, ListGroup, } from '@bpmn-io/properties-panel'; import { useService } from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import { ScriptUnitTestArray } from './ScriptUnitTestArray'; export const SCRIPT_TYPE = { bpmn: 'bpmn:script', pre: 'spiffworkflow:preScript', post: 'spiffworkflow:postScript', }; function PythonScript(props) { const { element, id } = props; const { type } = props; const { moddle, commandStack } = props; const { label } = props; const { description } = props; const translate = useService('translate'); const debounce = useService('debounceInput'); const getValue = () => { return getScriptString(element, type); }; const setValue = (value) => { updateScript(commandStack, moddle, element, type, value); }; return TextAreaEntry({ id, element, description: translate(description), label: translate(label), getValue, setValue, debounce, }); } function LaunchEditorButton(props) { const { element, type, moddle, commandStack } = props; const eventBus = useService('eventBus'); return HeaderButton({ className: 'spiffworkflow-properties-panel-button', onClick: () => { const script = getScriptString(element, type);'script.editor.launch', { element, scriptType: type, script, eventBus, }); // Listen for a response, to update the script. eventBus.once('script.editor.update', (event) => { updateScript( commandStack, moddle, element, event.scriptType, event.script ); }); }, children: 'Launch Editor', }); } /** * Finds the value of the given type within the extensionElements * given a type of "spiff:preScript", would find it in this, and return * the object. * * me = "100% awesome" ... * * @returns {string|null|*} */ function getScriptObject(element, scriptType) { const bizObj = element.businessObject; if (scriptType === SCRIPT_TYPE.bpmn) { return bizObj; } if (!bizObj.extensionElements) { return null; } return bizObj.extensionElements .get('values') .filter(function getInstanceOfType(e) { return e.$instanceOf(scriptType); })[0]; } function updateScript(commandStack, moddle, element, scriptType, newValue) { const { businessObject } = element; let scriptObj = getScriptObject(element, scriptType); // Create the script object if needed. if (!scriptObj) { scriptObj = moddle.create(scriptType); if (scriptType !== SCRIPT_TYPE.bpmn) { let { extensionElements } = businessObject; if (!extensionElements) { extensionElements = moddle.create('bpmn:ExtensionElements'); } scriptObj.script = newValue; extensionElements.get('values').push(scriptObj); commandStack.execute('element.updateModdleProperties', { element, moddleElement: businessObject, properties: { extensionElements, }, }); } } else { commandStack.execute('element.updateModdleProperties', { element, moddleElement: scriptObj, properties: { script: newValue, }, }); } } function getScriptString(element, scriptType) { const scriptObj = getScriptObject(element, scriptType); if (scriptObj && scriptObj.script) { return scriptObj.script; } return ''; } /** * Generates a text box and button for editing a script. * @param element The elemment that should get the script task. * @param scriptType The type of script -- can be a preScript, postScript or a BPMN:Script for script tags * @param moddle For updating the underlying xml document when needed. * @returns {[{component: (function(*)), isEdited: *, id: string, element},{component: (function(*)), isEdited: *, id: string, element}]} */ export default function getEntries(props) { const { element, moddle, scriptType, label, description, translate, commandStack, } = props; const entries = [ { id: `pythonScript_${scriptType}`, element, type: scriptType, component: PythonScript, isEdited: isTextFieldEntryEdited, moddle, commandStack, label, description, }, { id: `launchEditorButton${scriptType}`, type: scriptType, element, component: LaunchEditorButton, isEdited: isTextFieldEntryEdited, moddle, commandStack, }, ]; // do not support testing pre and post scripts at the moment if (scriptType === SCRIPT_TYPE.bpmn) { entries.push({ id: `scriptUnitTests${scriptType}`, label: translate('Unit Tests'), component: ListGroup, ...ScriptUnitTestArray({ element, moddle, translate, commandStack, }), }); } return entries; }