From 871d7a73deed658311b49926d5b4fe52e3d541a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jasquat
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 13:24:08 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] some more updates for searching w/ burnettk
.../components/ProcessInstanceListTable.tsx | 235 ++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 155 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/spiffworkflow-frontend/src/components/ProcessInstanceListTable.tsx b/spiffworkflow-frontend/src/components/ProcessInstanceListTable.tsx
index 083ce875..1652ca36 100644
--- a/spiffworkflow-frontend/src/components/ProcessInstanceListTable.tsx
+++ b/spiffworkflow-frontend/src/components/ProcessInstanceListTable.tsx
@@ -269,8 +269,30 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);
+ function setProcessInstancesFromResult(result: any) {
+ setRequiresRefilter(false);
+ const processInstancesFromApi = result.results;
+ setProcessInstances(processInstancesFromApi);
+ setPagination(result.pagination);
+ setProcessInstanceFilters(result.filters);
+ setReportMetadata(;
+ if ( {
+ setProcessInstanceReportSelection(;
+ }
+ // searchParams.set('key', result.hash);
+ // setSearchParams(searchParams);
+ }
const clearRefreshRef = useRef(null);
+ const stopRefreshing = (error: any) => {
+ if (clearRefreshRef.current) {
+ clearRefreshRef.current();
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ };
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
useEffect(() => {
@@ -428,24 +450,28 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
queryParamString += `&${additionalParams}`;
- HttpService.makeCallToBackend({
- path: `${processInstanceApiSearchPath}?${queryParamString}`,
- successCallback: setProcessInstancesFromResult,
- httpMethod: 'POST',
- failureCallback: stopRefreshing,
- onUnauthorized: stopRefreshing,
- postBody: {
- report_metadata: postBody,
- // report_metadata: {
- // filter_by: [
- // {
- // field_name: 'process_model_identifier',
- // field_value: 'example/with-milestones',
- // },
- // ],
- // },
- },
- });
+ const reportMetadataBase64 = searchParams.get('report_metadata_base64');
+ if (reportMetadataBase64) {
+ const reportMetadata = JSON.parse(decodeBase64(reportMetadataBase64))
+ HttpService.makeCallToBackend({
+ path: `${processInstanceApiSearchPath}?${queryParamString}`,
+ successCallback: setProcessInstancesFromResult,
+ httpMethod: 'POST',
+ failureCallback: stopRefreshing,
+ onUnauthorized: stopRefreshing,
+ postBody: {
+ report_metadata: reportMetadata,
+ // report_metadata: {
+ // filter_by: [
+ // {
+ // field_name: 'process_model_identifier',
+ // field_value: 'example/with-milestones',
+ // },
+ // ],
+ // },
+ },
+ });
+ }
function processResultForProcessModels(result: any) {
const processModelFullIdentifierFromSearchParams =
@@ -660,7 +686,10 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
const reportColumns = () => {
- return (reportMetadata as any).columns;
+ if (reportMetadata) {
+ return (reportMetadata as any).columns;
+ }
+ return null;
const reportFilterBy = () => {
@@ -674,6 +703,19 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
+ const addFieldValueToReportMetadata = (
+ postBody: ReportMetadata,
+ fieldName: string,
+ fieldValue: string
+ ) => {
+ if (fieldValue) {
+ postBody.filter_by.push({
+ field_name: fieldName,
+ field_value: fieldValue,
+ });
+ }
+ };
const applyFilter = (event: any) => {
@@ -685,7 +727,7 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
// let queryParamString = `per_page=${perPage}&page=${page}&user_filter=true`;
- let queryParamString = `per_page=${perPage}&page=${page}`;
+ const queryParamString = `per_page=${perPage}&page=${page}`;
const {
@@ -713,60 +755,94 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
// {"field_name": "has_terminal_status", "field_value": "true"},
// ],
// "order_by": ["-start_in_seconds", "-id"],
+ const postBody: ReportMetadata = {
+ columns: [],
+ filter_by: [],
+ order_by: [],
+ };
- // const postBody = {};
- if (startFromSeconds) {
- queryParamString += `&start_from=${startFromSeconds}`;
- }
- if (startToSeconds) {
- queryParamString += `&start_to=${startToSeconds}`;
- }
- if (endFromSeconds) {
- queryParamString += `&end_from=${endFromSeconds}`;
- }
- if (endToSeconds) {
- queryParamString += `&end_to=${endToSeconds}`;
- }
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(postBody, 'start_from', startFromSeconds);
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(postBody, 'start_to', startToSeconds);
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(postBody, 'end_from', endFromSeconds);
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(postBody, 'end_to', endToSeconds);
