Flow_0a440h9 Flow_0a440h9 Flow_0fyg6vt Flow_1hxdywg Flow_1knmmur Flow_1hchuue Flow_0fyg6vt Flow_0vkxjxc Flow_1hxdywg Flow_1l55egz Flow_1knmmur Flow_1drgguy Flow_1hchuue Flow_0rxk9n3 Flow_1l55egz Flow_0vkxjxc Flow_1drgguy Flow_0rxk9n3 Flow_0mckkuv Flow_0mckkuv These tasks were created in the opposite order in which they are displayed.  In the XML, Task4 happens first, then 3, 2, and 1. When Parsed, the order of these tasks should be 1,2,3 and 4.