#!/usr/bin/env bash function error_handler() { >&2 echo "Exited with BAD EXIT CODE '${2}' in ${0} script at line: ${1}." exit "$2" } trap 'error_handler ${LINENO} $?' ERR set -o errtrace -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail # function to update single file function update_file() { local file="$1" if [[ "$file" == "./Support/FAQ.md" ]]; then echo "skipping $file since it is in a question and answer format that LLMs cannot handle. They assume you are doing few-shot learning and do not return the full doc." return fi markdown_to_ventilated_prose.py "$file" "$file" ./bin/edit "$file" markdown_to_ventilated_prose.py "$file" "$file" } while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do update_file "$file" done < <(find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0) # update_file "Support/Welcome_Messages.md" # these are long, problematic files, good for testing. # not sure why documentation.md likes to get lots of extra newlines added. # echo 'fyi, running test files, not all files' # for file in Getting_Started/quick_start.md Support/FAQ.md documentation/documentation.md; do # update_file "$file" # done