if (processStatusSelection.length > 0) {
- queryParamString += `&process_status=${processStatusSelection}`;
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(
+ postBody,
+ 'process_status',
+ processStatusSelection.join(',')
+ );
if (processModelSelection) {
- queryParamString += `&process_model_identifier=${}`;
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(
+ postBody,
+ 'process_model_identifier',
+ );
if (processInstanceReportSelection) {
- queryParamString += `&report_id=${}`;
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(
+ postBody,
+ 'report_id',
+ );
- const reportColumnsBase64 = encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(reportColumns()));
- queryParamString += `&report_columns=${reportColumnsBase64}`;
- const reportFilterByBase64 = encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(reportFilterBy()));
- queryParamString += `&report_filter_by=${reportFilterByBase64}`;
+ // console.log('reportColumns()', reportColumns())
+ // const reportColumnsBase64 = encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(reportColumns()));
+ // queryParamString += `&report_columns=${reportColumnsBase64}`;
+ postBody.columns = reportColumns();
+ // console.log('reportFilterBy()', reportFilterBy())
+ // const reportFilterByBase64 = encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(reportFilterBy()));
+ // queryParamString += `&report_filter_by=${reportFilterByBase64}`;
if (processInitiatorSelection) {
- queryParamString += `&process_initiator_username=${processInitiatorSelection.username}`;
- navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
- } else if (processInitiatorText) {
- HttpService.makeCallToBackend({
- path: targetUris.userExists,
- httpMethod: 'POST',
- postBody: { username: processInitiatorText },
- successCallback: (result: any) => {
- if (result.user_found) {
- queryParamString += `&process_initiator_username=${processInitiatorText}`;
- navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
- } else {
- setProcessInitiatorNotFoundErrorText(
- `The provided username is invalid. Please type the exact username.`
- );
- }
- },
- });
- } else {
- navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
+ // queryParamString += `&process_initiator_username=${processInitiatorSelection.username}`;
+ addFieldValueToReportMetadata(
+ postBody,
+ 'process_initiator_username',
+ processInitiatorSelection.username
+ );
+ // navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
+ // } else if (processInitiatorText) {
+ // HttpService.makeCallToBackend({
+ // path: targetUris.userExists,
+ // httpMethod: 'POST',
+ // postBody: { username: processInitiatorText },
+ // successCallback: (result: any) => {
+ // if (result.user_found) {
+ // queryParamString += `&process_initiator_username=${processInitiatorText}`;
+ // // navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
+ // } else {
+ // setProcessInitiatorNotFoundErrorText(
+ // `The provided username is invalid. Please type the exact username.`
+ // );
+ // }
+ // },
+ // });
+ // } else {
+ // navigateToNewReport(queryParamString);
+ // }
+ // http://localhost:7001/admin/process-instances/for-me?per_page=50&page=1&report_metadata_base64=eyJjb2x1bW5zIjpudWxsLCJmaWx0ZXJfYnkiOlt7ImZpZWxkX25hbWUiOiJwcm9jZXNzX3N0YXR1cyIsImZpZWxkX3ZhbHVlIjoiY29tcGxldGUifV0sIm9yZGVyX2J5IjpbXX0%3D
+ // const queryParamString = `per_page=${perPage}&page=${page}`;
+ searchParams.set('per_page', perPage.toString());
+ searchParams.set('page', page.toString());
+ const reportMetadataBase64 = encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(postBody));
+ searchParams.set('report_metadata_base64', reportMetadataBase64);
+ setSearchParams(searchParams);
+ HttpService.makeCallToBackend({
+ path: `${processInstanceApiSearchPath}?${queryParamString}`,
+ httpMethod: 'POST',
+ postBody: { report_metadata: postBody },
+ failureCallback: stopRefreshing,
+ onUnauthorized: stopRefreshing,
+ successCallback: (result: any) => {
+ setProcessInstancesFromResult(result);
+ },
+ });
const dateComponent = (
@@ -1609,6 +1685,7 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
return null;
+ let resultsTable = null;
if (pagination && (!textToShowIfEmpty || > 0)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let { page, perPage } = getPageInfoFromSearchParams(
@@ -1630,7 +1707,7 @@ export default function ProcessInstanceListTable({
- const resultsTable = (
+ resultsTable = (
- return (
- <>
- {reportColumnForm()}
- {processInstanceReportSaveTag()}
- {resultsTable}
- >
- );
- }
- if (textToShowIfEmpty) {
- return (
+ } else if (textToShowIfEmpty) {
+ resultsTable = (
- return null;
+ return (
+ <>
+ {reportColumnForm()}
+ {processInstanceReportSaveTag()}
+ {resultsTable}
+ >
+ );